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UGSMOOTH(1) FlightGear man pages UGSMOOTH(1)

UGsmooth - send UGear-formatted GPS data to a FlightGear instance

UGsmooth --help | --infile infile_name [options]... | --flight flight_dir [options]... | --serial dev_name --outfile outfile_name [options]...

UGsmooth is a utility that reads GPS data in UGear format from a text file, a directory containing flight data or from a device connected to the serial port, parses it and sends it to a FlightGear instance for replaying.

Display usage information and exit.
--infile infile_name
Read GPS data from infile_name.
--flight flight_dir
Read GPS data from the flight directory named flight_dir.
--serial dev_name
Read GPS data from the serial device named dev_name.
--outfile outfile_name
Save the data retrieved from the device to outfile_name.
--hertz frequency
Specify the frequency to use for sending data to the FlightGear instance. By default, events are sent at a frequency of 60 Hz.
--host hostname
Send the data to the FlightGear instance running on hostname.

If --host is not specified, the default is to send the data to localhost.

Send flight data model and control data as broadcast packets.
--opengc-port port
Set the port OpenGC data should be sent to. By default, data is sent to port 6000.
--fdm-port port
Set the port flight data model data should be sent to. By default, data is sent to port 5505.
--ctrls-port port
Set the port control data should be sent to. By default, data is sent to port 5506.
Calculate the aircraft heading from the GPS velocity instead of using the raw heading recorded by the device.
Calculate the ground speed from the GPS velocity instead of using the raw speed recorded by the device.
Estimate control deflections from the angular velocities instead of using the raw deflections recorded by the device.
--altitude-offset meters
Add the specified offset (in meters) to the altitude sent to FlightGear.
--skip-seconds seconds
Do not transmit the first seconds seconds of data.

This option is ignored when reading GPS data from a serial device.

Do not update the elapsed time.
Do not discard data with invalid checksums.

This option is ignored when reading GPS data from a flight directory.

Activate the special double swap logic for the (non-standard) stargate double format.

UGsmooth exits with 0 on success, with -1 if the syntax of the command-line arguments is wrong or an error occurs.

fgfs(1), GPSsmooth(1), MIDGsmooth(1)
2017-06-25 FlightGear

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