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AWS::Signature4(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
AWS::Signature4(3) |
AWS::Signature4 - Create a version4 signature for Amazon Web Services
use AWS::Signature4;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP;
my $signer = AWS::Signature4->new(-access_key => 'AKIDEXAMPLE',
-secret_key => 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY');
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
# Example POST request
my $request = POST('https://iam.amazonaws.com',
my $response = $ua->request($request);
# Example GET request
my $uri = URI->new('https://iam.amazonaws.com');
my $url = $signer->signed_url($uri); # This gives a signed URL that can be fetched by a browser
my $response = $ua->get($url);
This module implement's Amazon Web Service's Signature version 4
- $signer = AWS::Signature4->new(-access_key =>
$account_id,-secret_key => $private_key);
- Create a signing object using your AWS account ID and secret key. You may
also use the temporary security tokens received from Amazon's STS service,
either by passing the access and secret keys derived from the token, or by
passing a VM::EC2::Security::Token produced by the VM::EC2 module.
Argument name Argument Value
------------- --------------
-access_key An AWS acccess key (account ID)
-secret_key An AWS secret key
-security_token A VM::EC2::Security::Token object
If a security token is provided, it overrides any values given
for -access_key or -secret_key.
If the environment variables EC2_ACCESS_KEY and/or
EC2_SECRET_KEY are set, their contents are used as defaults for
-acccess_key and -secret_key.
- $signer->sign($request [,$region] [,$payload_sha256_hex])
- Given an HTTP::Request object, add the headers required by AWS and then
sign it with a version 4 signature by adding an "Authorization"
The request must include a URL from which the AWS endpoint and
service can be derived, such as "ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com."
In some cases (e.g. S3 bucket operations) the endpoint does not indicate
the region. In this case, the region can be forced by passing a defined
value for $region. The current date and time
will be added to the request using an "X-Amz-Date header." To
force the date and time to a fixed value, include the "Date"
header in the request.
The request content, or "payload" is retrieved from
the HTTP::Request object by calling its content() method.. Under
some circumstances the payload is not included directly in the request,
but is in an external file that will be uploaded as the request is
executed. In this case, you must pass a second argument containing the
results of running sha256_hex() (from the Digest::SHA module) on
the content.
The method returns a true value if successful. On errors, it
will throw an exception.
- $url = $signer->signed_url($request)
- This method will generate a signed GET URL for the request. The URL will
include everything needed to perform the request.
- my $url $signer->signed_url($request_or_uri [,$expires])
- Pass an HTTP::Request, a URI object, or just a plain URL string containing
the proper endpoint and parameters needed for an AWS REST API Call. This
method will return an appropriately signed request as a URI object, which
can be shared with non-AWS users for the purpose of, e.g., accessing an
object in a private S3 bucket.
Pass an optional $expires argument to
indicate that the URL will only be valid for a finite period of time.
The value of the argument is in seconds.
- $signing_key =
- Return just the signing key in the event you wish to roll your own
Lincoln Stein <lincoln.stein@gmail.com>.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License
2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see
DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.
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- Around line 145:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 377:
- You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
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