Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ZDT1 - Zitzler-Deb-Thiele #1 Multiobjective
test function
my $number_of_bits = 5;
my $z = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ZDT1->new( $number_of_bits);
my $string = "10101"x30;
$z->zdt1( $string);
#Previously created binary chromosome with 5x30 bits
$z->apply( $chromosome );
Implementation of the first ZDT test function, found at "Comparison of
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: Empirical Results" by Zitzler,
Deb and Thiele
Creates a new instance of the problem, with the said number of bits and peaks
Applies the instantiated problem to a chromosome
Computes ZDT1, returning an array hash with the values of f1 and f2.
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CVS Info: $Date: 2009/07/24 10:25:49 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Fitness/,v 3.1 2009/07/24 10:25:49 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.1 $
$Name $