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NAMEAddressBook::Config - AddressBook configuration objectSYNOPSISThe AddressBook::Config object contains the list of cannonical attribute names, their respective backend database equivalents, attribute metadata, and backend database attributes.$config = AddressBook::Config->new(config_file=>$filename); AddressBook::Config looks for a configuration file in /etc/AddressBook.conf if no config_file parameter is present. DESCRIPTIONConfiguration is read from an XML configuration file which follows this DTD:<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE AddressBook_config [ <!ELEMENT fields (field)> <!ELEMENT field (db)> <!ELEMENT db (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT databases (LDAP,LDIF,DBI,PDB,Text,HTML)> <!ELEMENT LDAP (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT LDIF (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT DBI (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT PDB (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT Text (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT HTML (EMPTY)> <!ATTLIST field name CDATA #REQUIRED order CDATA #IMPLIED type (text|textblock|phone|email|url|lurl|boolean) #IMPLIED values CDATA #IMPLIED non_multiple CDATA #IMPLIED read_only CDATA #IMPLIED calculate CDATA #IMPLIED calc_order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST db name CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #REQUIRED order CDATA #IMPLIED calculate CDATA #IMPLIED calc_order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST LDAP key_fields CDATA #IMPLIED hostname CDATA #IMPLIED objectclass CDATA #IMPLIED base CDATA #IMPLIED dn_calculate CDATA #IMPLIED username CDATA #IMPLIED password CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST LDIF key_fields CDATA #IMPLIED filename CDATA #IMPLIED objectclass CDATA #IMPLIED base CDATA #IMPLIED dn_calculate CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST DBI key_fields CDATA #IMPLIED table CDATA #IMPLIED dsn CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST PDB write_format CDATA #IMPLIED intra_attr_sep CDATA #IMPLIED form_format CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST HTML key_fields CDATA #IMPLIED filename CDATA #IMPLIED phone_display CDATA #IMPLIED> ]> For example, <AddressBook_config> <fields> <field name="firstname" type="text" order="1"> <db type="LDAP" name="givenname" /> <db type="HTML" name="First Name" order="2" /> </field> <field name="lastname" type="text" order="2"> <db type="LDAP" name="sn" /> <db type="HTML" name="Last Name" order="1" /> </field> <field name="fullname" type="text" order="3" calculate="$firstname . ' ' . $lastname"> <db type="LDAP" name="cn" /> <db type="HTML" name="Full Name" /> </field> </fields> <databases> <LDAP objectclass="inetOrgPerson" base="o=abook" dn_calculate="'cn='.$cn" username="cn=Manager,o=abook" password="secret" key_fields="cn" /> </databases> </AddressBook_config> This defines three attributes with cannonical names "firstname", "lastname", and "fullname". These are accessed in the LDAP backend context as "givenname", "sn" and "cn", and in the HTML backend context as "First Name", "Last Name" and "Full Name" respectively. The default attribute ordering is "firstname", "lastname", "fullname", however the HTML backend overrides this and in that context attributes are ordered: "lastname", "firstname", "fullname". All other meta-attributes may be similarily overriden by specific backends "fullname" is a calculated attribute. Calculation strings may reference the names of other attributes by "$<attr_name>". Backend databases may also be named and then tied to a source type by using the 'driver' attribute. This technique is useful for defining multiple backends of the same type. For example, <AddressBook_config> <fields> <field name="firstname" > <db type="ldap_server_1" name="givenname" /> <db type="ldap_server_2" name="givenname" /> </field> <field name="lastname" > <db type="ldap_server_1" name="sn" /> <db type="ldap_server_2" name="sn" /> </field> </fields> <databases> <ldap_server_1 driver="LDAP" hostname="server_1" objectclass="inetOrgPerson" base="o=abook" dn_calculate="'cn='.$cn" username="cn=Manager,o=abook" password="secret" key_fields="cn" /> <ldap_server_2 driver="LDAP" hostname="server_2" objectclass="inetOrgPerson" base="o=abook" dn_calculate="'cn='.$cn" username="cn=Manager,o=abook" password="secret" key_fields="cn" /> </databases> </AddressBook_config> See the various backend man pages for information on the <database> configuration attributes. See also the sample configuration files in the 'examples' directory. getMeta%meta = %{$config->getMeta(attr=>$attr)} %meta = %{$config->getMeta(attr=>$attr,db=>$db)} Returns an attribute metadata hash AUTHORDavid L. Leigh, <dleigh@sameasiteverwas.net>SEE ALSOAddressBook AddressBook::Entry