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psf2fnt(1) PSF Tools psf2fnt(1)

psf2fnt - Convert a PC Screen Font file to a Windows font-resource file

psf2fnt [--ascent=ASC] [--bold] [--brkchar=CHAR] [--copy=COPYRIGHT] [--codepage=CODEPAGE] [--charset=CHARSET] [--defchar=DEFAULT] [--firstchar=FIRST] [--fontname=NAME] [--horzres=DPI] [--italic] [--lastchar=CHAR] [--pointsize=SIZE] [--version=FORMAT] [--vertres=DPI] [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]

psf2fnt saves some or all characters from a .PSF font as a Windows font-resource file, as used by the Windows SDK tool FONTEDIT. The resulting file can then be processed with fnts2fon(1) to create an installable font.

Sets the distance from the baseline to the top of the character. This defaults to the height of the font, minus 1.
Marks the resulting font as bold.
Sets the index of the character used to print word breaks. Defaults to 32 (space).
Sets the character set of the resulting font. This can be one of the words ANSI, OEM or SYMBOL; or a numeric value.
Extracts only the characters in the given codepage (requires the source PSF file to have a Unicode directory). Any characters in the codepage not present in the source font are replaced by blanks. The codepage can be specified by number or name; see psfpages(1) for a list of acceptable codepage names.
Sets the copyright string in the resulting font. Note that spaces will have to be escaped to hide them from the shell.
Sets the index of the character used to display out-of-range characters. Defaults to 46 (full stop).
Extracts characters starting at the specified character.
Sets the name of the output font.
Sets the horizontal resolution of the font in DPI. Defaults to 48.
Marks the font as italic.
Extracts characters up to and including the specified character.
Sets the font point size. This defaults to the font height in pixels.
Sets the file format version. This can be 1, 2 or 3. Version 1.0.8uld only be used if you are creating a font for Windows 1.0. Version 1.0.8uld be used if the font is less than 64k in size; otherwise, use Version 3.

If a codepage and a range of characters are both specified, the range is applied to the subset of characters extracted by the codepage.

fnt2psf(1), psfpages(1)

John Elliott <>.
21 June, 2008 Version 1.0.8

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