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FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
AG_Intro —
agar introduction
Agar is a graphical application toolkit. It provides all types of graphical
applications, written in different languages, with consistent interfaces
across a wide array of platforms.
This document summarizes the various interfaces provided by the
standard libraries included in the official Agar source distribution (such
as ag_core, ag_gui, etc.) These
libraries share the same version number and release cycle, but they are
separate and can be packaged and distributed independently.
The Agar API Reference is intended as a detailed specification explaining Agar's
functions and structures in sufficient detail. To avoid the content becoming
repetitive, the API Reference uses a number of important conventions regarding
error handling and thread-safety:
- The return value for functions returning int, unless
otherwise documented, represents an error code, where 0 indicates success
and -1 indicates failure. On failure, an error message string can be
retrieved using
- Some functions have variants differing only in argument format. For
accepts a format string, and
accepts a plain C string. Since the difference is shown in function
prototype, it is customary to omit mentioning those variants in the
following paragraph describing the function.
- Some functions have variants differing only in error-handling style. Those
may also be omitted from the description paragraph. For example,
has no return value. If the function fails, an
is raised. The
variant, however, returns 0 on success or -1 on failure.
- When Agar is compiled with threads support, Agar functions are thread-safe
(free-threaded), unless documented otherwise (see
“CONVENTIONS” section of
for important details related to thread safety).
There is generally one manual page per Agar object class. A number
of manual page sections are standard throughout the documentation, this
- List of parent (inherited) classes. See
for details on inheritance with the Agar object system.
- List of events defined by this object (and optionally, a list of events
potentially raised by this object). See
for details on Agar events.
- List of public structure members which are safe to access directly (in the
specified way). Multithreaded applications must use
prior to accessing this data (although in some contexts, such as inside
event handler routines, objects can be presumed locked; see
for details).
Agar's general utility library is named ag_core. It implements
object system which is used extensively by all other Agar libraries. It also
provides cross-platform interfaces to operating system services (e.g.,
filesystems, network services, threads).
To use this library, link against ‘agar-config
--libs’ (non-graphical applications can also link against
‘agar-core-config --libs’ to avoid the GUI library).
- AG_Config(3)
- Manage Agar configuration settings.
- AG_Core(3)
- Core Agar library initialization.
- AG_DataSource(3)
- Generic interface to different data sources.
- AG_Db(3)
- Database access methods.
- AG_DSO(3)
- Cross-platform interface to dynamic linkers.
- AG_Error(3)
- Error handling in Agar.
- AG_Event(3)
- Virtual functions (at the Agar object level).
- AG_EventLoop(3)
- Main application event loop. General event sources and sinks.
- AG_Execute(3)
- Cross-platform interface to program execution.
- AG_File(3)
- Portable interface to filesystems.
- AG_Limits(3)
- Interface to platform-dependent limits.
- AG_Net(3)
- Interface to network I/O facilities.
- AG_Object(3)
- The Agar object system.
- AG_String(3)
- Functions for manipulating C strings.
- AG_TextElement(3)
- Dynamically-allocated multilanguage text buffer.
- AG_Threads(3)
- Portable threads interface.
- AG_Timer(3)
- Timer facility.
- AG_Time(3)
- Interface to time sources.
- AG_User(3)
- Cross-platform interface to user accounts.
- AG_Variable(3)
- Primitive data variables and bindings.
- AG_Version(3)
- Datafile versioning functions.
The ag_vg library is a simple 2D vector graphics library which
allows developers to specify hierarchical sketches consisting of elements such
as lines, curves and text. It uses linear transformations to define the
placement of geometrical entities, which the best approach for most
Following the same design philosophy as the Agar-GUI,
ag_vg only provides the entity classes (e.g., lines, arcs)
useful to the widest range of applications, and allows specialized and
application-specific entities to be implemented easily in separate
libraries. For specialized applications such as CAD systems, the placement
of entities might be best described through geometrical constraints (e.g.,
distances and angles) as opposed to linear transformations. This
functionality is implemented, notably, by
the FreeSG library.
To use this library, link against ‘agar-vg-config
- VG(3)
- Vector drawing object.
- VG_View(3)
- Agar widget for visualization and edition of drawings.
- VG_Arc(3)
- Arc entity.
- VG_Circle(3)
- Circle entity.
- VG_Line(3)
- Line entity.
- VG_Polygon(3)
- Polygon entity.
- VG_Text(3)
- Text entity.
ag_math is a general-purpose math library focused on providing
consistent structures and highly optimized routines. In addition to linear
algebra, ag_math also provides useful computational geometry structures and
methods (e.g., intersections, tesselations), portable
complex-number/quaternion routines and some useful Agar-GUI widgets and
To use this library, link against ‘agar-math-config
- M_Matrix(3)
- Routines specific to matrices. This includes general m-by-n matrices
(frequently encountered in scientific applications and usually solved with
sparse-matrix optimizations), as well as a specialized interface for 4x4
matrices (usually countered in computer graphics).
- M_Circle(3)
- Circles in R^2 and R^3.
- M_Color(3)
- Mapping between different color spaces.
- M_Complex(3)
- Complex-number arithmetic not reliant on compiler extensions.
- M_Coordinates(3)
- Mapping between different coordinate systems.
- M_Sort(3)
- Sorting algorithms (qsort, heapsort, mergesort, radixsort)
- M_IntVector(3)
- Vector operations for vectors with integer elements.
- M_String(3)
- Math-specific extensions to the
formatting engine.
- M_Line(3)
- Routines related to lines, half-lines and line segments.
- M_Matview(3)
- Agar-GUI widget for viewing the contents of
objects numerically or graphically.
- M_Plane(3)
- Routines related to planes in R^3.
- M_Plotter(3)
- General-purpose plotting widget for Agar-GUI, with support for
M_Real, M_Vector and
M_Complex types.
- M_PointSet(3)
- Set of points and related operations (e.g., convex hull).
- M_Polygon(3)
- Operations related to polygons in R^2 and R^3.
- M_Quaternion(3)
- Basic quaternion arithmetic.
- M_Rectangle(3)
- Routines specific to rectangles in R^2 and R^3.
- M_Triangle(3)
- Routines specific to triangles in R^2 and R^3.
- M_Vector(3)
- Basic linear algebra routines specific to vectors. In addition to vectors
in R^n, specialized operations are provided for vectors in R^2, R^3 and
The ag_au library provides a basic cross-platform interface to
audio hardware.
To use this library, link against ‘agar-au-config
- AU(3)
- Audio library initialization.
- AU_Wave(3)
- Structure containing an audio stream.
- AU_DevOut(3)
- Interface to audio output device.
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