Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::EDA_step - Single step for a Estimation of
Distribution Algorithm
use Algorithm::Evolutionary qw( Individual::BitString
Op::Mutation Op::Crossover
Fitness::ONEMAX Op::EDA_step
use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Utils qw(average);
my $onemax = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Fitness::ONEMAX;
my @pop;
my $number_of_bits = 20;
my $population_size = 20;
my $replacement_rate = 0.5;
for ( 1..$population_size ) {
my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString $number_of_bits ; #Creates random individual
$indi->evaluate( $onemax );
push( @pop, $indi );
my $selector = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::RouletteWheel $population_size; #One of the possible selectors
my $generation =
new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::EDA_step( $onemax, $selector, $replacement_rate );
my @sortPop = sort { $b->Fitness() <=> $a->Fitness() } @pop;
my $bestIndi = $sortPop[0];
my $previous_average = average( \@sortPop );
$generation->apply( \@sortPop );
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms shun operators and instead try to model
the distribution of "good" solutions in the population. This version
corresponds to the most basic one.
Creates an algorithm, with no defaults except for the default replacement
operator (defaults to Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::ReplaceWorst)
Sets the instance variables. Takes a ref-to-hash as input. Not intended to be
used from outside the class
Start all over again by resetting the population
Applies the algorithm to the population, which should have been evaluated first;
checks that it receives a ref-to-array as input, croaks if it does not.
Returns a sorted, culled, evaluated population for next generation.
More or less in the same ballpark, alternatives to this one
- •
- Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GeneralGeneration
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CVS Info: $Date: 2009/09/30 16:01:28 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Op/,v 1.5 2009/09/30 16:01:28 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 1.5 $