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NAMEAlgorithm::Dependency::Weight - Calculate dependency 'weights'VERSIONversion 1.112SYNOPSIS# Create a source from a file my $Source = Algorithm::Dependency::Source->new( 'file.txt' ); # Create a Weight algorithm object my $alg = Algorithm::Dependency::Weight->new( source => $Source ); # Find the weight for a single item my $weight = $alg->weight('foo'); print "The weight of 'foo' is $weight\n"; # Or a group my $hash = $alg->weight_hash('foo', 'bar', 'baz'); print "The weight of 'foo', 'bar', and 'bar' are $hash->{foo}," . " $hash->{bar} and $hash->{baz} respectively\n"; # Or all of the items my $all = $alg->weight_all; print "The following is a list from heaviest to lightest:\n"; foreach ( sort { $all->{$b} <=> $all->{$a} } keys %$all ) { print "$_: $all->{$_}\n"; } DESCRIPTIONIn dependency systems, it can often be very useful to calculate an aggregate or sum for one or all items. For example, to find the "naive install weight" of a Perl distribution (where "naive" means you treat each distribution equally), you would want the distribution (1) + all its dependencies (n) + all their dependencies (n2) recursively downwards.If calculated using a normal Algorithm::Dependency object, the result would be (in a simple systems) equal to: # Create your normal (non-ordered alg:dep) my $dependency = Algorithm::Dependency->new( ... ); # Find the naive weight for an item my $weight = scalar($dependency->schedule('itemname')); "Algorithm::Dependency::Weight" provides a way of doing this with a little more sophistication, and in a way that should work reasonable well across all the Algorithm::Dependency family. Please note that the this might be a little (or more than a little) slower than it could be for the limited case of generating weights for all of the items at once in a dependency system with no selected items and no circular dependencies. BUT you can at least rely on this class to do the job properly regardless of the particulars of the situation, which is probably more important. METHODSnew @paramsThe "new" constructor creates a new "Algorithm::Dependency::Weight" object. It takes a number of key/value pairs as parameters (although at the present time only one).
Returns a new "Algorithm::Dependency::Weight" object, or "undef" on error. sourceThe "source" accessor returns the source used for the weight calculations.This will be either the one passed to the constructor, or the source from inside the "Algorithm::Dependency" object passed as the "source" param (not the object itself, its source). weight $nameThe "weight" method takes the name of a single item and calculates its weight based on the configuration of the "Algorithm::Dependency::Weight" object.Returns the weight as a scalar (which in the naive case will be an integer, but in more complex uses may be any real number), or "undef" on error. weight_merged @namesThe "weight_merged" method takes the name of a set of items and calculates an aggregated weight for the whole set.Returns the weight as a scalar, or "undef" on error. weight_hash @namesThe "weight_hash" method takes a list of item names, and calculates their weights.Returns a reference to a "HASH" with the item names as keys and weights as values, or "undef" on error. weight_allThe "weight_all" method provides the one-shot method for getting the weights of all items at once. Please note that this does not do anything different or special, but is slightly faster than iterating yourself.Returns a reference to a "HASH" with the item names as keys and weights as values, or "undef" on error. TO DO- Add support for non-naive weights via either custom code or method nameSEE ALSOAlgorithm::Dependency, Algorithm::Dependency::SourceSUPPORTBugs may be submitted through the RT bug tracker <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Algorithm-Dependency> (or bug-Algorithm-Dependency@rt.cpan.org <mailto:bug-Algorithm-Dependency@rt.cpan.org>).AUTHORAdam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2003 by Adam Kennedy.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.