Log::Agent::Tag - formats caller information
Intended to be inherited from
This class is meant to be inherited by all the classes implementing a log
message tag.
A message tag is a little string that is either appended or
prepended to all log messages.
For instance, and oversimplifying a bit, a tag meant to be
prepended will be inserted in front of the current log message, separated by
separator, which defaults to a single space:
| tag string | separator | current log message |
This operation is called tag insertion. The whole string
then becomes the current log message, and can be the target of
another tag insertion.
The reality is a little bit more complex, to allow successive tags
to be prepended or appended in the order they are specified, and not in
reverse order as they would be if naively implemented. See
Log::Agent::Message for the exact semantics of append() and
prepend() operations.
This section documents the interface provided to heirs, in case you wish to
implement your own tag class.
- _init(name, postfix, separator)
- Initialization routine that should be called by all heirs during creation
to initialize the common attributes.
- postfix
- When true, the tag is meant to be appended to the log message. Otherwise,
it is prepended.
- name
- The name of this tag. It is meant to provide by-name access to tags, check
whether a given tag is recorded, etc... The names "caller" and
"priority" are architecturally defined to refer to
"Log::Agent::Tag::Caller" and
"Log::Agent::Tag::Priority" objects.
NOTE: Currently unused by any client code.
- separator
- The sperating string inserted between the tag and the log message. It
defaults to " " if not specified, i.e.
left to "undef" when calling
- string()
- A deferred routine, to be implemented by heirs.
Returns the tag string only, without the separator, since its
exact placement depends on the value of the
"postfix" attribute.
- insert(message)
- Insert this tag withing the
"Log::Agent::Message" message,
according to the tag specifications (placement, separator). Calls
string() to produce the tag string.
This routine is frozen and should not be redefined by
Tagging classes define via their "string()"
routine what is the string to be used as a tag. The insertion of the tag
within the log message is done via a frozen routine from the
"Log::Agent::Tag" ancestor.
The following classes are provided by
- "Log::Agent::Tag::Callback"
- The "string()" routine invokes a
user-supplied callback, given as a
"Callback" object. You need the Callback
module from CPAN if you wish to use this class.
- "Log::Agent::Tag::Caller"
- Used internally to compute the caller and format it according to user
- "Log::Agent::Tag::Priority"
- Used internally to format message priorities and add them to the log
- "Log::Agent::Tag::String"
- Defines a constant tagging string that should be added in all the log
messages, e.g. a web session ID.
Raphael Manfredi <Raphael_Manfredi@pobox.com>