Ace::Sequence::Homol - Temporary Sequence Homology Class
# Get all similarity features from an Ace::Sequence
@homol = $seq->features('Similarity');
# sort by score
@sorted = sort { $a->score <=> $b->score } @homol;
# the last one has the highest score
$best = $sorted[$#sorted];
# fetch its associated Ace::Sequence::Homol
$homol = $best->target;
# print out the sequence name, DNA, start and end
print $homol->name,' ',$homol->start,'-',$homol->end,"\n";
print $homol->asDNA;
Ace::Sequence::Homol is a subclass of Ace::Object (not
Ace::Sequence) which is specialized for returning information about a DNA or
protein homology. This is a temporary placeholder for a more sophisticated
homology class which will include support for alignments.
You will not ordinarily create an Ace::Sequence::Homol object directly.
Instead, objects will be created in response to an info() or
group() method call on a similarity feature in an
Ace::Sequence::Feature object. If you wish to create an
Ace::Sequence::Homol object directly, please consult the source code
for the new() method.
Most methods are inherited from Ace::Object. The following methods are
also supported:
- start()
$start = $homol->start;
Returns the start of the area that is similar to the
Ace::Sequence::Feature from which his homology was derived.
Coordinates are relative to the target homology.
- end()
$end = $homol->end;
Returns the end of the area that is similar to the
Ace::Sequence::Feature from which his homology was derived.
Coordinates are relative to the target homology.
- asString()
$label = $homol->asString;
Returns a human-readable identifier describing the nature of
the feature. The format is:
for example:
This method is also called automatically when the object is
treated in a string context.
Ace, Ace::Object, Ace::Sequence,Ace::Sequence::FeatureList,
Ace::Sequence::Feature, GFF
Lincoln Stein <> with extensive help from Jean Thierry-Mieg
Copyright (c) 1999, Lincoln D. Stein
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for
disclaimers of warranty.