Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::wP_Peaks - wP Peaks problem generator - weighted version of P_Peaks
my $number_of_bits = 32;
my @weights = (1);
for (my $i = 0; $i < 99; $i ++ ) {
push @weights, 0.99;
my $wp_peaks = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::wP_Peaks->new( $number_of_bits, @weights ); #Number of peaks = scalar @weights
# Or use an alternative ctor
my $descriptor = { number_of_peaks => 100,
weight => 0.99 };
my $wp_peaks = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::wP_Peaks->new( $number_of_bits, $descriptor)
wP-Peaks fitness function, weighted version of the P-Peaks fitness function, which has now a single peak
or new( $number_of_bits,
$hash_with_number_of_peaks_and_weight )
Creates a new instance of the problem, with the said number of
bits and peaks
Returns random string in the same style than the peaks. Useful for testing
Applies the instantiated problem to a string
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CVS Info: $Date: 2012/07/08 16:37:25 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Fitness/,v 3.2 2012/07/08 16:37:25 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.2 $
$Name $