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AnyEvent::Connection(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
AnyEvent::Connection(3) |
AnyEvent::Connection - Base class for tcp connectful clients
package MyTCPClient;
use base 'AnyEvent::Connection';
package main;
my $client = MyTCPClient->new(
host => 'localhost',
port => 12345,
connected => sub {
my ($client,$connection,$host,$port) = @_;
# ...
$interval, sub {
# Called after interval, if connection still alive
connfail = sub {
my ($client,$reason) = @_;
# ...
disconnect => sub {
my ($client,$reason) = @_;
error => sub {
my ($client,$error) = @_;
# Called in error conditions for callbackless methods
- connected ($connobject, $host, $port)
- Called when client get connected.
- connfail
- Called, when client fails to connect
- disconnect
- Called whenever client disconnects
- error
- Called in error conditions for callbackless methods (for ex: when calling
push_write on non-connected client)
- host
- Host to connect to
- port
- Port to connect to
- timeout [ = 3 ]
- Connect/read/write timeout in seconds
- reconnect [ = 1 ]
- If true, automatically reconnect after disconnect/connfail after delay
$reconnect seconds
- rawcon [ = AnyEvent::Connection::Raw ]
- Class that implements low-level connection
- new
- Cleates connection object (see OPTIONS)
- connect
- Begin connection
- disconnect ($reason)
- Close current connection. reason is optional
- reconnect
- Close current connection and establish a new one
- after($interval, $cb->())
- Helper method. AE::timer(after), associated with current connection
Will be destroyed if connection is destroyed, so no timer
invocation after connection destruction.
- periodic($interval, $cb->())
- Helper method. AE::timer(periodic), associated with current connection
Will be destroyed if connection is destroyed, so no timer
invocation after connection destruction.
- periodic_stop()
- If called within periodic callback, periodic will be stopped.
my $count;
$client->periodic(1,sub {
$client->periodic_stop if ++$count > 10;
# callback will be called only 10 times;
- destroy
- Close connection, destroy all associated objects and timers, clean
When connected, there are some methods, that proxied to raw connection or to
- push_write
- See AE::Handle::push_write
- push_read
- See AE::Handle::push_read
- unshift_read
- See AE::Handle::unshift_read
- say
- Same as push_write + newline
- reply
- Same as push_write + newline
For next methods there is a feature. Callback will be called in
any way, either by successful processing or by error or object
- recv($bytes, %args, cb => $cb->())
- Similar to
$fh->push_read(chunk => $bytes, $cb->());
- command($data, %args, cb => $cb->());
- Similar to
$fh->push_read(line => $cb->());
Mons Anderson, "<mons at cpan.org>"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
"bug-anyevent-connection at rt.cpan.org", or
through the web interface at
<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=AnyEvent-Connection>. I
will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc AnyEvent::Connection
You can also look for information at:
- RT: CPAN's request tracker
- AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
- CPAN Ratings
- Search CPAN
Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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