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NAMEAlgorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GenerationalTerm - Checks for termination of an algorithm.SYNOPSISmy $gt = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GenerationalTerm 100; #apply will return false after 100 generations Base ClassAlgorithm::Evolutionary::Op::BaseDESCRIPTIONChecks for termination after a number of generationsMETHODSnew( [$number_of_generations = 100] )Creates a new generational terminator:my $gt = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::GenerationalTerm 100; #apply will return false after 100 generations will make the "apply" method return false after 100 calls resetResets the number of generations to 0apply()Checks if the counter has arrived to the allotted number of generations, returns false when it does.$gt->apply(); will return "false" when it has been run for the number of times it has been initialized to See AlsoAlgorithm::Evolutionary::Op::FullAlgorithm needs an object of this class to check for the termination condition. It's normally used alongside "generation-type" objects such as Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::EasyThere are other options for termination conditions: Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::NoChangeTerm, Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Convergence_Terminator and Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::DeltaTerm. CopyrightThis file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution, or go to http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt CVS Info: $Date: 2009/07/24 08:46:59 $ $Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Op/GenerationalTerm.pm,v 3.0 2009/07/24 08:46:59 jmerelo Exp $ $Author: jmerelo $ $Revision: 3.0 $ $Name $