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arcan_api_overview(1) |
Developer API Reference |
arcan_api_overview(1) |
Arcan - Scripting Overview
There is little work involved in getting an application (short, appl) up and
running in Arcan. Simply create a directory with a qualifying name matching
([a-Z]1[a-Z,0-9]* along with a similarly named my_applname.lua file inside.
The following section list the entry points that the engine will look for,
when appropriate (replace xxx with the qualifying name of your appl).
To speed things along, look at the wiki on arcan-fe.com and work
through the exercises corresponding to the ability level that you want to
- xxx()
- Invoked as soon as audio/video/event/database subsystems are active.
- xxx_clock_pulse()
- Invoked every logical clock-pulse on a default monotonic clock at 25Hz
unless clock_pulse_batch is set, then it takes precedence. The CLOCK
global provides the current global clock value.
- xxx_clock_pulse_batch(nticks, count)
- Alternate form to _clock_pulse that handles congestion (> 1 ticks) by
providing them in one single go.
- xxx_input(evtbl)
- Invoked every time an input device emits a valid output sample, this
varies with user activity and filter configuration. Evtbl contains a
number of fields: kind : touch devid, subid, pressure, size, x, y
kind : analog source, devid, subid, active, relative,
kind : digital, translated = true number, keysym, modifiers,
devid, subid, utf8, active, device, subdevice
kind : digital, translated = false source, devid, subid,
kind : eyes blink_left, blink_right, gaze_x1, gaze_y1,
gaze_x2, gaze_y2, present, head_x, head_y, head_z, head_rx, head_ry,
- xxx_input_end()
- Signifies that the current input buffer is empty. This can be used as an
input optimization trigger to accumulate input events before processing
them forward.
- xxx_input_raw()
- This behaves like an advanced complement to xxx_input. By implementing it
the application signals that it can handle out of loop input events. This
can be used to reduce input latency in cases where events arrive while
GPUs are locked for scanout. The contract is that if this function is
present, you cannot call any part of the API that would modify GPU related
state. The safe option is to restrict handling to patching and forwarding
input to an external client. If the input was consumed, return true.
Otherwise the input will be re-injected when the GPUs have been unlocked.
- xxx_adopt(vid, kind, title, parent, last)
- Invoked as part of system_collapse, script crash recovery fallback or on
--pipe-stdin. Implies that there already exists a frameserver connection
that can be adopted. Last indicates whethere there are more to come, and
parent if there's a subsegment-parent relation. Return true if the
connection can be imported into the current script, otherwise it will be
destroyed automatically.
- xxx_preframe_pulse() xxx_postframe_pulse()
- Invoked right before and after synchronized transfer of a video frame,
this may occur at rather spurious intervals depending on engine
configuration and active synchronization strategy. Any computation in this
entrypoint should be considered costly and it is mainly provided for
monitoring purpsoes.
- xxx_adopt(vid, segid, title, parent, last)
- Invoked when an application is set to collapse with transfers or when
recovering from a scripting error. It is used to allow the new script to
retrieve externally bound vids. Return true if the VID was adopted
otherwise it will be automatically deleted.
- xxx_display_state(action, id, state)
- Invoked when there has been a change in the output display configuration
state, typically in response to hotplug events.
- xxx_fatal(msg)
- Invoked on a scripting error that is fatal, as a final means of saving
state and conveying a message. The returned string will be attached to
crash dump output.
- xxx_shutdown()
- This entrypoint will be triggered as a final state before the arcan
process will exit. The most reasonable use for this entrypoint is
terminating network connections with protocols that work better when
clients are cooperating, but also for saving configuration through the
database (e.g. store_key).
resource(3) glob_resource(3) list_namespaces(3)
zap_resource(3) open_nonblock(3) open_rawresource(3)
close_rawresource(3) write_rawresource(3)
read_rawresource(3) save_screenshot(3)
launch_target(3) target_alloc(3) target_input(3)
input_target(3) suspend_target(3) resume_target(3)
message_target(3) accept_target(3) pacify_target(3)
stepframe_target(3) snapshot_target(3) restore_target(3)
bond_target(3) reset_target(3) focus_target(3)
target_portconfig(3) target_framemode(3)
target_verbose(3) target_synchronous(3) target_flags(3)
target_graphmode(3) target_displayhint(3)
target_devicehint(3) target_fonthint(3) target_geohint(3)
target_seek(3) target_parent(3) target_coreopt(3)
target_updatehandler(3) arcantarget_hint(3)
define_rendertarget(3) define_linktarget(3)
define_recordtarget(3) define_calctarget(3)
define_feedtarget(3) define_nulltarget(3)
define_arcantarget(3) rendertarget_forceupdate(3)
rendertarget_vids(3) recordtarget_gain(3)
rendertarget_detach(3) rendertarget_bind(3)
rendertarget_attach(3) rendertarget_noclear(3)
rendertarget_id(3) rendertarget_range(3)
rendertarget_metrics(3) rendertarget_reconfigure(3)
launch_decode(3) launch_avfeed(3)
store_key(3) get_key(3) get_keys(3) match_keys(3)
list_targets(3) list_target_tags(3)
play_audio(3) delete_audio(3) load_asample(3)
audio_gain(3) audio_buffer_size(3) capture_audio(3)
load_image(3) load_image_asynch(3) image_loaded(3)
delete_image(3) show_image(3) hide_image(3)
move_image(3) nudge_image(3) rotate_image(3)
scale_image(3) resize_image(3) resample_image(3)
blend_image(3) crop_image(3) persist_image(3)
image_parent(3) center_image(3) image_children(3)
order_image(3) max_current_image_order(3) link_image(3)
relink_image(3) set_image_as_frame(3)
image_framesetsize(3) image_framecyclemode(3)
image_pushasynch(3) image_active_frame(3)
image_origo_offset(3) image_inherit_order(3)
image_tesselation(3) expire_image(3)
reset_image_transform(3) instant_image_transform(3)
tag_image_transform(3) image_transform_cycle(3)
copy_image_transform(3) transfer_image_transform(3)
copy_surface_properties(3) image_set_txcos(3)
image_get_txcos(3) image_set_txcos_default(3)
image_texfilter(3) image_scale_txcos(3) image_clip_on(3)
image_clip_off(3) image_mask_toggle(3) image_mask_set(3)
image_screen_coordinates(3) image_mask_clear(3)
image_tracetag(3) image_mask_clearall(3) image_shader(3)
image_state(3) image_access_storage(3)
image_resize_storage(3) image_sharestorage(3)
image_matchstorage(3) cursor_setstorage(3)
cursor_position(3) move_cursor(3) nudge_cursor(3)
resize_cursor(3) image_color(3) image_mipmap(3)
fill_surface(3) alloc_surface(3) raw_surface(3)
color_surface(3) null_surface(3)
image_surface_properties(3) image_storage_properties(3)
image_storage_slice(3) render_text(3) text_dimensions(3)
random_surface(3) force_image_blend(3) image_hit(3)
pick_items(3) image_surface_initial_properties(3)
image_surface_resolve_properties(3) image_surface_resolve(3)
new_3dmodel(3) finalize_3dmodel(3) add_3dmesh(3)
attrtag_model(3) move3d_model(3) rotate3d_model(3)
orient3d_model(3) scale3d_model(3) forward3d_model(3)
strafe3d_model(3) step3d_model(3) camtag_model(3)
build_3dplane(3) build_3dbox(3) build_sphere(3)
build_cylinder(3) build_pointcloud(3) scale_3dvertices(3)
swizzle_model(3) mesh_shader(3)
shutdown(3) warning(3) system_load(3)
system_context_size(3) system_snapshot(3)
system_collapse(3) subsystem_reset(3) utf8kind(3)
decode_modifiers(3) benchmark_enable(3)
benchmark_tracedata(3) benchmark_timestamp(3)
benchmark_data(3) appl_arguments(3) system_identstr(3)
system_defaultfont(3) frameserver_debugstall(3)
kbd_repeat(3) toggle_mouse_grab(3) input_capabilities(3)
input_samplebase(3) input_remap_translation(3) set_led(3)
led_intensity(3) set_led_rgb(3) controller_leds(3)
vr_setup(3) vr_map_limb(3) vr_metadata(3)
inputanalog_filter(3) inputanalog_query(3)
switch_default_scalemode(3) switch_default_texmode(3)
switch_default_imageproc(3) switch_default_texfilter(3)
switch_default_blendmode(3) set_context_attachment(3)
resize_video_canvas(3) video_displaymodes(3)
video_displaydescr(3) video_displaygamma(3)
map_video_display(3) video_display_state(3)
video_3dorder(3) build_shader(3) delete_shader(3)
valid_vid(3) video_synchronization(3) shader_uniform(3)
shader_ugroup(3) push_video_context(3)
storepush_video_context(3) storepop_video_context(3)
pop_video_context(3) current_context_usage(3)
net_open(3) net_discover(3) net_listen(3)
Bjorn Stahl <contact at arcan-fe dot com>
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.