Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Tournament_Selection - Tournament selector, takes
individuals from one population and puts them into another
my $popSize = 100;
my $tournamentSize = 7;
my $selector = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Tournament_Selection $tournamentSize;
my @newPop = $selector->apply( @pop ); #Creates a new population from old
One of the possible selectors used for selecting the pool of individuals that
are going to be the parents of the following generation. Takes a set of
individuals randomly out of the population, and select the best.
Creates a new tournament selector
Applies the tournament selection to a population, returning another of the same
size by default or whatever size is selected. Please bear in mind that, unlike
other selectors, this one uses a reference to population instead of a
population array.
Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::RouleteWheel is another option for selecting a pool
of individuals
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