blt - Wrapper for all biolibc-tools subcommands
blt subcommand arguments
blt is a wrapper for biolibc-tools subcommands, which are installed in a
private directory in order to avoid conflicts with other programs bearing the
same name.
Running blt with no arguments lists available subcommands.
For each subcommands there is a man page under the name
awk -F '\t' '{ printf("%s\n%s\n", $1, $2); }' \
file.tsv > file.fasta
awk -F '\t' '{ printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4); }' \
file.tsv > file.fastq
blt version
blt chrom-lens < file.fasta
blt extract-seq file.gff3 file.fasta feature-type 'search-key'
blt fasta2seq < file.fasta > file.seq
blt fastx-derep < file.fastq > filtered-file.fastq
blt fastx-derep < file.fasta > filtered-file.fasta
blt fastx-stats file1.fastq file2.fasta.xz
blt fastx2tsv < file.fastq > file.tsv
blt fastx2tsv < file.fasta > file.tsv
blt fasta2seq < file.fasta | blt find-orfs 0
blt gff2bed < file.gff > file.bed
blt vcf-search chr1 23244 < file.vcf
blt ensemblid2gene file.gff3 ids.txt > ids-and-gene-names.tsv
blt-chrom-lens(1), blt-extract-seq(1), blt-fasta2seq(1), blt-fastx-derep(1),
blt-fastx-stats(1), blt-fastx2tsv(1), blt-fasta2seq(1), blt-find-orfs(1),
blt-gff2bed(1), blt-vcf-search(1), blt-ensemblid2gene