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Yet Another Flowmeter |
yaf deep packet inspection
yaf can examine packet payloads, capture useful information for a
specific protocol, and export it in a protocol-specific template within
yaf's SubTemplateMultiList if yaf is built with plugin support
enabled (using the --enable-plugins option to ./configure). It may be
necessary to set the LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable if the plugins
were installed in a nonstandard location.
The DPI plugin requires payload capture to be enabled with the
--max-payload option. A minimum payload capture length of 384 octets
is recommended for best results. --applabel is also required, as the
application label determines how the inspection will execute.
DPI in yaf is directly related to application labeling as
it will only perform DPI if a match was found during the application
labeling phase, and it will only execute an inspection specific to the
protocol denoted by the application label.
In order to enable DPI in yaf the following should be added
to the command line:
You can also add the option switch to specify which protocols to
perform DPI:
"--plugin-opts="53 80
The above will perform DPI for DNS, HTTP, and FTP.
DPI operates differently depending on whether the protocol is
plugin-based or regex-based in the yafApplabelRules.conf file. If the
protocol uses a regex rule for application labeling, it will have a list of
regular expressions in the yafDPIIRules.conf file that are compared against
the captured payload. Any matches are stored and later exported in an IPFIX
information element. If the protocol is based on a plugin rule, it will
store important information while it is decoding the payload using the
dynamically loaded plugin listed in the yafApplabelRules.conf file. See the
source code to the plugins included with yaf for details on the
specific protocol implementations. Some plugins will allow configurable deep
packet inspection from the yafDPIRules.conf file, such as DNP 3.0,
Ethernet/IP, and SCADA. See below for specific information on these
particular protocols.
In order to perform DPI on DNSSEC resource records, add
"DNSSEC" to the --plugin-opts option:
The yafDPIRules.conf file should be in the same location as the
yafApplabelRules.conf file. The file follows a similar format to
yafApplabelRules.conf. The file is a list of label, element pair statements. A
label statement begins with the keyword 'label', and has the following form:
label <N> element <N2>
where <N> is the application label (usually the well-known
port) found in the yafApplabelRules.conf file (an unsigned 16-bit decimal
integer in the range 0 to 65535), <N2> is the Information Element ID
found in the /usr/local/yaf/CERT_IE.h and below, and
<element-rule> is a PCRE regular expression and will be stored and
associated with the ID number preceding it. There can be multiple lines for
a single application label, however each should have a different <N2>.
There should be parentheses around the substring you want to capture and
store. If there is more than 1 set of parentheses in the regular expression,
the most outer set is the substring captured. (See PCRE documentation for
details on regular expressions and substring matching.)
To define your own information elements, use the following form:
label <N> user <E> name <element-name>
where <N> is the application label found in
yafApplabelRules.conf file. <E> is the Information Element ID in the
range of 0 to 65535 to be given to the element upon export. This number
should be unique to this file and should NOT be defined in
/usr/local/yaf/CERT_IE.h. This element will be added to the template
upon processing of this file, and must be added to the yaf collecting
process in order to properly decode the IPFIX message. <element-name>
is the name you want to give to this IPFIX Information Element. This name
can consist of letters and numbers and underscores; it can not contain
special characters or spaces. <label-rule> is the PCRE regular
expression and will be stored and associated with the Information Element ID
and name preceding it. There is a limit of 30 additional fields per protocol
that YAF will store and execute. To find out if yaf accepted your
elements, run yaf with --verbose. All user elements will be exported
using the CERT Private Enterprise Number (PEN) 6871. ONLY user labels for
protocols FTP, HTTP, IMAP, SMTP, RTSP, SSH, and SIP will be added. Elements
will be added to the template in the order they are listed in the
yafDPIRules.conf file in the form of an fbBasicList_t. By default, HTTP
exports 20 basicLists, FTP exports 5 basicLists, IMAP exports 7 basicLists,
RTSP exports 12 basicLists, SIP exports 7 basicLists, SMTP exports 11
basicLists, and 1 basicList is exported for SSH.
A "#" smybol starts a comment for the entire line. If a
rule is not properly formatted, all subsequent rules may not be processed.
It is acceptable to comment out any yaf DPI rules. yaf rules
commented out will not be executed against the payload but they will still
exist in the template and record. User-defined information elements are
added based on the configuration file at run time.
Optionally, this file may contain two limit statements to
configure the DPI plugin. A limit statement begins with the keyword 'limit',
and has the following form:
limit [field|total] <limit-value>
If the "field" label is present, the <limit-value>
will be the number of bytes yaf will export for any given field in
this file. This does not affect the DNS Deep Packet Inspection or SSL
Certificate Capture. FOr DNS, a domain name can have a maximum of 255
characters, so the limit is not configurable.
If the "total" field is present, the <limit-value>
will be the total number of bytes yaf may export from the DPI plugin.
Obviously, this number will not be larger than the --max-payload value
yaf is given at run time.
Both the field and total limits have a maximum value of 65535. If
they are larger, they will revert back to the defaults of 200 for per-field
limit and 1000 for total limit.
There are also 2 configuration parameters related to SSL export.
By default, yaf parses the X.509 certificates and exports the
information described below under SSL/TLS. If the following line is
cert_export_enabled = 1
yaf will export the full X.509 certificate in the format
described below under Full Certificate Export. Setting this variable to 1
disables the traditional SSL certificate decode and export. If the second
configuration variable is present:
cert_hash_enabled = 1
yaf will export the hash of the X.509 certificate as found
in the certificate. This is typically the SHA-256 hash of the binary
certificate but it can vary on the hashing algorithm used. The hashing
algorithm can be identified by the sslCertSignature field. If both
cert_export_enabled and cert_hash_enabled are set to 1, yaf will
export both the full X.509 certificate and perform the traditional decode of
the X.509 certificate. It is not recommended to do both. If
cert_export_enabled is set to 1, super_mediator can perform the
extraction of relevant fields as is done by yaf, plus it provides the
option to perform SHA-1 or MD5 hashes of the certificate.
Upon yaf startup and capture, you will be able to see if the rule files
and their regular expressions were accepted using the --verbose flag.
[2013-05-03 19:39:25] DPI Running for ALL Protocols
[2013-05-03 19:39:25] Reading packets from packets.pcap
[2013-05-03 19:39:25] Initializing Rules from DPI File
[2013-05-03 19:39:25] DPI rule scanner accepted 63 rules from the
DPI Rule File
An unacceptable regular expression will be brought to your
attention with the above statements. If you choose certain protocols for
inspection using the "--plugin-opts" flag,
only the appropriate rule statements will be loaded into the DPI Rule
The following options can be given to ./configure when yaf is built to
export DNS authoritative and NXDomain Responses only.
- --enable-exportDNSAuth
- Enable export of DNS Authoritative Responses only. The default is to
capture and export all DNS Responses. This flag can be used in conjunction
with --enable-exportDNSNXDomain. It is only recognized if
--plugin-name is set to the DPI plugin, application labeling is
enabled, and --max-payload is set.
- --enable-exportDNSNXDomain
- Enable export of DNS NXDomain Responses only. The default is to capture
and export all DNS Responses. This flag can be used in conjunction with
--enable-exportDNSAuth. It is only recognized if
--plugin-name is set to the DPI plugin, application labeling is
enabled, and --max-payload is set.
yaf's output consists of an IPFIX message stream. yaf uses a
variety of templates for IPFIX data records; As of yaf 2.0, yaf
uses a subTemplateMultiList to export optional information elements, such as
Deep Packet Inspection fields, relating to the flow. Below are templates that
may appear in this subTemplateMultiList depending on the application label of
the flow. For more information on yaf information elements see
yaf(1). For more information on IPFIX Structured lists,
see the Internet Draft, Export of Structured Data in IPFIX, <RFC 6313>.
Most of the elements are exported as a basicList. An IPFIX basicList
represents a list of zero or more instances of any Information Element (IE
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 959. The
following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as basicLists of variable length elements in the order
they are listed in the yafDPIRules.conf file. YAF will always export at least
5 basicLists for FTP, even if not all of the following are enabled. By
default, they will be in the following order:
- ftpReturn CERT (PEN 6871) IE 131, variable length, DPI
- FTP Commands or Replies.
- ftpUser CERT (PEN 6871) IE 132, variable length, DPI basicList
- FTP User Command Argument. This command will normally be the first command
transmitted by the user.
- ftpPass CERT (PEN 6871) IE 133, variable length, DPI basicList
- FTP Password Command Argument. This command must be preceded by the user
name command, and is usually required to complete authentication.
- ftpType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 134, variable length, DPI basicList
- FTP Data Representation Type.
- ftpRespCode CERT (PEN 6871) IE 135, variable length, DPI
- FTP Reply. This consists of a three digit number followed by some
HTTP Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 2616. The following information
elements are exported as a template in the subTemplateMultiList as basicLists
of variable length elements in the order they are listed in the
yafDPIRules.conf file. Some elements are not enabled by default. The template
will always contain at least 20 information elements even if less elements are
enabled in the configuration file. By default, the following 20 information
elements are exported in the following order:
- httpServerString CERT (PEN 6871) IE 110, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Server Response-header field. Contains information about the software
used to handle the HTTP Request.
- httpUserAgent CERT (PEN 6871) IE 111, variable length, DPI
- HTTP User-Agent Request-header field. Contains information about the user
agent originating the request.
- httpGet CERT (PEN 6871) IE 112, variable length, DPI basicList
- HTTP Method Command. Retrieves information identified by the following
- httpConnection CERT (PEN 6871) IE 113, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Connection header fields. Contains options that are desired for a
particular connection.
- httpReferer CERT (PEN 6871) IE 115, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Referer request-header field. Address (URI) of the resource which the
Request-URI was obtained.
- httpLocation CERT (PEN 6871) IE 116, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Location response-header field. Used to redirect the recipient to a
location to complete a request or identify a new resource.
- httpHost CERT (PEN 6871) IE 117, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Host Request-header. The Internet host and port number of the
resource being requested.
- httpContentLength CERT (PEN 6871) IE 118, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Content-Length header. Indicates the size of the entity-body.
- httpAge CERT (PEN 6871) IE 119, variable length, DPI basicList
- HTTP Age response-header. Argument is the sender's estimate of the time
elapsed since the response.
- httpResponse CERT (PEN 6871) IE 123, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Response Status Code. Usually a three-digit number followed by
- httpAcceptLanguage CERT (PEN 6871) IE 121, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Accept-Language Request-Header field. Restricts the set of natural
languages that preferred.
- httpAccept CERT (PEN 6871) IE 120, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Accept request-header field. Used to specify certain media types that
are acceptable for the response.
- httpContentType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 122, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Content Type entity-header field. Indicates the media type of the
- httpVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 114, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Version Number.
- httpCookie CERT (PEN 6871) IE 220, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Cookie Header Field.
- httpSetCookie CERT (PEN 6871) IE 221, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Set Cookie Header Field.
- httpAuthorization CERT (PEN 6871) IE 252, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Authorization Header Field.
- httpVia CERT (PEN 6871) IE 253, variable length, DPI basicList
- HTTP Via Header Field.
- httpX-Forwarded-For CERT (PEN 6871) IE 254, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Forwarded-For Header Field.
- httpRefresh CERT (PEN 6871) IE 256, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Refresh Header Field.
Optional HTTP Elements
The following information elements are defined but not enabled by
default. To enable any of the following fields, uncomment the line in the
yafDPIRules.conf file.
- httpExpires CERT (PEN 6871) IE 255, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Expires Header Field.
- httpIMEI CERT (PEN 6871) IE 257, variable length, DPI
- HTTP International Mobile Station Equipment Identity ID.
- httpIMSI CERT (PEN 6871) IE 258, variable length, DPI
- HTTP International Mobile Subscriber Identity
- httpMSISDN CERT (PEN 6871) IE 259, variable length, DPI
- HTTP MSISDN number, a telephone number for the SIM card in a
mobile/cellular phone.
- httpSubscriber CERT (PEN 6871) IE 260, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Mobile Subscriber Information
- httpAcceptCharset CERT (PEN 6871) IE 261, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Accept Charset Header Field.
- httpAllow CERT (PEN 6871) IE 262, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Accept Encoding Header Field.
- httpDate CERT (PEN 6871) IE 263, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Date Header Field.
- httpExpect CERT (PEN 6871) IE 265, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Expect Header Field.
- httpFrom CERT (PEN 6871) IE 266, variable length, DPI
- HTTP From Header Field.
- httpProxyAuthentication CERT (PEN 6871) IE 267, variable length,
DPI basicList
- HTTP Proxy Authentication Field.
- httpUpgrade CERT (PEN 6871) IE 268, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Upgrade Header Field.
- httpWarning CERT (PEN 6871) IE 269, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Warning Header Field.
- httpDNT CERT (PEN 6871) IE 270, variable length, DPI basicList
- HTTP DNT Header Field.
- httpX-Forwarded-Proto CERT (PEN 6871) IE 271, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Forwarded-Proto Header Field.
- httpX-Forwarded-Host CERT (PEN 6871) IE 272, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Forwarded-Host Header Field.
- httpX-Forwarded-Server CERT (PEN 6871) IE 273, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Forwarded-Server Header Field.
- httpX-DeviceID CERT (PEN 6871) IE 274, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Device ID Header Field.
- httpX-Profile CERT (PEN 6871) IE 275, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-Profile Header Field.
- httpLastModified CERT (PEN 6871) IE 276, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Last Modified Header Field.
- httpContentEncoding CERT (PEN 6871) IE 277, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Content Encoding Header Field.
- httpContentLanguage CERT (PEN 6871) IE 278, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Content Language Header Field.
- httpContentLocation CERT (PEN 6871) IE 279, variable length, DPI
- HTTP Content Location Header Field.
- httpX-UA-Compatible CERT (PEN 6871) IE 280, variable length, DPI
- HTTP X-UA-Compatible Header Field.
IMAP Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 3501. The following information
elements are exported as a template in the subTemplateMultiList as basicLists
of variable length elements in the order they are listed in the
yafDPIRules.conf file. yaf will always export at least 7 fields in the
IMAP template and data record. By default, yaf exports the following
fields in order:
- imapCapability CERT (PEN 6871) IE 136, variable length, DPI
- IMAP Capability Command and Response. Captures the listing of capabilities
that the server supports.
- imapLogin CERT (PEN 6871) IE 137, variable length, DPI
- IMAP Login Command. Arguments are user name and password.
- imapStartTLS CERT (PEN 6871) IE 138, variable length, DPI
- IMAP STARTTLS Command. Captures this command only as no arguments or
responses are related.
- imapAuthenticate CERT (PEN 6871) IE 139, variable length, DPI
- IMAP Authenticate Command. Captures the authentication mechanism name of
the server following this command.
- imapCommand CERT (PEN 6871) IE 140, variable length, DPI
- Captures a variety of IMAP Commands and their arguments.
- imapExists CERT (PEN 6871) IE 141, variable length, DPI
- IMAP Exists Response. Reports the number of messages in the mailbox.
- imapRecent CERT (PEN 6871) IE 142, variable length, DPI
- IMAP Recent Response. Reports the number of message with the Recent flag
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 2326.
The following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as basicLists of variable length elements in the order
they are listed in the yafDPIRules.conf file. yaf will always export at
least 12 information elements in the RTSP template and data record. By
default, the following information elements are exported in order:
- rtspURL CERT (PEN 6871) IE 143, variable length, DPI basicList
- RTSP URL. Captures the address of the network resources requested.
- rtspVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 144, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Version Number.
- rtspReturnCode CERT (PEN 6871) IE 145, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Status-Line. Captures the RTSP Protocol version, numeric status code,
and the textual phrase associated with the numeric code.
- rtspContentLength CERT (PEN 6871) IE 146, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Content-Length Header Field. Contains the length of the content of
the method.
- rtspCommand CERT (PEN 6871) IE 147, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Command. Captures the method to be performed and the Request-URI
associated with the method.
- rtspContentType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 148, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Content Type.
- rtspTransport CERT (PEN 6871) IE 149, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Transport request header field. Captures the transport protocol used
and the parameters that follow.
- rtspCSeq CERT (PEN 6871) IE 150, variable length, DPI
- RTSP CSeq field. Contains the sequence number for an RTSP request-response
- rtspLocation CERT (PEN 6871)IE 151, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Location header field.
- rtspPacketsReceived CERT (PEN 6871) IE 152, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Packets Received header field.
- rtspUserAgent CERT (PEN 6871) IE 153, variable length, DPI
- RTSP User Agent field. Contains information about the user agent
originating the request.
- rtspJitter CERT (PEN 6871) IE 154, variable length, DPI
- RTSP Jitter Value.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 3261.
The following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as basicLists of variable length elements in the order
listed in yafDPIRules.conf. yaf will always export at least 7
information elements in the SIP template and data record. By default, the
following information elements are exported in order:
- sipInvite CERT (PEN 6871) IE 155, variable length, DPI
- SIP Invite Method. Contains the SIP address and SIP Version Number.
- sipCommand CERT (PEN 6871) IE 156, variable length, DPI
- SIP Command. Contains a SIP Method, SIP address, and SIP Version
- sipVia CERT (PEN 6871) IE 157, variable length, DPI basicList
- SIP Via contains the SIP Version Number and the address the sender is
expecting to receive responses.
- sipMaxForwards CERT (PEN 6871) IE 158, variable length, DPI
- SIP Max Forwards contains the limit of number of hops a request can make
on the way to its destination.
- sipAddress CERT (PEN 6871) IE 159, variable length, DPI
- SIP Address contains the argument of the To, From, or Contact Header
- sipContentLength CERT (PEN 6871) IE 160, variable length, DPI
- SIP Content Length header field. Contains the byte count of the message
- sipUserAgent CERT (PEN 6871) IE 161, variable length, DPI
- SIP User Agent Header Field. Contains information about the User Agent
Client originating the request.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC
2821. The following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as basicLists of variable length elements in the order
they are listed in the yafDPIRules.conf file. yaf will always export at
least 11 information elements in the SMTP template and data record. By
default, the following information elements are exported in order:
- smtpHello CERT (PEN 6871) IE 162, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Hello or Extend Hello command. Captures the command and the domain
name of the SMTP client.
- smtpFrom CERT (PEN 6871) IE 163, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Mail Command. Contains the reverse-path of the sender mailbox.
- smtpTo CERT (PEN 6871) IE 164, variable length, DPI basicList
- The SMTP Recipient (RCPT) Command. Captures the command and the
forward-path of the recipient of the mail data.
- smtpContentType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 165, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Content Type Header Field.
- smtpSubject CERT (PEN 6871) IE 166, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Subject. Contains the subject of the mail data.
- smtpFilename CERT (PEN 6871) IE 167, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Filename. Contains the name of the file attached to the mail
- smtpContentDisposition CERT (PEN 6871) IE 168, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Content-Disposition Header field.
- smtpResponse CERT (PEN 6871) IE 169, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Replies. Consists of a three digit number followed by text.
- smtpEnhanced CERT (PEN 6871) IE 170, variable length, DPI
- Enhanced SMTP. Contains the ESMTP command with the following
- smtpSize CERT (PEN 6871) IE 222, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Size Header Field. Contains the size in bytes of the mail data.
- smtpDate CERT (PEN 6871) IE 251, variable length, DPI
- SMTP Date Field. Added in version 2.3.
By default, yaf only exports 1 information element in the SSH template
and data record.
- sshVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 171, variable length, DPI
- SSH Version Number
Domain Name System (DNS) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 1035. DNS
Information is exported in the yaf subTemplateMultiList as a
subTemplateList of Resource Record Templates. Each resource record entry
contains generic resource record information such as type, TTL, and name.
There is also one element (subTemplateList) that contains resource record
specific information based on the type of resource record (A Record vs NS
Record, for example). The subTemplateList will contain one entry for each
resource record in the packet. Due to alignment issues, the resource record
specific element is the first element in the template and is therefore the
first item listed below. DNSSEC information is not exported by default. To
export DNSSEC information, run yaf with --plugin-opts=DNSSEC.
The following information elements exist in the DNS resource record
DNS Resource Record
The following elements (in order) are contained in the DNS
Resource Record Template.
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- An IPFIX subTemplateList. This list contains a "DNS Resource Record
Type" Template. The type of this template depends on the type
(dnsQRType) of resource record. See the DNS Resource Record Types
listed below.
- dnsQName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 179, variable length
- A DNS Query or Response Name. This field corresponds with the QNAME field
in the DNS Question Section or the NAME field in the DNS Resource Record
- dnsTTL CERT (PEN 6871) IE 199, 4 octets, unsigned
- DNS Time To Live. This is an unsigned integer that specifies the time
interval, in seconds, that the resource record may be cached for. This
will contain a value of zero for DNS Queries.
- dnsQRType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 175, 2 octets, unsigned
- DNS Query/Response Type. This corresponds with the QTYPE field in the DNS
Question Section or the TYPE field in the DNS Resource Record Section.
This field determines the type of subTemplateList found in this
- dnsQueryResponse CERT (PEN 6871) IE 174, 1 octet, unsigned
- DNS Query/Response header field. This corresponds with the DNS header one
bit field, QR. If the message is a query (0), or a response (1).
- dnsAuthoritative CERT (PEN 6871) IE 176, 1 octet, unsigned
- DNS Authoritative header field. This corresponds with the DNS header one
bit field, AA. This bit is only valid in responses (when
dnsQueryResponse is 1), and specifies that the responding name
server is an authority for the domain name in the question section.
- dnsNXDomain CERT (PEN 6871) IE 177, 1 octet, unsigned
- DNS NXDomain or Response Code (RCODE). This corresponds with the DNS RCODE
header field. This field will be set to 3 for a Name Error, 2 for a Server
Failure, 1 for a Format Error, and 0 for No Error. See
http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters for other valid
- dnsRRSection CERT (PEN 6871) IE 178, 1 octet, unsigned
- DNS Resource Record Section Field. This field will be set to 0 if the
information is from the Question Section, 1 for the Answer Section, 2 for
the Name Server Section, and 3 for the Additional Section.
- dnsID CERT (PEN 6871) IE 226, 2 octets, unsigned
- DNS Transaction ID. This identifier is used by the requester to match up
replies to outstanding queries.
DNS Resource Record Types
- •
- DNS A Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is 1 and the A
Record contains an IP address.
- sourceIPv4Address IE 8, 4 octets, unsigned
- IPv4 address of the host.
- •
- DNS NS Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is 2 and the NS
Record contains an NSDNAME.
- dnsNSDName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 183, variable length
- An authoritative name server domain-name.
- •
- DNS CNAME Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is 5 and the CNAME
Record contains an CNAME.
- dnsCName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 180, variable length
- A domain-name which specificies the canonical or primary name for the
- •
- DNS SOA Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is 6 and the SOA
Record contains at least 1 of the following elements:
- dnsSOAMName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 214, variable length
- Corresponds to DNS SOA MNAME Field.
- dnsSOARName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 215, variable length
- Corresponds to DNS SOA RNAME Field.
- dnsSOASerial CERT (PEN 6871) IE 209, 4 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to DNS SOA SERIAL Field.
- dnsSOARefresh CERT (PEN 6871) IE 210, 4 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to DNS SOA REFRESH Field.
- dnsSOARetry CERT (PEN 6871) IE 211, 4 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to DNS SOA RETRY Field.
- dnsSOAExpire CERT (PEN 6871) IE 212, 4 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to DNS SOA EXPIRE Field.
- dnsSOAMinimum CERT (PEN 6871) IE 213, 4 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to DNS SOA MINIMUM Field.
- •
- DNS PTR Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 12 and
PTRDNAME exists.
- dnsPTRDName CERT (PEN 6871) IE 184, variable length
- Corresponds to DNS PTR PTRDNAME Field.
- •
- DNS MX Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 15 and
MXExchange exists
- dnsMXExchange CERT (PEN 6871) IE 182, variable length
- Corresponds to the DNS MX Exchange field.
- dnsMXPreference CERT (PEN 6871) IE 181, 2 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to the DNS MX Preference field.
- •
- DNS TXT Resource Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 16 and
TXT-DATA exists.
- dnsTXTData CERT (PEN 6871) IE 208, variable length
- Corresponds to DNS TXT TXT-DATA field.
- •
- DNS AAAA Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 28 and the
IPv6 Address exists. See RFC 3596.
- sourceIPv6Address IE 27, 16 octets, unsigned
- An IPv6 Address found in the data portion of an AAAA Resource Record.
- •
- DNS SRV Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 33 and at
least 1 of the following elements exist. See RFC 2782.
- dnsSRVTarget CERT (PEN 6871) IE 219, variable length
- Corresponds to the Target Field in the DNS SRV Resource Record.
- dnsSRVPriority CERT (PEN 6871) IE 216, 2 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to the Priority Field in the DNS SRV Resource Record.
- dnsSRVWeight CERT (PEN 6871) IE 217, 2 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to the Weight Field in the DNS SRV Resource Record.
- dnsSRVPort CERT (PEN 6871) IE 218, 2 octets, unsigned
- Corresponds to the Port Field in the DNS SRV Resource Record.
- •
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 48 and at
least 1 of the following elements exist. See RFC 4034.
- dnsPublicKey CERT (PEN 6871) IE 232, variable length
- DNSSEC uses public key cryptography to sign and authenticate DNS resource
record sets. This field holds the public key. The format depends on the
algorithm of the key.
- dnsFlags CERT (PEN 6871) IE 241, 2 octets, unsigned
- The flags field in the DNSKey Resource Record. Certain bits determine if
the key is a zone key or should be used for a secure entry point.
- protocolIdentifier IE 4, 1 octet, unsigned
- The protocol field in the DNSKEY RR. This should be 3 or treated as
- dnsAlgorithm CERT (PEN 6871) IE 227, 1 octet, unsigned
- Identifies the public key's cryptographic algorithm, which determines it's
- •
- DNSSEC DS Record
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 43,
yaf was enabled to export DNSSEC information, and at least 1 of
the following elements exist. See RFC 4034.
- dnsDigest CERT (PEN 6871) IE 231, variable length
- The digest of the DNSKEY RR.
- dnsKeyTag CERT (PEN 6871) IE 228, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Key Tag field in the DS RR.
- dnsAlgorithm CERT (PEN 6871) IE 227, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Algorithm number of the DNSKEY RR referred to by the DS Record.
- dnsDigestType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 238, 1 octet, unsigned
- The Digest Type field which identifes the algorithm used to construct the
- •
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 47,
yaf was enabled to export DNSSEC information, and the following
field exists. See RFC 4034.
- dnsHashData CERT (PEN 6871) IE 234, variable length
- This item contains the Next Domain Name in the NSEC RR.
- •
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 50 or 51,
yaf was enabled to export DNSSEC information, and at least one of
the following fields exists. See RFC 5155.
- dnsSalt CERT (PEN 6871) IE 233, variable length
- The Salt Field in the DNSSEC NSEC3 or NSEC3PARAM RR.
- dnsHashData CERT (PEN 6871) IE 234, variable length
- The Next Hashed Owner Name in the DNSSEC NSEC3 RR. This will be empty for
NSEC3PARAM records.
- dnsIterations CERT (PEN 6871) IE 235, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Iterations field in the DNSSEC NSEC3 or NSEC3PARAM RR.
- dnsAlgorithm CERT (PEN 6871) IE 227, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Hash Algorithm field in the DNSSEC NSEC3 or NSEC3PARAM RR.
Values are described in RFC 5155.
- •
This entry will exist if dnsQRType is set to 46,
yaf was enabled to export DNSSEC information, and at least one of
the following fields exists. See RFC 4034.
- dnsSigner CERT (PEN 6871) IE 229, variable length
- The Signer's Name field in the RRSIG RR.
- dnsSignature CERT (PEN 6871) IE 230, variable length
- The Signature field in the RRSIG RR. Contains the cryptographic signature
that covers the dnsQName field.
- dnsSignatureInception CERT (PEN 6871) IE 236, 4 octets,
- The Signature Inception field in a RRSIG RR. The Expiration and Inception
fields specify a validity period for the signature.
- dnsSignatureExpiration CERT (PEN 6871) IE 237, 4 octets,
- The Signature Expiration field in a RRSIG RR. The Expiration and Inception
fields specify a validity period for the signature.
- dnsTTL CERT (PEN 6871) IE 199, 4 octets, unsigned
- The Original TTL Field in the RRSIG RR.
- dnsKeyTag CERT (PEN 6871) IE 228, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Key Tag field in a RRSIG RR.
- dnsTypeCovered CERT (PEN 6871) IE 240, 2 octets, unsigned
- The Type Covered field in a RRSIG RR.
- dnsAlgorithm CERT (PEN 6871) IE 227, 1 octet, unsigned
- The Algorithm Number field in a RRSIG RR. Identifies the algorithm used to
create the signature.
- dnsLabels CERT (PEN 6871) IE 239, 1 octet, unsigned
- The Labels field in a RRSIG RR. Specifies the number of labels in the
original RRSIG resource record owner name.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) Deep Packet Inspection
can identify and export handshake and certificate information if it is
contained in the payload of the flow. Each certificate identified by
yaf is exported as an entry in the subTemplateList field below. Each
entry in the subTemplateList has three nested subTemplateLists, one for issuer
fields, one for subject fields, and one for extension fields, along with other
basic handshake elements such as serial numbers and validity timestamps. Each
of the nested subTemplateLists contain an ID and a value. The IDs correspond
to the attributes associated with X.509 Certificates, object identifiers id-ce
and id-at.
- sslCipher CERT (PEN 6871) IE 185, 4 octets, unsigned, DPI
- sslCipher is exported by yaf as a basicList that contains the list
of CipherSuites suggested by the client in the ClientHello Message.
- sslServerCipher CERT (PEN 6871) IE 187, 4 octets, unsigned
- sslServerCipher is the CipherSuite chosen by the server in the ServerHello
- sslClientVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 186, 1 octet, unsigned
- sslClientVersion is the version it supports contained in the initial
ClientHello message.
- sslCompressionMethod CERT (PEN 6871) IE 188, 1 octet, unsigned
- sslCompressionMethod is the compression method chosen by the server in the
ServerHello message.
- sslRecordVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 288, 2 octets, unsigned
- sslRecordVersion is the version of ssl or tls that was used in the
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- This contains 0 or more X.509 Certificates as available to yaf in
the captured payload. Note that most certificate chains are about 3000
bytes. In order to capture the entire certificate chain,
--max-payload should be set appropriately.
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- The Issuer field identifies the entity that has signed and issued the
certificate. It is encoded as a sequence of Relative Distinguished Names,
which are basically type, value pairs. This list will contains zero or
more occurences of the RelativeDistinguishedName id, value pairs pulled
from the X.509 Certificate Issuer RDNSequence. There will be one entry in
the list for each pair. See below for a common list of attributes.
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- The Subject field identifies the entity associated with the public key
stored in the subject public key field. It is encoded as a sequence of
Relative Distinguished Names, which are basically type, value pairs. This
list will contains zero or more occurences of the
RelativeDistinguishedName id, value pairs pulled from the X.509
Certificate Subject RDNSequence. There will be one entry in the list for
each pair. See below for a common list of attributes.
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- Extensions are only defined for X.509 v3 certificates and provide methods
for associating additional attributes with the Issuer and Subject
information. Each extension includes an object identifier and an ASN.1
structure. This list will contain zero or more occurences of the object
ids and ASN.1 values. yaf will not parse the ASN.1 values for the
string objects, it includes the entire ASN.1 structure in the value field.
However, it does not contain the entire Extension ID. yaf only
parses extensions that are members of the id-ce arc and only exports
information about the following objects:
- id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier {id-ce 14}
- id-ce-keyUsage {id-ce 15}
- id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod {id-ce 16}
- id-ce-subjectAltName {id-ce 17}
- id-ce-issuerAltName {id-ce 18}
- id-ce-certificateIssuer {id-ce 29}
- id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints {id-ce 31}
- id-ce-certificatePolicies {id-ce 32}
- id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier {id-ce 35}
- id-ce-extKeyUsage {id-ce 37}
- sslCertSignature CERT (PEN 6871) IE 190, variable length
- The signature contained in a SSL certificate. This is typically the
hashing algorithm identifier.
- sslCertSerialNumber CERT (PEN 6871) IE 244, variable length
- The Serial Number from the X.509 certificate.
- sslCertValidityNotBefore CERT (PEN 6871) IE 247, variable
- The notBefore field in the Validity Sequence of the X.509
- sslCertValidityNotAfter CERT (PEN 6871) IE 248, variable
- The notAfter field in the Validity Sequence of the X.509 Certificate.
- sslPublicKeyAlgorithm CERT (PEN 6871) IE 249, variable length
- The algorithm, encoded in ASN.1, in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo Sequence of
the X.509 Certificate.
- sslPublicKeyLength CERT (PEN 6871) IE 250, 2 octets, unsigned
- The length of the public key in the X.509 Certificate.
- sslCertVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 189, 1 octet, unsigned
- The Certificate Version. This is the value contained in the certificate
v1(0), v2(1), v3(2).
- sslCertificateHash CERT (PEN 6871) IE 295, variable length,
- The hash of the X.509 certificate. This field is only populated if the
cert_hash_enabled is present and set to 1.
- sslServerName, CERT (PEN 6871), IE 294, variable length
- The server name from the SSL/TLS Client Hello. This is typically the name
of the server that the client is connecting to.
Issuer, Subject, and Extension Templates
Each subtemplateList for the above issuer, subject, and extension
sequences will contain zero or more entries of the below elements.
- sslObjectValue CERT (PEN 6871) IE 246, variable length
The bit strings associated with the below attribute types.
- sslObjectType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 245, 1 octet, unsigned
Above lists the extension types that yaf will export.
For the Issuer and Subject subTemplateLists, yaf only parses
objects that are members of the id-at arc {joint-iso-ccitt(2)
ds(5) 4}, pkcs-9 {iso(1) member-body (2) us(840)
rsadsi(113459) pkcs(1) 9}, and LDAP dc
0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25. This field will not contain the full object
identfier, it will just contain the member id. For example, for an
issuer common name, sslObjectType will contain 3. Below is a list
of common objects in an X.509 RelativeDistinguishedName Sequence for
X.509 Certificates:
- pkcs-9-emailAddress {pkcs-9 1}
- id-at-commonName {id-at 3}
- id-at-countryName {id-at 6}
- id-at-localityName {id-at 7}
- id-at-stateOrProvinceName {id-at 8}
- id-at-streetAddress {id-at 9}
- id-at-organizationName {id-at 10}
- id-at-organizationalUnitName {id-at 11}
- id-at-title {id-at 12}
- id-at-postalCode {id-at 17}
- 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25 {dc 25}
- id-at-name {id-at 41}
Full Certificate Template
yaf will export the full X.509 certificate if the
cert_export_enabled variable is present and set to 1 in the
configuration file. The following information is exported as an extra entry
in the subTemplateMultiList as a basicList:
- sslCertificate, CERT (PEN 6871) IE 296, variable length, DPI
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 2812. The
following information element is exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as a basicList of variable length elements in the
following order:
- ircTextMessage CERT (PEN 6871) IE 125, variable length, DPI
- IRC Chat or Join Message. This field contains any IRC Command and the
following arguments.
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC
977. The following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList in the following order:
- nntpResponse CERT (PEN 6871) IE 172, variable length
- NNTP Reply. This consists of a three digit status code and text
- nntpCommand CERT (PEN 6871) IE 173, variable length
- NNTP Command. Contains an NNTP Command and following argument(s).
Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 1939. The
following information element is exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList as a basicList of variable length elements:
- pop3TextMessage CERT (PEN 6871) IE 124, variable length, DPI
- POP3 Command and Replies. Contains any command or reply message found in
POP3 payload data.
Service Location Protocol (SLP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC 2608. The
following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList in the following order:
- slpString CERT (PEN 6871) IE 130, variable length, DPI
- Contains the text elements found in an SLP Service Request.
- slpVersion CERT (PEN 6871) IE 128, 1 octet, unsigned
- SLP Version Number.
- slpMessageType CERT (PEN 6871) IE 129, 1 octet, unsigned
- SLP Message Type. This value should be between 1 and 11 and describes the
type of SLP message.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Deep Packet Inspection is based on RFC
1350. The following information elements are exported as a template in the
subTemplateMultiList in the following order:
- tftpFilename CERT (PEN 6871) IE 126, variable length
- TFTP Name of File being transferred.
- tftpMode CERT (PEN 6871) IE 127, variable length
- Contains the mode of transfer. (Currently supported: netascii, octet,
MySQL Deep Packet Inspection is based on information found at
http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/MySQL_Internals_ClientServer_Protocol. MySQL
packet capture information is exported in the yaf subTemplateMultiList
as a subTemplateList of Command Code, Command Text pairs.
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- An IPFIX SubTemplateList. This type represents a list of zero or more
instances of a structured data type, where the data type of each list
element is the same and corresponds with a single Template Record. In this
case, a list of MySQL Command Code, Command Text Pairs. There will be one
element in the list for each MySQL Command found.
- mysqlCommandText CERT (PEN 6871) IE 225, variable length
- MySQL Command Text. For example, this can be a SELECT, INSERT, DELETE
statement. This is the first element in the MySQL subTemplateList.
- mysqlCommandCode CERT (PEN 6871) IE 224, 1 octet, unsigned
- MySQL Command Code. This number should be between 0 and 28. This is the
second element in the above MySQL subTemplateList.
- mysqlUsername CERT (PEN 6871) IE 223, variable length
- MySQL Login User Name.
Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) Deep Packet Inspection is slightly different
than other plugin-based protocols. YAF will export the following information
if the yafDPIRules.conf contain regular expressions with the label ID 20000.
The regular expressions are compared against the payload of DNP3 packets
starting with the function code in the DNP Application Layer header. YAF will
loop through all the the available DNP3 packets contained in the captured
payload. For each packet that matches one of the regular expressions listed in
yafDPIRules.conf, YAF will include an entry in the exported subTemplateList.
The subTemplateMultiList contains the following information elements in the
following order:
- subTemplateList IE 292, variable length
- An IPFIX SubTemplateList. This type represents a list of zero or more
instances of a structured data type, where the data type of each list
element is the same and corresponds with a single Template Record. There
will be one element in the list for each DNP3 packet that matches one of
the DNP3 regular expressions found in the yafDPIRules.conf file.
- dnp3SourceAddress CERT (PEN 6871) IE 281, 2 octets, unsigned
- The DNP3 Source Address found in the Data Link Layer of the DNP
- dnp3DestinationAddress CERT (PEN 6871) IE 282, 2 octets,
- The DNP3 Destination Address found in the Data Link Layer of the DNP
- dnp3Function CERT (PEN 6871) IE 283, 1 octet, unsigned
- The DNP3 Function Code found in the first byte of the Application
- dnp3ObjectData CERT (PEN 6871) IE 284, variable length
- The pattern captured from the DNP3 regular expression in
Modbus DPI is similar to DNP3 DPI. YAF will export any patterns matched by the
regular expressions labeled with the ID 502 found in the yafDPIRules.conf
file. The regular expressions are compared against the payload of all valid
Modbus packets starting right after the MBAP header (offset 7), beginning with
the Modbus function code. The information is exported as variable length
fields in a single BasicList. All regular expressions for Modbus should use
the label 502. No user-defined information elements will be accepted for
- modbusData CERT (PEN 6871) IE 285, variable length, DPI
- Any patterns captured from the Modbus regular expressions in
Ethernet/IP DPI is similar to Modbus DPI. YAF will export any patterns matched
by the regular expressions labeled with the ID 44818 in the yafDPIRules.conf
file. The regular expressions are compared against the start of the payload of
all valid Ethernet/IP packets (Command in the Encapsulation Header is the
first byte). The matched patterns are exported as variable length fields in a
single BasicList. All regular expressions for Ethernet/IP should use the label
44818. No user-defined information elements will be accepted for Ethernet/IP.
- ethernetIPData CERT (PEN 6871), IE 286, variable length, DPI
- The pattern captured from the Ethernet/IP regular expressions in
YAF will export the Payload Type in the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
header if RTP DPI is enabled (yes by default). The Payload Type indicates the
format of the payload and how it should be interpreted by the receiving
application. The following two elements will be exported for each flow labeled
as RTP. If the flow is a uniflow, the reverse element will be exported but
will contain the value of 0.
- rtpPayloadType CERT (PEN 6871), IE 287, 1 octet, unsigned
- The payload type in the RTP header of the first payload in the forward
- reverseRtpPayloadType CERT (PEN 6871), IE 288, 1 octet,
- The payload type in the RTP header of the first payload in the reverse
Emily Sarneso <ecoff@cert.org> and the CERT Network Situational Awareness
Group Engineering Team, http://www.cert.org/netsa
yaf(1), yafscii(1), PCRE Documentation
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