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Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String(3)

    Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String - A character string to be evolved. Useful mainly in word games

    use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String;

    my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String ['a'..'z'], 10;
                                   # Build random bitstring with length 10

    my $indi3 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String;
    $indi3->set( { length => 20,
                   chars => ['A'..'Z'] } );   #Sets values, but does not build the string
    $indi3->randomize(); #Creates a random bitstring with length as above
    print $indi3->Atom( 7 );       #Returns the value of the 7th character
    $indi3->Atom( 3, 'Q' );       #Sets the value

    $indi3->addAtom( 'K' ); #Adds a new character to the bitstring at the end

    my $indi4 = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String->fromString( 'esto es un string');   #Creates an individual from that string

    my $indi5 = $indi4->clone(); #Creates a copy of the individual

    my @array = qw( a x q W z ñ); #Tie a String individual
    tie my @vector, 'Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String', @array;

    print $indi3->as_string(); #Prints the individual


String Individual for a evolutionary algorithm. Contains methods to handle strings easily. It is also TIEd so that strings can be handled as arrays.

Known operators that act on this subroutine. Probably will be deprecated, so don't rely on its presence

Creates a new random string, with fixed initial length, and uniform distribution of characters along the character class that is defined. However, this character class is just used to generate new individuals and in mutation operators, and the validity is not enforced unless the client class does it

Assigns random values to the elements

Adds an atom at the end

Similar to a copy ctor; creates a bitstring individual from a string. Will be deprecated soon

Similar to a copy ctor; creates a bitstring individual from a string.

Similar to a copy ctor: creates a new individual from another one

Returns the individual as a string with the fitness as a suffix.

Sets or gets the value of the n-th character in the string. Counting starts at 0, as usual in Perl arrays.

String implements FETCH, STORE, PUSH and the rest, so an String can be tied to an array and used as such.

Returns length of the string that stores the info; overloads abstract base method.

    Returns the string used as internal representation

Sets or gets the variable that holds the chromosome. Not very nice, and I would never ever do this in C++

  This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
  or go to
2021-03-29 perl v5.32.1

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