titlefix - rename titled files with English title case
titlefix [-t]
titlefixid3 [-t]
titleid3 [-t]
single[fix][id3] [-t]
- titlefix renames files, correcting titles with standard English
title case -- all middle words in an artist or title are capitalized except:
articles, prepositions, and conjunctions less than 5 letters long in the
artist or title name
- When called as titleid3, it uses the formats described below to tag
mp3s with ID3V2 and ID3V1 tag info, but does no renaming (for when case is
to be preserved).
- When called as titlefixid3, it does both renaming and tagging, for
titlefixid3 "12 Front 242 - One - With The
- results in this file name:
"12 Front 242 - One - With the Fire.mp3"
- and tags the file with track number 12, artist "Front 242", and
track title "One - With the Fire". The first dash with spaces on
each side is considered the delimiter between artist and title. This
titlefixid3 "11 Danny Elfman - To Die For - Main
- would not change the filename, since To and For are start and end words
within the phrase separated by the spaced dash in the title.
- One of these formats must be used for each mp3 file (titleid3 and
NN Artist - Title.mp3
NN Title.mp3
- NN is used for the track number, Artist for artist, and Title for title.
If the second format is used (i.e., there is no dash surrounded by spaces),
no artist will be tagged, and the whole filename (minus the NN and .mp3)
will be used as a title. When called as single[fix]id3, it assumes a
format "Artist - Title.mp3" (i.e. no track number NN).
- -t, --test
- prints processing commands but doesn't execute them
- -a, --all
- processes *.mp3 in the current directory
- -f, --all-flac
- processes *.flac in the current directory
- -h, --help
- displays help and exits (ignores remaining arguments)
- -l, --list
- prints list of words to make lowercase and exits (ignores remaining
- id3v2
- for tagging mp3s; see <http://id3v2.sourceforge.net/>
- id3lib
- for id3v2; see <http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/>
Written by resident alian
Report bugs to <res_alian AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>.
Copyright © 2006 resident alian. This is free software. You may
redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. There is NO WARRANTY, to the
extent permitted by law.