.img-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type:
none; } .img-list li { padding: 5px; overflow: auto; } .img-list li:hover {
background-color: #eee; } .img-list li a { color: initial; text-decoration:
none; display: block; } .img-list li img { width: 10%; float: left; margin: 0
15px 0 0; background: white; object-fit: scale-down; } .img-list li
img.default-img { max-height: 5ex; } .img-list li .desc { margin: 0px; }
.img-list li .name { margin: 5px; display: block; color: #409940; font-weight:
bold; font-style: italic; }
- g.access Controls access to the current mapset for other users on the
- g.cairocomp Overlays multiple X Pixmaps.
- g.copy Copies available data files in the current mapset search path to
the user’s current mapset.
- g.dirseps Internal GRASS utility for converting directory separator
- g.extension.all Rebuilds or removes all locally installed GRASS Addons
- g.extension Maintains GRASS Addons extensions in local GRASS installation.
- g.filename Prints GRASS data base file names.
- g.findetc Searches for GRASS support files.
- g.findfile Searches for GRASS data base files and sets variables for the
- g.gisenv Outputs and modifies the user’s current GRASS variable
- g.gui.animation Tool for animating a series of raster and vector maps or a
space time raster or vector dataset.
- g.gui.datacatalog Tool for browsing, modifying and managing GRASS
- g.gui.dbmgr Launches graphical attribute table manager.
- g.gui.gcp Georectifies a map and allows managing Ground Control
- g.gui.gmodeler Graphical Modeler.
- g.gui Launches a GRASS graphical user interface (GUI) session.
- g.gui.iclass Tool for supervised classification of imagery data.
- g.gui.image2target Georectifies a map and allows managing Ground Control
Points for 3D correction.
- g.gui.mapswipe Interactively compares two maps by swiping a visibility
- g.gui.photo2image Corrects scanning distortions of a paper photo.
- g.gui.psmap Tool for creating hardcopy map outputs.
- g.gui.rlisetup Configuration tool for r.li modules.
- g.gui.timeline Allows comparing temporal datasets by displaying their
temporal extents in a plot.
- g.gui.tplot Plots the values of temporal datasets.
- g.gui.vdigit Interactive editing and digitization of vector maps.
- g.list Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified data
type optionally using the search pattern.
- g.manual Displays the manual pages of GRASS modules.
- g.mapset Changes/reports current mapset.
- g.mapsets Modifies/prints the user’s current mapset search path.
- g.message Prints a message, warning, progress info, or fatal error in the
GRASS way.
- g.mkfontcap Generates the font configuration file by scanning various
directories for fonts.
- g.parser Provides automated parser, GUI, and help support for GRASS
- g.pnmcomp Overlays multiple PPM image files.
- g.ppmtopng Converts between PPM/PGM and PNG image formats.
- g.proj Prints or modifies GRASS projection information files (in various
co-ordinate system descriptions).
- g.region Manages the boundary definitions for the geographic region.
- g.remove Removes data base element files from the user’s current
mapset using the search pattern.
- g.rename Renames data base element files in the user’s current
- g.search.modules Search in GRASS modules using keywords
- g.tempfile Creates a temporary file and prints it’s file name.
- g.version Displays GRASS GIS version info.
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© 2003-2021 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.6
Reference Manual