Apache::LogFormat::Compiler - Compile a log format string to perl-code
use Apache::LogFormat::Compiler;
my $log_handler = Apache::LogFormat::Compiler->new("combined");
my $log = $log_handler->log_line(
Compile a log format string to perl-code. For faster generation of access_log
- new($fmt:String)
- Takes a format string (or a preset template
"combined" or
"custom") to specify the log format.
This module implements a subset of Apache's LogFormat templates
%% a percent sign
%h REMOTE_ADDR from the PSGI environment, or -
%l remote logname not implemented (currently always -)
%u REMOTE_USER from the PSGI environment, or -
%t [local timestamp, in default format]
%s the HTTP status code of the response
%b content length of the response
%T custom field for handling times in subclasses
%D custom field for handling sub-second times in subclasses
%v SERVER_NAME from the PSGI environment, or -
%V HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME from the PSGI environment, or -
%p SERVER_PORT from the PSGI environment
%P the worker's process id
%m REQUEST_METHOD from the PSGI environment
%U PATH_INFO from the PSGI environment
%q QUERY_STRING from the PSGI environment
%H SERVER_PROTOCOL from the PSGI environment
In addition, custom values can be referenced, using
"%{name}", with one of the mandatory
modifier flags "i",
"o" or
%{variable-name}i HTTP_VARIABLE_NAME value from the PSGI environment
%{header-name}o header-name header in the response
%{time-format]t localtime in the specified strftime format
- log_line($env:HashRef, $res:ArrayRef, $length:Integer, $reqtime:Integer,
$time:Integer): $log:String
- Generates log line.
$env PSGI env request HashRef
$res PSGI response ArrayRef
$length Content-Length
$reqtime The time taken to serve request in microseconds. optional
$time Time the request was received. optional. If $time is undefined. current timestamp is used.
Sample psgi
use Plack::Builder;
use Time::HiRes;
use Apache::LogFormat::Compiler;
my $log_handler = Apache::LogFormat::Compiler->new(
'%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i" %D'
my $compile_log_app = builder {
enable sub {
my $app = shift;
sub {
my $env = shift;
my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
my $res = $app->();
my $reqtime = int(Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0) * 1_000_000);
$env,$res,6,$reqtime, $t0->[0]));
This module uses POSIX::strftime::Compiler for generate datetime string.
POSIX::strftime::Compiler provides GNU C library compatible
strftime(3). But this module will not affected by the system locale.
This feature is useful when you want to write loggers, servers and portable
Apache::LogFormat::Compiler allows one to add a custom format string
my $log_handler = Apache::LogFormat::Compiler->new(
char_handlers => +{
'z' => sub {
my ($env,$req) = @_;
return $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR};
block_handlers => +{
'Z' => sub {
my ($block,$env,$req) = @_;
my ($main, $alt) = split('\|', $args);
return exists $env->{$main} ? $env->{$main} : $env->{$alt};
Any single letter can be used, other than those already defined by
Apache::LogFormat::Compiler. Your sub is called with two or three arguments:
the content inside the "{}" from the
format (block_handlers only), the PSGI environment
($env), and the ArrayRef of the response. It should
return the string to be logged.
Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.