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Agent::Driver::Default(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Agent::Driver::Default(3)

Log::Agent::Driver::Default - default logging driver for Log::Agent

 # Implicit use
 use Log::Agent;
 logconfig(-prefix => "prefix");   # optional

 # Explicit use
 use Log::Agent;
 require Log::Agent::Driver::Default;

 my $driver = Log::Agent::Driver::Default->make("prefix");
 logconfig(-driver => $driver);

The default logging driver remaps the logxxx() operations to their default Perl counterpart. For instance, logerr() will issue a warn() and logwarn() will call warn() with a clear "WARNING: " emphasis (to distinguish between the two calls).

The only routine of interest here is the creation routine:

Create a Log::Agent::Driver::Default driver whose prefix string will be $prefix. When no prefix is configured, the first letter of each logged string will be uppercased.

The "error", "output" and "debug" channels all go to STDERR.

If logdie() is used within an eval(), the string you will get in $@ will be prefixed. It's not really a bug, simply that wrapping a code into eval() and parsing $@ is poor's man exception handling which shows its limit here: since the programmer using logdie() cannot foresee which driver will be used, the returned string cannot be determined precisely. Morality: use die() if you mean it, and document the string as an exception.

Raphael Manfredi <>

Log::Agent::Driver(3), Log::Agent(3).
2021-04-12 perl v5.32.1

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