samtools bedcov - reports coverage over regions in a supplied BED file
samtools bedcov [options] region.bed
Reports the total read base count (i.e. the sum of per base read depths) for
each genomic region specified in the supplied BED file. The regions are output
as they appear in the BED file and are 0-based. Counts for each alignment file
supplied are reported in separate columns.
- -Q, --min-MQ INT
- Only count reads with mapping quality greater than or equal to
- -g FLAGS
- By default, reads that have any of the flags UNMAP, SECONDARY, QCFAIL, or
DUP set are skipped. To include these reads back in the analysis, use this
option together with the desired flag or flag combination. FLAGS
can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/), in
octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/), as a decimal number not
beginning with '0' or as a comma-separated list of flag names. [0]
For a list of flag names see samtools-flags(1).
- Discard any read that has any of the flags specified by FLAGS set.
FLAGS are specified as for the -g option.
- -j
- Do not include deletions (D) and ref skips (N) in bedcov computation.
- -d INT
- Print an additional column, for each file, containing the number of bases
having a depth above and including the given threshold. If the option is
not used, the extra column is not displayed. The option value must be an
integer >= 0.
- -X
- If this option is set, it will allows user to specify customized index
file location(s) if the data folder does not contain any index file.
Example usage: samtools bedcov [options] -X <in.bed>
</data_folder/in1.bam> [...] </index_folder/index1.bai> [...]
Written by Heng Li from the Sanger Institute.
Samtools website: <>