NAMEAlgorithm::Evolutionary - Perl module for performing paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms.SYNOPSIS#Short way of loading a lot of modules, POE-style use Algorithm::Evolutionary qw( Op::This_Operator Individual::That_Individual Fitness::Some_Fitness); # other modules with explicit importation use Algorihtm::Evolutionary::Utils (this_util that_util); DESCRIPTION"Algorithm::Evolutionary" is a set of classes for doing object-oriented evolutionary computation in Perl. Why would anyone want to do that escapes my knowledge, but, in fact, we have found it quite useful for our own purposes. Same as Perl itself.The main design principle of Algorithm::Evolutionary is flexibility: it should be very easy to create your own evolutionary algorithms using this library, and it should be also quite easy to program what's already there in the evolutionary computation community. Besides, the library classes should have persistence provided by YAML. The module allows to create simple evolutionary algorithms, as well as more complex ones, that interface with databases or with the web. @article {springerlink:10.1007/s00500-009-0504-3, author = {Merelo Guervós, Juan-Julián and Castillo, Pedro and Alba, Enrique}, affiliation = {Universidad de Granada Depto. Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, ETS Ingenierías Informática y Telecomunicaciones Granada Spain}, title = {Algorithm::Evolutionary, a flexible Perl module for evolutionary computation}, journal = {Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, issn = {1432-7643}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {1091-1109}, volume = {14}, issue = {10}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00500-009-0504-3}, note = {10.1007/s00500-009-0504-3}, year = {2010} } or @InProceedings{jj:2008:PPSN, author = "Juan J. Merelo and Antonio M. Mora and Pedro A. Castillo and Juan L. J. Laredo and Lourdes Araujo and Ken C. Sharman and Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar and Eva Alfaro-Cid and Carlos Cotta", title = "Testing the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: Effect of Asynchronous Population Incorporation on Multi-Deme Evolutionary Algorithms", booktitle = "Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN X", year = "2008", editor = "Gunter Rudolph and Thomas Jansen and Simon Lucas and Carlo Poloni and Nicola Beume", volume = "5199", series = "LNCS", pages = "266-275", address = "Dortmund", month = "13-17 " # sep, publisher = "Springer", keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, p2p computing", ISBN = "3-540-87699-5", doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-87700-4_27", size = "pages", notes = "PPSN X", } ExamplesThere are a few examples in the "examples" subdirectory, which should have been included with your CPAN bundle. For instance, check out "tide_float.pl", an example of floating point vector optimization, or "cd examples; run_easy_ga.pl p_peaks.yaml", which should run an example of a simple GA on the P_Peaks deceptive function.Some other examples are installed: check out tide_bitstring.pl, tide_float.pl and canonical-genetic-algorithm.pl, which you can run and play with to get a taste of what EA programming is like, and then ammend, add and modify at leisure to create your own evolutionary algorithms. For a GUI example, check rectangle-coverage.pl, which uses Tk to show the population and its evolution. You will need to install the required modules, however, since it needs additional ones to those required by this module. DISCUSSION, FEATURE REQUESTSHead to the CPAN forum for this module: <http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/Algorithm-Evolutionary>BUGS?Have you found any bugs? Use the CPAN tracker to inform about them (<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Algorithm-Evolutionary>) or email the author (below) or "bug-algorithm-evolutionary@rt.cpan.org".AUTHORSEE ALSOIf you are just looking for a plain vanilla genetic algorithm for didactic purposes, check also Algorithm::Evolutionary::Simple, which does the job in a straight fashion and can be used easily for demos or adapting it to external fitness functions.
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