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WOOB-CINEMA(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual WOOB-CINEMA(1)

woob-cinema - search movies and persons around cinema

woob cinema [-dqv] [-b backends] [-cnfs] [command [arguments..]]
woob cinema [--help] [--version]

Console application allowing to search for movies and persons on various cinema databases , list persons related to a movie, list movies related to a person and list common movies of two persons.

* allocine (AlloCiné French cinema database service)
* btmon (BTMon BitTorrent database)
* cpasbien (Cpasbien Torrents BitTorrent tracker)
* imdb (Internet Movie Database service)
* kickass (Kickass Torrents BitTorrent tracker)
* limetorrents (Limetorrents BitTorrent tracker)
* opensubtitles (Opensubtitles subtitle website)
* piratebay (The Pirate Bay BitTorrent tracker)
* podnapisi (Podnapisi movies and tv series subtitle website)
* t411 (T411 BitTorrent tracker)
* torrentz (Torrentz Search Engine.)
* tvsubtitles (Tvsubtitles subtitle website)
* yggtorrent (YGG BitTorrent tracker)

biography person_ID

Show the complete biography of a person.
casting movie_ID [ROLE]

List persons related to a movie.
If ROLE is given, filter by ROLE

Launch a debug Python shell
filmography person_ID [ROLE]

List movies of a person.
If ROLE is given, filter by ROLE
getfile_subtitle subtitle_ID [FILENAME]

Get the subtitle or archive file.
FILENAME is where to write the file. If FILENAME is '-',
the file is written to stdout.
getfile_torrent ID [FILENAME]

Get the .torrent file.
FILENAME is where to write the file. If FILENAME is '-',
the file is written to stdout.
info_movie movie_ID

Get information about a movie.
info_person person_ID

Get information about a person.
info_subtitle subtitle_ID

Get information about a subtitle.
info_torrent ID

Get information about a torrent.
movies_in_common person_ID person_ID

Get the list of common movies between two persons.
persons_in_common movie_ID movie_ID

Get the list of common persons between two movies.
releases movie_ID [COUNTRY]

Get releases dates of a movie.
If COUNTRY is given, show release in this country.
search_movie [PATTERN]

Search movies.

Default is limited to 10 results.

search_movie_subtitle language movie_ID

Search subtitles of movie_ID.

Language Abbreviation
Arabic ar Esperanto eo Irish ga Russian ru
Afrikaans af Estonian et Italian it Serbian sr
Albanian sq Filipino tl Japanese ja Slovak sk
Armenian hy Finnish fi Kannada kn Slovenian sl
Azerbaijani az French fr Korean ko Spanish es
Basque eu Galician gl Latin la Swahili sw
Belarusian be Georgian ka Latvian lv Swedish sv
Bengali bn German de Lithuanian lt Tamil ta
Bulgarian bg Greek gr Macedonian mk Telugu te
Catalan ca Gujarati gu Malay ms Thai th
Chinese zh Haitian ht Maltese mt Turkish tr
Croatian hr Hebrew iw Norwegian no Ukrainian uk
Czech cz Hindi hi Persian fa Urdu ur
Danish da Hungaric hu Polish pl Vietnamese vi
Dutch nl Icelandic is Portuguese pt Welsh cy
English en Indonesian id Romanian ro Yiddish yi

Default is limited to 10 results.

search_movie_torrent movie_ID

Search torrents of movie_ID.

Default is limited to 10 results.

search_person [PATTERN]

Search persons.

Default is limited to 10 results.

search_subtitle language [PATTERN]

Search subtitles.

Language Abbreviation
Arabic ar Esperanto eo Irish ga Russian ru
Afrikaans af Estonian et Italian it Serbian sr
Albanian sq Filipino tl Japanese ja Slovak sk
Armenian hy Finnish fi Kannada kn Slovenian sl
Azerbaijani az French fr Korean ko Spanish es
Basque eu Galician gl Latin la Swahili sw
Belarusian be Georgian ka Latvian lv Swedish sv
Bengali bn German de Lithuanian lt Tamil ta
Bulgarian bg Greek gr Macedonian mk Telugu te
Catalan ca Gujarati gu Malay ms Thai th
Chinese zh Haitian ht Maltese mt Turkish tr
Croatian hr Hebrew iw Norwegian no Ukrainian uk
Czech cz Hindi hi Persian fa Urdu ur
Danish da Hungaric hu Polish pl Vietnamese vi
Dutch nl Icelandic is Portuguese pt Welsh cy
English en Indonesian id Romanian ro Yiddish yi

Default is limited to 10 results.

search_torrent [PATTERN]

Search torrents.

Default is limited to 10 results.

backends [ACTION] [BACKEND_NAME]...

Select used backends.

ACTION is one of the following (default: list):
* enable enable given backends
* disable disable given backends
* only enable given backends and disable the others
* list list backends
* add add a backend
* register register a new account on a website
* edit edit a backend
* remove remove a backend
* list-modules list modules

cd [PATH]

Follow a path.
".." is a special case and goes up one directory.
"" is a special case and goes home.
condition [EXPRESSION | off]

If an argument is given, set the condition expression used to filter the results. See CONDITION section for more details and the expression.
If the "off" value is given, conditional filtering is disabled.

If no argument is given, print the current condition expression.

count [NUMBER | off]

If an argument is given, set the maximum number of results fetched.
NUMBER must be at least 1.
"off" value disables counting, and allows infinite searches.

If no argument is given, print the current count value.

formatter [list | FORMATTER [COMMAND] | option OPTION_NAME [on | off]]

If a FORMATTER is given, set the formatter to use.
You can add a COMMAND to apply the formatter change only to
a given command.

If the argument is "list", print the available formatters.

If the argument is "option", set the formatter options.
Valid options are: header, keys.
If on/off value is given, set the value of the option.
If not, print the current value for the option.

If no argument is given, print the current formatter.

logging [LEVEL]

Set logging level.

Availables: debug, info, warning, error.
* quiet is an alias for error
* default is an alias for warning

ls [-d] [-U] [PATH]

List objects in current path.
If an argument is given, list the specified path.
Use -U option to not sort results. It allows you to use a "fast path" to
return results as soon as possible.
Use -d option to display information about a collection (and to not
display the content of it). It has the same behavior than the well
known UNIX "ls" command.

Default is limited to 40 results.


Quit the application.
select [FIELD_NAME]... | "$direct" | "$full"

If an argument is given, set the selected fields.
$direct selects all fields loaded in one http request.
$full selects all fields using as much http requests as necessary.

If no argument is given, print the currently selected fields.

show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-b BACKENDS, --backends=BACKENDS
what backend(s) to enable (comma separated)
what backend(s) to exclude (comma separated)
-I, --insecure
do not validate SSL
Use NSS instead of OpenSSL
Automatically check for updates when a bug in a module is encountered

-d, --debug
display debug messages. Set up it twice to more verbosity
-q, --quiet
display only error messages
-v, --verbose
display info messages
file to save logs
-a, --save-responses
save every response
log browser session cookies after login

filter result items to display given a boolean expression. See CONDITION section for the syntax
-n COUNT, --count=COUNT
limit number of results (from each backends)
-s SELECT, --select=SELECT
select result item keys to display (comma separated)

select output formatter (csv, htmltable, json, json_line, movie_info, movie_list, movie_releases, multiline, person_bio, person_info, person_list, simple, subtitle_info, subtitle_list, table, torrent_info, torrent_list, webkit)
do not display header
do not display item keys
file to export result

The -c and --condition is a flexible way to filter and get only interesting results. It supports conditions on numerical values, dates, durations and strings. Dates are given in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format. Durations look like XhYmZs where X, Y and Z are integers. Any of them may be omitted. For instance, YmZs, XhZs or Ym are accepted. The syntax of one expression is "field operator value". The field to test is always the left member of the expression.

The field is a member of the objects returned by the command. For example, a bank account has "balance", "coming" or "label" fields.

Test if object.field is equal to the value.
Test if object.field is not equal to the value.
Test if object.field is greater than the value. If object.field is date, return true if value is before that object.field.
Test if object.field is less than the value. If object.field is date, return true if value is after that object.field.
This operator is available only for string fields. It works like the Unix standard grep command, and returns True if the pattern specified in the value is in object.field.

You can make a expression combinations with the keywords " AND ", " OR " an " LIMIT ".

The LIMIT keyword can be used to limit the number of items upon which running the expression. LIMIT can only be placed at the end of the expression followed by the number of elements you want.

woob bank ls --condition 'label=Livret A'
Display only the "Livret A" account.

woob bank ls --condition 'balance>10000'
Display accounts with a lot of money.

woob bank history account@backend --condition 'label|rewe'
Get transactions containing "rewe".

woob bank history account@backend --condition 'date>2013-12-01 AND date<2013-12-09'
Get transactions betweens the 2th December and 8th December 2013.

woob bank history account@backend --condition 'date>2013-12-01 LIMIT 10'
Get transactions after the 2th December in the last 10 transactions

Copyright(C) 2013-2021 Julien Veyssier

For full copyright information see the COPYING file in the woob package.


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11 April 2021 woob-cinema 3.0

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