NAMEsnarf - Simple Non-interactive All-purpose Resource FetcherSYNOPSISsnarf [-avqprzm] URL [outfile] ...DESCRIPTIONRetrieves data from a variety of protocols, namely http, ftp, and gopher.USAGEsnarf is invoked with any number of URLs and outfiles. If an outfile is not specified, snarf preserves the remote file name when saving.For example, snarf http://foo.bar.com/images/face.gif will retrieve the file ``face.gif'' to the local system. In the event that there is no filename (the url ends in a slash), the data is retrieved and stored in the file index.html for http URLs, ftpindex.txt for ftp URLs, or gopherindex.txt for gopher URLs. Using a dash, "-", as the outfile causes snarf to send its output to stdout rather than a file. To log in to an ftp server or website that requires a username and password, use the syntax http://username:password@site.com/. If you omit the password, you will be prompted for it. Snarf has a built-in option to download the latest version of itself; simply run snarf LATEST. OPTIONS
Each option only affects the URL that immediately follows it. To have an option affect all URLs that follow it, use an uppercase letter for the option, e.g. -Q instead of -q. ENVIRONMENTSnarf checks several environment variables when deciding what to use for a proxy. It checks a service-specific variable first, then SNARF_PROXY, then PROXY.The service-specific variables are HTTP_PROXY, FTP_PROXY, and GOPHER_PROXY. Snarf also checks the SNARF_HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable and will use it when reporting its user-agent string to an HTTP server. In the same spirit, it also uses the SNARF_HTTP_REFERER environment variable to spoof a Referer to the web server. BUGSBugs? What bugs? If you find 'em, report 'em.AUTHORCopyright (C) 2000 Zachary Beane (xach@xach.com)
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