Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Uniform_Crossover_Diff - Uniform crossover, but
interchanges only those atoms that are different
my $xmlStr3=<<EOC;
<op name='Uniform_Crossover_Diff' type='binary' rate='1'>
<param name='numPoints' value='2' /> #Max is 2, anyways
my $ref3 = XMLin($xmlStr3);
my $op3 = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Base->fromXML( $ref3 );
print $op3->asXML(), "\n";
my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString 10;
my $indi2 = $indi->clone();
my $indi3 = $indi->clone(); #Operands are modified, so better to clone them
$op3->apply( $indi2, $indi3 );
my $op4 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Uniform_Crossover_Diff 1; #Uniform_Crossover_Diff with 1 crossover points
Crossover operator for a GA acting only on those bits that are different.
Creates a new n-point crossover operator, with 2 as the default number of
points, that is, the default would be
my $options_hash = { crossover_rate => 0.5 };
my $priority = 1;
Same as Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Uniform_Crossover, but making sure that
what is interchanged is different.
This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
or go to
CVS Info: $Date: 2012/07/08 10:38:52 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Op/,v 3.6 2012/07/08 10:38:52 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.6 $
$Name $