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AnyEvent::DBD::Pg(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation AnyEvent::DBD::Pg(3)

AnyEvent::DBD::Pg - AnyEvent interface to DBD::Pg's async interface

        use AnyEvent::DBD::Pg;
        my $adb = AnyEvent::DBD::Pg->new('dbi:Pg:dbname=test', user => 'pass', {
                pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
                pg_server_prepare => 0,
                quote_char => '"',
                name_sep => ".",
        }, debug => 1);
        $adb->queue_size( 4 );
        $adb->debug( 1 );
        $adb->selectcol_arrayref("select pg_sleep( 0.1 ), 1", { Columns => [ 1 ] }, sub {
                my $rc = shift or return warn;
                my $res = shift;
                warn "Got <$adb->{qd}> = $rc / @{$res}";
                $adb->selectrow_hashref("select data,* from tx limit 2", {}, sub {
                        my $rc = shift or return warn;
                        warn "Got $adb->{qd} = $rc [@_]";
        $adb->execute("update tx set data = data;",sub {
                my $rc = shift or return warn;
                warn "Got exec: $rc";
                #my $st = shift;
        $adb->execute("select from 1",sub {
                shift or return warn;
                warn "Got $adb->{qd} = @_";
        $adb->selectrow_array("select pg_sleep( 0.1 ), 2", {}, sub {
                shift or return warn;
                warn "Got $adb->{qd} = [@_]";
                $adb->selectrow_hashref("select * from tx limit 1", {}, sub {
                        warn "Got $adb->{qd} = [@_]";
                        $adb->execute("select * from tx", sub {
                                my $rc = shift or return warn;
                                my $st = shift;
                                while(my $row = $st->fetchrow_hashref) { warn "$row->{id}"; }

Establish connection to database
selectrow_array( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, ... ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchrow_array" into callback
selectrow_arrayref( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, \@row ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchrow_arrayref" into callback
selectrow_hashref( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, \%row ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchrow_hashref" into callback
selectall_arrayref( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, \@rows ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchall_arrayref" into callback
selectall_hashref( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, \@rows ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchall_hashref" into callback
selectcol_arrayref( $query, { Columns => [...], ... }, $cb->( $rc, \@rows ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than push result of "fetchall_hashref($args{Columns})" into callback
execute( $query, [\%args], $cb->( $rc, $sth ))
Execute PG_ASYNC prepare, than invoke callback, pushing resulting sth to it.

Please, note: result already passed as first argument

Mons Anderson, "<>"

Copyright 2010 Mons Anderson.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

2010-11-30 perl v5.32.1

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