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FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
AG_Scrollbar —
agar scroll bar widget
#include <agar/core.h>
#include <agar/gui.h>
The AG_Scrollbar widget provides a basic panning
control. AG_Scrollbar is almost always used as part of
a widget's implementation, where the user should be able to scroll over some
partially visible graphics. The scrollbar's range and value parameters are
specified by integer or floating-point bindings.
For example, in
the max binding would be tied to the total line count,
and value to the index of the first line to display.
The visible binding would be tied to the number of
lines that can be displayed on-screen (see
NOTE: This widget is meant only as a panning control. For general
edition of numerical values, the simpler
widgets should be used.
AG_Scrollbar *
AG_ScrollbarNew (AG_Widget
*parent, enum
ag_scrollbar_type type,
Uint flags);
AG_ScrollbarSizeHint (AG_Scrollbar
*scrollbar, int
AG_ScrollbarSetControlLength (AG_Scrollbar
*scrollbar, int
AG_ScrollbarSetWidth (int
AG_ScrollbarWidth (void);
AG_ScrollbarVisible (AG_Scrollbar
AG_ScrollbarSetIncFn (AG_Scrollbar
*scrollbar, AG_EventFn
fn, const char
*fmt, ...);
AG_ScrollbarSetDecFn (AG_Scrollbar
*scrollbar, AG_EventFn
fn, const char
*fmt, ...);
The AG_ScrollbarNew () function allocates,
initializes, and attaches a new AG_Scrollbar widget.
The type argument should be either
AG_SCROLLBAR_HORIZ to create a horizontal scrollbar,
or AG_SCROLLBAR_VERT to create a vertical scrollbar.
Acceptable flags include:
- Always display the scrollbar. By default, the scrollbar is automatically
hidden if the values of min,
max and visible do not allow
any room for scrolling.
- Advise that no external changes to the value,
min, max and
visible bindings are expected. By default, the
binding values are periodically checked and the scrollbar is redrawn if a
change is detected. Note that this setting only influences redraw --
external changes to the binding values are handled safely regardless.
- Expand horizontally in parent (equivalent to invoking
This flag is only sensible with horizontal scrollbars, and renders the use
AG_ScrollbarSizeHint () unnecessary.
- Expand vertically in parent (equivalent to invoking
This flag is only sensible with vertical scrollbars, and renders the use
AG_ScrollbarSizeHint () unnecessary.
- Shorthand for
- Display the minimum, current and maximum values in text. This option is
primarily useful for debugging.
The AG_ScrollbarSizeHint () function
specifies a default, preferred scrollbar length in pixels. This is rarely
used; in practice, scrollbars almost always use
The AG_ScrollbarSetControlLength ()
function sets the size of the scrolling control in pixels. Note that this
parameter is ignored if the visible binding is set to
a non-zero value (in which case, the optimal size of the control is
determined automatically).
AG_ScrollbarSetWidth () configures the
width (i.e., thickness) of the scrollbar.
AG_ScrollbarWidth () returns the effective width of a
scrollbar in pixels.
The AG_ScrollbarVisible () function returns
1 if the current range is such that the scrollbar is useful to display,
otherwise it returns 0.
The AG_ScrollbarSetDecFn () and
AG_ScrollbarSetIncFn () functions configure a
callback routine that will be invoked when the user presses the decrement
(up/left) button and the increment (down/right) buttons. A single
int argument is passed to the callback (1 = pressed, 0
= released).
The AG_Scrollbar widget provides the following bindings:
- float *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Single precision number
- double *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Double precision number
- long double *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Quad precision number
- int *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Natural integer
- Uint *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Unsigned integer
- [SU]int8 *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Fixed 8-bit integer
- [SU]int16 *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Fixed 16-bit integer
- [SU]int32 *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Fixed 32-bit integer
- [SU]int64 *{value,min,max,inc,visible}
- Fixed 64-bit integer
The scrollbar is positioned to represent
value inside of a given range defined by
min and max. The range defaults
to 0.0 to 1.0 (for floating-point values), or 0 to the maximum representible
value (for integer values).
Thea optional inc binding specifies the
increment effected by the buttons, or keyboard. If not specified, it
defaults to 0.1 (for floating-point values), or 1 (for integer values).
The optional visible binding may be set to
indicate the portion of the total range which is currently visible
on-screen. If this is a non-zero value, then the size of the scrolling
control button will be set automatically.
Note that the min,
max, inc and
visible bindings must share the same type as
value. The 64-bit types are only available if
AG_HAVE_64BIT is set, and long
double is only available if
The AG_Scrollbar widget generates the following events:
scrollbar-changed (void)
- The scrollbar's value has changed.
scrollbar-drag-begin (void)
- User is starting to drag the scrollbar.
scrollbar-drag-end (void)
- User is done dragging the scrollbar.
For the AG_Scrollbar object:
- int width
- Scrollbar width in pixels.
- int hArrow
- Size of "arrow" icons in pixels.
The AG_Scrollbar widget first appeared in Agar 1.0. The
AUTOSIZE option was introduced in Agar 1.4.0. The
inc binding was introduced in Agar 1.5.0.
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