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AnyEvent::Twitter(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation AnyEvent::Twitter(3)

AnyEvent::Twitter - A thin wrapper for Twitter API using OAuth

    use utf8;
    use Data::Dumper;
    use AnyEvent;
    use AnyEvent::Twitter;

    my $ua = AnyEvent::Twitter->new(
        consumer_key    => 'consumer_key',
        consumer_secret => 'consumer_secret',
        token           => 'access_token',
        token_secret    => 'access_token_secret',

    # or

    my $ua = AnyEvent::Twitter->new(
        consumer_key        => 'consumer_key',
        consumer_secret     => 'consumer_secret',
        access_token        => 'access_token',
        access_token_secret => 'access_token_secret',

    # or, if you use eg/, you can write simply as:

    my $json_text = slurp 'config.json';
    my $config    = JSON::decode_json($json_text);
    my $ua = AnyEvent::Twitter->new(%$config);

    my $cv = AE::cv;

    # GET request
    $ua->get('account/verify_credentials', sub {
        my ($header, $response, $reason) = @_;

        say $response->{screen_name};

    # GET request with parameters
    $ua->get('account/verify_credentials', {
        include_entities => 1
    }, sub {
        my ($header, $response, $reason) = @_;

        say $response->{screen_name};

    # POST request with parameters
    $ua->post('statuses/update', {
        status => 'いろはにほへと ちりぬるを'
    }, sub {
        my ($header, $response, $reason) = @_;

        say $response->{user}{screen_name};

    # verbose and old style
        method => 'GET',
        api    => 'account/verify_credentials',
        sub {
            my ($hdr, $res, $reason) = @_;

            if ($res) {
                print "ratelimit-remaining : ", $hdr->{'x-ratelimit-remaining'}, "\n",
                      "x-ratelimit-reset   : ", $hdr->{'x-ratelimit-reset'}, "\n",
                      "screen_name         : ", $res->{screen_name}, "\n";
            } else {
                say $reason;

        method => 'POST',
        api    => 'statuses/update',
        params => { status => 'hello world!' },
        sub {
            print Dumper \@_;

        method => 'POST',
        url    => '',
        params => { status => 'いろはにほへと ちりぬるを' },
        sub {
            print Dumper \@_;


AnyEvent::Twitter is a very thin wrapper for Twitter API using OAuth.

As of version 0.63, AnyEvent::Twitter supports Twitter REST API v1.1.

NOTE: API version 1.0 is already deprecated.

All arguments are required except "api_version". If you don't know how to obtain these parameters, take a look at eg/ and run it.
"access_token" (or "token")
"access_token_secret" (or "token_secret")
"api_version" (optional; default: 1.1)
If you have a problem with API changes, specify "api_version" parameter. Possible values are: 1.1 or 1.0

"$ua->get($api, sub {})"
"$ua->get($api, \%params, sub {})"
"$ua->get($url, sub {})"
"$ua->get($url, \%params, sub {})"

"$ua->post($api, \%params, sub {})"
"$ua->post($url, \%params, sub {})"
"$ua->post($api, \@params, sub {})"
"$ua->post($url, \@params, sub {})"


You can use "statuses/update_with_media" API to upload photos by specifying parameters as arrayref like below example.

Uploading photos will be tranferred with Content-Type "multipart/form-data" (not "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

    use utf8;
            status    => '桜',
            'media[]' => [ undef, $filename, Content => $loaded_image_binary ],
        sub {
            my ($hdr, $res, $reason) = @_;
            say $res->{user}{screen_name};

These parameters are required.
"api" or "url"
The "api" parameter is a shortcut option.

If you want to specify the API "url", the "url" parameter is good for you. The format should be 'json'.

The "api" parameter will be internally processed as:

    sprintf '', $api; # version 1.1
    sprintf '',    $api; # version 1.0

You can find available "api"s at API Documentation <>

"method" and "params"
Investigate the HTTP method and required parameters of Twitter API that you want to use. Then specify it. GET and POST methods are allowed. You can omit "params" if Twitter API doesn't require it.
This module is AnyEvent::HTTP style, so you have to pass the callback (coderef).

Passed callback will be called with $header, $response, $reason and $error_response. If something is wrong with the response from Twitter API, $response will be "undef". On non-2xx HTTP status code, you can get the decoded response via $error_response. So you can check the value like below.

    my $callback = sub {
        my ($header, $response, $reason, $error_response) = @_;

        if ($response) {
            say $response->{screen_name};
        } else {
            say $reason;
            for my $error (@{$error_response->{errors}}) {
                say "$error->{code}: $error->{message}";

"parse_timestamp" parses "created_at" timestamp like "Thu Mar 01 17:38:56 +0000 2012". It returns Time::Piece object. Its timezone is localtime.

Most of all tests are written as author tests since this module depends on remote API server. So if you want read code that works well, take a look at "xt/" directory.

Methods listed below are experimental feature. So interfaces or returned values may vary in the future.

        consumer_key    => $consumer_key,
        consumer_secret => $consumer_secret,
        callback_url    => '',
        # auth => 'authenticate',
        cb => sub {
            my ($location, $response, $body, $header) = @_;
            # $location is the endpoint where users are asked the permission
            # $response is a hashref of parsed body
            # $body is raw response itself
            # $header is response headers

        consumer_key       => $consumer_key,
        consumer_secret    => $consumer_secret,
        oauth_token        => $oauth_token,
        oauth_token_secret => $oauth_token_secret,
        oauth_verifier     => $oauth_verifier,
        cb => sub {
            my ($token, $body, $header) = @_;
            # $token is the parsed body
            # $body is raw response
            # $header is response headers

He gave me plenty of test code.
Hideki Yamamura
He cleaned my code up.

punytan <>

AnyEvent::HTTP, Net::OAuth

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2013-01-11 perl v5.32.1

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