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XSysStats(1) |
FreeBSD General Commands Manual |
XSysStats(1) |
xsysstats - displays system statistics in a strip graph.
xsysstats -type type -geometry geometry -display
display -name name -title title -border value
-background color -baseline color -color color
-foreground color -host hostname -min min -max max
-sample sample_time -allnames -samescale -hidelabels -hidehosts -scale
value -ruler seconds -solid -showmax
-splitwidthxheight -window number -defcolor graphtype
color -wtitle name
XSysStats is a tool to show various system statistics. It shows them in the form
of a strip graph in a window.
It can show multiple graphs in one window, and the graphs can be
detailing information about several machines.
At the bottom of the window, what graph types and their scale is
displayed. These are displayed in the color of the graph.
While XSysStats is running, graphs will be downscaled and upscaled
as require. And upscale doubles the graph scale, and only occurs when a new
point is beyond the graph bounds.
Downscaling occurs when the running average falls below the scale,
and all points on the graph are less than half the present scale.
Downscaling halves the scale of the graph.
Upscaling and Downscaling by default do not occur on graphs of cpu
time. Scaling can further be controlled by the -min and -max arguments.
A black and white display system will not likely be able to make
much sense of multiple graphs in the same window. However, using the -split
option can be used to create several windows, each detailing a different
Note: unlike many programs, the order the command line arguments are given in is
relevant. The -host, -color, -min and -max operate on the last -type argument
given. Also, at least one -type argument needs to be supplied before -host,
-color, -min or -max can be used, otherwise an error will result.
- -type type
- This is the type of graph to display. The types are:
collisions: number of incoming ethernet collisions since last
context: number of context switches per second
cpu: percentage of cpu time being used
scpu, ucpu, ncpu, icpu: Displays percentage of system, user,
and niced cpu that is being used. Note that icpu is the same as
just cpu but
that icpu is inverted - if the system is 80% idle, the graph will
show 20% use.
disk: number of disk transfers per second
errors: number of incoming ethernet errors since last
interrupts: average number of device interrupts, per
load1, load5, load15: The average number of jobs in the load
queue for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
packets: number of incoming + outgoing ethernet packets per
packetsi: number of incoming ethernet packets per second. This
was formerly just known as 'packets'
packetso: number of outgoing ethernet packets per second
pagei: page ins since last update. This was formally called
just 'page'
apagei: average page ins per second.
pageo: page outs since last update
apageo: average page outs per second.
swap: swap ins and outs since last update
swapi: swap ins since last update. This was formally just
called 'swap'.
swapo: swap outs since last update.
Instead of just the type name, a host name can be appended to
graph information from that host (see -host below.) Syntax would be
-type page@host to graph page information from 'host'.
Note: Unlike perfmeter, collisions, errors, page and swap are
not averaged over the sample time. This is a personal preference on my
part, to be able to see the activity in these fields more clearly. For
this reason, the scale of these graphs may appear different than
perfmeter if the sample time is not one second.
Multiple graphs are selected by specifying multiple -type
arguments. The graphs are graphed in the order of the -type arguments.
This means that the first -type graph given will be drawn first, and
graphs specified later will overwrite this graph data. The graph which
you want to see most clearly should be the last -type argument.
- -geometry geometry
- The geometry of the window.
- -allnames
- This forces the hostname for all hosts to be displayed along with the
graph type at the bottom of the window, including the localhost.
- -display display
- what screen/system to display the window on.
- -name name
- Set the application resource name to name. Default is the name of
the executable.
- -title title
- Set the window manager title to title.
- -background color
- background color of the window.
- -baseline color
- this tells XSysStats to draw a baseline of color color. The
baseline is a zero line, the minimum value any graph can have.
- -border vlaue
- this sets border width between graphs (when using -split mode) as well as
spacing between graphs and the window edge. By default, this value is 1.
This is a global value, and can not be set on a graph by graph bases.
- -color color
- this sets the color of the last graph specified with the -type
- -defclor graphtype color
- this sets the default color for all graphs of graphtype to
color. This can be very useful for situation where you are
displaying information for many systems in -split mode. The -color option
can be used to override individual graph colors.
- -foreground color
- this sets the default foreground color. Any graphs that do not have a
-color argument specified will use this color instead.
- -hidehosts
- Don't show hostnames for any host when displaying labels. Removes clutter
if all graphs are of the same host.
- -hidelabels
- Prevent all graph labels and scale from being drawn at the bottom of the
screen. Makes better use of space. Limited use if you need to know the
scale of the graph and the graphs scale changes. Certain keys can toggle
the labels on or off while running. See the section below on KEYBOARD
CONTROL for more information.
- -host host
- this specifies the host to report information on. It applies to the last
-type argument given. There is no checking done to see if this is a valid
host. If no hosts exists with the host name, then the graph for
which this host applied will not be graphed in any reasonable fashion.
This option is now obsolete, -type graph@host can now be used
- -min min
- this is the minimum value the last graph specified by -type will downscale
- -max max
- this is the maximum value the graph specified by -type will scale to. If
points are beyond this scale, they will be drawn out of bounds.
If both min and max are the same, the graph will never change
scale. By default, most graphs have a min value of 2 and a very large
max value. The cpu graph is the one exception, both its min and max
value is 100.
- -ruler seconds
- This causes XSysStats to draw a ruler below the graph and above the
labels, with a mark and a label every seconds seconds. This is
useful to see how long ago an event happened. The minimum value that is
useful with a 2 second sample time is about 30 seconds. Depending on the
width and value of seconds, the left most value may have a digit or
two cut off. This is togglable at run time by pressing 'r'.
- -sample sample_time
- This is how long the program sleeps between each update. The minimum value
is 1. By default, it is 2.
- -samescale
- Graphs of similar type will always have the same scale. This can be useful
if the same -type is being used to graph information on multiple hosts. It
allows for easy comparison of the graph data.
- -scale value
- Causes dotted horizontal scale lines every value points on the
graph. Thus, if value is 32 and the scale of the graph is 64, a
dotted line will be drawn in the middle of the window. This operates on
the last -type argument given. If scale lines become too close together in
the window, value will doubled until the lines are adequately
spread out. The threshold value is about 5 pixels. If two of these lines
would be drawn closer together than that, the doubling will occur. The
value of the lines are not drawn anyplace in the window.
- -solid
- This causes the graphs to be drawn as solid lines (histograms) instead of
curves. Thus, a line is drawn from the baseline to the present value. Use
of this with multiple graphs in one window is not suggested, as they will
be drawn over each other. I also recommend using the -baseline option in
conjunction with -solid.
- -showmax
- Shows the maximum value seen so far for each graph since xsysstats was
invoked. The value is shown on the labels line (so if you have -hidelabels
set you won't see this value) next to the current scale; the format is
- -split widthxheight
- This splits the XSysStats display into several smaller windows for
graphing. All of the windows will be the same size. By using this option,
one XSysStats program can be used to graph many different things. By
default, if no -window options are used (see below), the graphs are
positioned from left to right, then top to bottom. Thus, if the split is
3x1, the first graph would be in the upper left, second in top center,
third in top right, fourth in bottom left, etc. This needs to be specified
before any -type or -window options are given for it to work
- -window window
- This specifies the window to plot all the following graphs in. If the
window has not been split (via -split), this options has no use.
Otherwise, all following graphs specified will be plotted in the window
specified until another -window option is given. The windows are numbers
the same way graphs are plotted above with -split - top left would be
window 1, then next on the top row would be 2, and so on. If a window
value of 0 is specified, then windows will be plotted as was described in
the -split command above - from left to right, top to bottom, starting at
the last window plotted before a -window options was specified.
- -wtitle title
- This sets up a default title for the bottom of the window. This can be
useful if you are displaying multiple graph types but know what the colors
XSysStats does not support any standard resource values. This is based some on
ease of programming and on usefulness of having resources.
It seems to me that very seldom will people want to have XSysStats
run with all the same resources more than once. If X Defaults were
supported, then there would also need to be a way not to use them.
While XSysStats is running, the following keys will cause various events to
- l,L
- This will toggle through the label modes. As of now, there are three modes
- None, in which case nothing is displayed. Minimal, in which the window
title (if specified) and just the scale values are displayed, but the
graph types are not, and Normal, in which case graph types with scale is
-hidelabels sets the initial state to None, and -wtitle sets
it to Minimal.
- m,M
- This will toggle display of maximum values on or off. This is the same
behavior as the -showmax command line option. Note that maximum values
aren't displayed unless labels are turned on (see above).
- r,R
- This will toggle the ruler on or off. If -ruler was not specified on the
command line, a default value of 30 seconds will be used for the ruler
- q,Q
- If XSysStats was compiled with the KEYQUIT option, this will cause
to exit. Otherwise, it does nothing.
- C-l
- (CTRL-L) Causes the window to redraw.
Valid host name checking should be done when the -host argument is specified.
Timeouts of rstat on remote hosts will pretty much stop all the
Mark Wedel (mwedel@scruz.net)
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