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NAMEpeval - Low level evaluation tool for writing router config generatorsSYNOPSISpeval [options] [<expression>]DESCRIPTIONpeval is a low level policy evaluation tool that can be used to write router configuration generators. peval, in a command loop, inputs policy expressions, expands the AS sets, route sets, filter sets, AS numbers (unless specified otherwise using command line options), evaluates the resulting expression and outputs the result. Instead of a command loop, the expression can be given as an argument.By default peval evaluates the expression for ipv4 unicast address family. Also the list of address families can be specified in order to restrict the results. The syntax is: afi <afi_list> <mp-filter>. <afi_list> is a comma separated list of address families. The supported ones are: ipv4, ipv4.unicast (same as ipv4), ipv4.multicast, ipv6, ipv6.unicast (same as ipv6), ipv6.multicast, any.unicast (ipv4.unicast, ipv6.unicast), any.multicast (ipv4.multicast, ipv6.multicast), any (ipv4.unicast, ipv4.multicast, ipv6.unicast, ipv6.multicast). If the results are to be restricted to uncomparable address families (ipv4, ipv6), in the output they will be joined using 'OR' clause. <mp-filter> is a valid RPSLng filter over AS-numbers, ipv4/ipv6 prefixes, range operators, filter-sets, route-sets, as-sets and logical operators. For more details about mp-filter format see RPSLng documentation. IRRToolSet COMMON OPTIONS
Command line options take precedence over environment variables. EXAMPLESPerform only symbolic evaluation:% ./peval -none peval> (AS1 OR AS2) AND AS1 ((AS1)) peval> AS1 AND NOT AS1 NOT ANY peval> Expand AS macros and evaluate: % ./peval -no-as AS-ANSCT ((AS1326 AS2002 AS2538 AS2752 AS3723)) Expand all and evaluate (e.g. multihomed routes to AS1220 and AS226): % ./peval 'AS1220 AND AS226' ({,,,}) Evaluate the filter for ipv4 and ipv6 address families: % ./peval 'afi ipv6, ipv4 rs-rpslng' ({1001:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/35, 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/35}) OR ({,}) ERROR AND WARNING MESSAGESError: Internal error.Fails if couldn't evaluate the filter to resulting normal expression. Unknown protocol! Connection to IRR server failed. This can be caused by various reasons, please see irrtoolset-errors manpage, IRR Communication errors. ***Error: badly formed filter. syntax error in RPSL filter specification. For more error descriptions, please see irrtoolset-errors manual page. AUTHORSCengiz Alaettinoglu <cengiz@isi.edu>Katie Petrusha <katie@ripe.net>