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NAMEumk ‐ Command line builder for Ultimate++ projectsSYNOPSISumk assembly package build_method [-[a] [b] [r] [s] [S] [v] [1] [2] [m] [d] [M] [l] [x] [X] [Hn]] [+FLAG[,FLAG]...] [ out ]DESCRIPTIONUmk builds package from assembly using settings from build_method and FLAGs. The resulting binary is created in out.OPTIONS
Parameter options must always form single string, e.g. "-arvs". Please note, that some options are mutually exclusive. Don't use them together unless you want to be surprised by the results. General options:
Output mode:
These options are mutually exclusive. If more of them is used then last one is used. If none is used, Debug mode is assumed. Linking mode:
These options are mutually exclusive. If more of them is used then last one is used. If none is specified, static linking is used. Exporting:
Options x and X are mutually exclusive. The last specified is used. FILES~/.upp/theide/*.varThe assembly specifications.
The build methods configurations.
EXAMPLESumk examples UWordOpens UWord (an example implementation of text proccesor)
in TheIDE.
umk examples AddressBook GCC -vasb +GUI,MT /tmp/ab Builds application AddressBook with verbose output, using
gcc(1) in debug mode, with GUI and multithreading support, links it
using shared libraries and places it in /tmp/ab.
umk uppsrc ide -2sx +GUI,MT /tmp/ide Exports Makefile and all the files needed to build TheIDE
itself (with speed optimizations) into the directory /tmp/ide/.
BUGSIf you find any bugs, please contact the developpers on our forums ( http://www.ultimatepp.org/forum ) or file a bug on projects SourceForge page ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/upp ).AUTHORSMirek Fidler, Koldo Ramirez, Tomas Rylek, Daniel KosDOCUMENTATIONFull documentation is accesible from within TheIDE and also online on http://ultimatepp.org