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NAMEproxycheck - open proxy server checkerSYNOPSYSproxycheck options host[:proto_port_spec]...DESCRIPTIONproxycheck is a simple open proxy checking tool which is capable to quickly discovery open proxy servers on many hosts. It's primary goal is to detect an open proxy server in order to prevent it's abuse by various "bad guys", mostly spammers. Having a wide-open proxy service running on a publicaly accessible network is a very bad idea nowadays, and proxycheck may be used to find such system in order to be able to either secure a system, or to refuse servicing it until it will be secured properly.In order to determine if a given host is running an open proxy service, proxycheck tries to connect to a given destination system via a host and perform some actions, trying to talk with the destination system. If a talk is successeful, proxycheck assumes the proxy service is running and wide-open. proxycheck supports all commonly used proxy protocols, namely, HTTP CONNECT method, SOCKS versions 4 and 5, and Wingate "telnet"-style proxies. In future, support for more protocols may be added. Please note that with current number of various trojan horses cicrulating around, each opening a proxy on a random port, it is not really enouth to probe for standard (in whatever reason) ports built into the proxycheck. Instead, it is highly recommended to use a list of currently active ports maintained by several people on the 'net. OPTIONSThe following command-line options are recognized:
Protocol and Port specificationProxy protocols and ports to try (proto_port_spec) specified using the following syntax:[proto:][port,port,port] Run proxycheck -h to see a list of supported protocols and default ports. USAGESimplest usage of proxycheck is to try to connect to e.g. your own mailserver with chat check method. First, connect to your mailserver on port 25 to see which line it outputs upon connection (SMTP greething line), and use it with chat:proxycheck -d yourmailserver.example.org:25 \ -c chat::greething ip.add.re.ss... proxycheck will write a single line for every proto:port it
finds to be open on stdout, in the form: hc:80 openwhere is an IP address of a host being tested, hc is the protocol name (HTTP CONNECT, consult proxycheck -h for a full list of protocols) and 80 is a port number where the proxy service is running. In addition, if proxycheck is able to guess outgoing
IP address of a proxy as seen by a destination system, and if that address
is different from input proxycheck is connecting to, it will print
this information too on the same line, like: hc:80 open is outgoing IP addres of a multihomed/cascaded proxy as reported by the destination system. This IP address is hint only, there is no simple and reliable way currently exists for proxycheck to determine that information. Proxycheck is able to parse a line sent by remote system in -c chat mode - in this mode, proxycheck skips all printable characters after expstr it found and searches for opening `[', when tries to find closing ']' and interpret digits and dots in between as an IP address which gets printed like above. If your mailserver's initial reply contains remote system's IP, or if your mailserver replies with remote system's IP address to HELO/EHLO command, this feature may be useful (in the last case, HELO command should be specified in chat). When -n option is specified, for proto:ports which aren't
running open proxy service, and for which proxycheck is able to
strongly determine this, a line in the following format will be written: hc:80 closedNote however that in most cases there is no way to reliable determine whenever a given service is not open: for example, an open proxy server may be overloaded and refusing connections. In most cases, proxycheck assumes proxy is in unknown state, only a few codes are recognized as real indication of "closed" state. When -x option is specified, there will be additional proxy
info written on the same line (if available), like: hc:80 open [AnalogX 3.1415926] hc:80 open [AnalogX 3.1415926] hc:80 closed [AnalogX 3.1415926] One may see some detail of proxycheck's operations giving sufficient number of -v options in the command line. Verbosity level of 5 (-vvvvv) will show almost everything. All the debugging output will go to the standard error stream and thus will not affect normal operations (when you process proxycheck's output using some script). EXIT CODEproxycheck will exit with code 100 if at least one open proxy server was found. In case of incorrect usage, it will exit with code 1. If no open proxies where found, proxycheck will return 0.EXAMPLESIn the simplest case, specify:proxycheck -vv -ddsthost:dstport -c chat::"waitstr" list-of-IPs where dsthost is the host and dstport is the port number of the destination system, and waitstr is a string to look for from the remote system. If you decide to connect to your own mailserver (which is quite logical, since most proxy abuse nowadays is to send spam to your mailserver), connect to it first using telnet and see which SMTP greeting string it prints out upon connection, and use this string as waitstr. For example, if your mailserver is mail.example.com, the following may apply: $ telnet mail.example.com 25 Telnet: trying connected. 250 mail.example.com ESMTP welcome QUIT In this case, proxycheck's command line may look as follows: proxycheck -vv -d mail.example.com:25 \ -c chat::"250 mail.example.com ESMTP welcome" list-of-IPs Another usage scenario is to automatically submit all open proxies to DSBL.org-style blocklists. For this, specify -c dsbl and set up environment variables for dsbl client. The variables DSBL_USER and DSBL_PASS are required for non-anonymous DSBL submissions, for anonymous submissions to the unconfirmed.dsbl.org defaults are sufficient. To submit a proxy to DSBL.org, set destination to the mail exchanger of listme.dsbl.org domain, currently mx.listme.dsbl.org. For example: DSBL_USER=username DSBL_PASS=password ./proxycheck -vv \ -dmx.listme.dsbl.org:25 -cdsbl proxyhost Additional and updated information may be found at the URL below. LICENSEThis program is free software. It may be used and distributed in the terms of General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.AUTHORproxycheck written by Michael Tokarev <mjt@corpit.ru>. Latest version of this utlilty may be found at http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/proxycheck.html.