Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Storing - Applies the op and keeps the result
my %visited_population_hash;
#Create from scratch with default operator rate
my $op = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Bitflip 2;
my $stored_op = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Storing ( $op, \%visited_population_hash );
Applies an operator and stores the result in a hash (can be a tied database), so
that the whole population is stored. It creates an operator whose results are
cached, which could be useful for expensive operators.
Wraps around the operator, and stores the reference to the population hash that
will be used
Applies internal operator, and keeps result
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CVS Info: $Date: 2011/02/14 06:55:36 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Op/,v 3.1 2011/02/14 06:55:36 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.1 $
$Name $