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UUID-CONFIG(1) Universally Unique Identifier UUID-CONFIG(1)

uuid-config - OSSP uuid API build utility

OSSP uuid 1.6.2 (04-Jul-2008)

uuid-config [--help] [--version] [--all] [--prefix] [--exec-prefix] [--bindir] [--libdir] [--includedir] [--mandir] [--datadir] [--acdir] [--cflags] [--ldflags] [--libs]

The uuid-config program is a little helper utility for easy configuring and building applications based on the uuid(3) library. It can be used to query the C compiler and linker flags which are required to correctly compile and link the application against the uuid(3) library.

uuid-config accepts the following options:
Prints the short usage information.
Prints the version number and date of the installed uuid(3) library.
Forces the output of all flags, that is, including extra flags which are not OSSP uuid specific.
Prints the installation prefix of architecture independent files
Prints the installation prefix of architecture dependent files.
Prints the installation directory of binaries.
Prints the installation directory of libraries.
Prints the installation directory of include headers.
Prints the installation directory of manual pages.
Prints the installation directory of shared data.
Prints the installation directory of autoconf data.
Prints the C compiler flags which are needed to compile the uuid(3)-based application. The output is usually added to the CFLAGS uuidiable of the applications Makefile.
Prints the linker flags (-L) which are needed to link the application with the uuid(3) library. The output is usually added to the LDFLAGS uuidiable of the applications Makefile.
Prints the library flags (-l) which are needed to link the application with the C uuid(3) library. The output is usually added to the LIBS uuidiable of the applications Makefile.

 CC      = cc
 CFLAGS  = -O `uuid-config --cflags`
 LDFLAGS = `uuid-config --ldflags`
 LIBS    = -lm `uuid-config --libs`

 all: foo
 foo: foo.o
     $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o foo foo.o $(LIBS)
 foo.o: foo.c
     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c foo.c

uuid(3), uuid(1), OSSP::uuid(3).
OSSP uuid 1.6.2 04-Jul-2008

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