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xcm(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual xcm(1)

xcm - window region handling

xcm -l [--window-name] [-v]
xcm -p WINDOW_ID
xcm -r --id WINDOW_ID [--geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y] [--profile FILENAME.ICC]]
xcm [-h]

The xcm tool handles per window regions and profiles following the X Color Management specification.

list windows. All windows are listed by ID.

--window-name show each window name after the ID.

-p --id=WINDOW_ID
print window color region informations.

--id the X11 window ID as integer.

-r --id WINDOW_ID --geometry WxH+X+Y --profile PROFILE.ICC
set a window color region. The geometry will be added to the existing regions of the selected window. A geometry of 0x0+0+0 is a request to remove all regions. Overlapping regions are undefined. The ICC profile is optional.

--id the X11 window ID as integer.

--geometry the window geometry.

--profile the region profile to upload.

-d --id WINDOW_ID --geometry WxH+X+Y --profile PROFILE.ICC
release a window color region. The geometry will be searched and removed in the existing regions of the selected window.

--id the X11 window ID as integer.

--geometry the window geometry.

-v, --verbose
increase verbosity

Show all windows and their names:
xcm -l --window-name
Print a windows regions:
xcm -p -id 12345
Set a windows region to a witdht of 100, a height of 150, 100 pixel from right and 10 pixels from top:
xcm -r -id 12345 --geometry 100x150+100+10
Set a windows region with a ICC profile:
xcm -r -id 12345 --geometry 100x150+100+10 --profile ./my_profile.icc
Set a windows region to a Oyranos ICC profile:
xcm -r -id 12345 --geometry 100x150+100+10 --profile XYZ.icc
Unset all windows regions:
xcm -r -id 12345 --geometry 0x0+0+0
Delete one window region:
xcm -d -id 12345 --geometry 100x150+100+10
Print a help text:
xcm -h

Kai-Uwe Behrmann (ku.b (at)

(c) 2011-2012, Kai-Uwe Behrmann
License: MIT <>

xcmedid(1) xcmevents(1) xcmddc(1) libXcm(3) Xcm(3)

November 22, 2016 User Commands

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