tracker-miner-rss - Used to populate Tracker with RSS feed data.
tracker-miner-rss [OPTION...]
tracker-miner-rss is not supposed to be run by the user since it is
started by its .desktop file when the user logs in. It can also be started
manually of course for debugging purposes. You can not run more than one
instance of this at the same time.
tracker-miner-rss mines information about RSS feeds
- -?, --help
- Show summary of options.
- -V, --version
- Returns the version of this binary.
- -v, --verbosity={0|1|2|3}
- Sets the logging level, 0=errors, 1=minimal, 2=detailed, 3=debug.
- -a, --add-feed=URL
- Adds a feed to the Tracker store. This must be used with --title
option. An examples of such a URL would be:
You can use tracker-search --feeds to get the latest
feed information.
- -t, --title=STRING
- The title to use when adding a feed (see the --add-feed option).
tracker-store(1), tracker-info(1), tracker-search(1).