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Apache::RPC::Server(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Apache::RPC::Server(3) |
Apache::RPC::Server - A subclass of RPC::XML::Server tuned for mod_perl
# In httpd.conf:
PerlModule Apache::RPC::Server
PerlSetVar RpcMethodDir /var/www/rpc:/usr/lib/perl5/RPC-shared
PerlChildInitHandler Apache::RPC::Server->init_handler
<Location /RPC>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::RPC::Server
</Location /RPC-limited>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::RPC::Server
PerlSetVar RPCOptPrefix RpcLimit
PerlSetVar RpcLimitRpcServer Limited
PerlSetVar RpcLimitRpcMethodDir /usr/lib/perl5/RPC-shared
# In the start-up Perl file:
use Apache::RPC::Server;
The Apache::RPC::Server module is a subclassing of
RPC::XML::Server that is tuned and designed for use within Apache with
Provided are phase-handlers for the general request-processing
phase ("PerlHandler") and the
child-process initialization phase
("PerlChildInitHandler"). The module
should be loaded either by inclusion in a server start-up Perl script or by
directives in the server configuration file (generally httpd.con).
One loaded, the configuration file may assign the module to handle one or
more given locations with the general set of
"<Location>" directives and familiar
options. Additional configuration settings specific to this module are
detailed below.
Generally, externally-available methods are provided as files in
the XML dialect explained in RPC::XML::Server. A subclass derived from this
class may of course use the methods provided by this class and its parent
class for adding and manipulating the method table.
The methods that the server publishes are provided by a combination of the
installation files and Apache configuration values. Details on remote method
syntax and semantics is covered in RPC::XML::Server.
In addition to inheriting all the methods from RPC::XML::Server, the
following methods are either added or overloaded by
- handler
- This is the default content-handler routine that mod_perl expects
when the module is defined as managing the specified location. This is
provided as a method handler, meaning that the first argument is
either an object reference or a static string with the class name. This
allows for other packages to easily subclass Apache::RPC::Server.
This routine takes care of examining the incoming request,
choosing an appropriate server object to actually process the request,
and returning the results of the remote method call to the client.
- init_handler
- This is another Apache-level handler, this one designed for installation
as a "PerlChildInitHandler". At present,
its only function is to iterate over all server object currently in the
internal tables and invoke the
"child_started" method (detailed below)
on each. Setting this handler assures that each child has a correct
impression of when it started as opposed to the start time of the server
Note that this is only applied to those servers known to the
master Apache process. In most cases, this will only be the default
server object as described above. That is because of the delayed-loading
nature of all servers beyond the default, which are likely only in
child-specific memory. There are some configuration options described in
the next section that can affect and alter this.
- new(HASH)
- This is the class constructor. It calls the superclass
"new" method, then performs some
additional steps. These include installing the default methods (which
includes an Apache-specific version of
"system.status"), adding the
installation directory of this module to the method search path, and
adding any directories or explicitly-requested methods to the server
The arguments to the constructor are regarded as a hash table
(not a hash reference), and are mostly passed unchanged to the
constructor for RPC::XML::Server. Three parameters are of concern
to this class:
- apache
- The value associated with this key is a reference to an Apache
request object. If this is not passed, then it is assumed that this is
being called in the start-up phase of the server and the value returned
from "Apache->server" (see Apache) is
- server_id
- This provides the server ID string for the RPC server (not to be confused
with the Apache server) that is being configured.
- prefix
- The prefix is used in retrieving certain configuration settings from the
Apache configuration file.
The server identification string and prefix concepts are explained
in more detail in the next section. See RPC::XML::Server for a full list of
what additional arguments may be passed to new for eventual proxy to
the parent class constructor.
- child_started([BOOLEAN])
- This method is very similar to the
"started" method provided by
RPC::XML::Server. When called with no argument or an argument that
evaluates to a false value, it returns the UNIX-style time value of when
this child process was started. Due to the child-management model of
Apache, this may very well be different from the value returned by
"started" itself. If given an argument
that evaluates as true, the current system time is set as the new
child-start time.
If the server has not been configured to set this at child
initialization, then the main
"started" value is returned. The name
is different so that a child may specify both server-start and
child-start times with clear distinction.
- get_server(APACHEREQ|STRING)
- Get the server object that corresponds to the argument passed. If the
argument is a reference to an Apache request object, use it to
determine the name (by path, etc.) and return that object. If the
parameter is not a reference, it is assumed to be the specific name
If the requested server object does not yet exist, an attempt
will be made to create it and add it to the internal table. The
newly-created object is then returned.
- list_servers
- Return a list of the names used for all the current server
instances. Does not return the server objects themselves (use
get_server, above, for that).
- version
- This method behaves exactly like the RPC::XML::Server method,
except that the version string returned is specific to this module
- As with version, this is an overload of the parent-class static
method that returns the installation directory of this particular
In addition to the known directives such as
"PerlHandler" and
"PerlChildInitHandler", configuration of
this system is controlled through a variety of settings that are manipulated
with the "PerlSetVar" and
"PerlAddVar" directives. These variables
- RPCOptPrefix [STRING]
- Sets a prefix string to be applied to all of the following names before
trying to read their values. Useful for setting within a
"<Location>" block to ensure that
no settings from a higher point in the hierarchy influence the server
being defined.
- RpcServer [STRING]
- Specify the name of the server to use for this location. If not passed,
then the default server is used. This server may also be explicitly
requested by the name
If more than one server is going to be created within the same Apache
environment, this setting should always be used outside the default area
so that the default server is not loaded down with extra method
definitions. If a sub-location changes the default server, those changes
will be felt by any location that uses that server.
Different locations may share the same server by specifying
the name with this variable. This is useful for managing varied access
schemes, traffic analysis, etc.
- RpcMethodDir [DIRECTORY]
- This variable specifies directories to be scanned for method
"*.xpl" files. To specify more than one
directory, separate them with
"":"" just as with any other
directory-path expression. All directories are kept (in the order
specified) as the search path for future loading of methods.
- RpcMethod [FILENAME]
- This is akin to the directory-specification option above, but only
provides a single method at a time. It may also have multiple values
separated by colons. The method is loaded into the server table. If the
name is not an absolute pathname, then it is searched for in the
directories that currently comprise the path. The directories above,
however, have not been added to the search path yet. This is because these
directives are processed immediately after the directory specifications,
and thus do not need to be searched. This directive is designed to allow
selective overriding of methods in the previously-specified
- RpcDefMethods [YES|NO]
- If specified and set to "no" (case-insensitive), suppresses the
loading of the system default methods that are provided with this package.
The absence of this setting is interpreted as a "yes", so
explicitly specifying such is not needed.
- RpcAutoMethods [YES|NO]
- If specified and set to "yes", enables the automatic searching
for a requested remote method that is unknown to the server object
handling the request. If set to "no" (or not set at all), then a
request for an unknown function causes the object instance to report an
error. If the routine is still not found, the error is reported. Enabling
this is a security risk, and should only be permitted by a server
administrator with fully informed acknowledgement and consent.
- RpcAutoUpdates [YES|NO]
- If specified and set to "yes", enables the checking of the
modification time of the file from which a method was originally loaded.
If the file has changed, the method is re-loaded before execution is
handed off. As with the auto-loading of methods, this represents a
potential security risk, and should only be permitted by a server
administrator with fully informed acknowledgement and consent.
Methods are provided to an Apache::RPC::Server object in three ways:
- Default methods
- Unless suppressed by a "RpcDefMethods"
option, the methods shipped with this package are loaded into the table.
The Apache::RPC::Server objects get a slightly different version of
"system.status" than the parent class
- Configured directories
- All method files (those ending in a suffix of
"*.xpl") in the directories specified in
the relevant "RpcMethodDir" settings are
read next. These directories are also (after the next step) added to the
search path the object uses.
- By specific inclusion
- Any methods specified directly by use of
"RpcMethod" settings are loaded last.
This allows for them to override methods that may have been loaded from
the system defaults or the specified directories.
If a request is made for an unknown method, the object will first
attempt to find it by searching the path of directories that were given in
the configuration as well as those that are part of the system
(installation-level directories). If it is still not found, then an error is
reported back to the requestor. By using this technique, it is possible to
add methods to a running server without restarting it. It is a potential
security hole, however, and it is for that reason that the
previously-documented "RpcAutoMethods"
setting is provided.
To truly unlock the power of having the RPC server attached to a mod_perl
environment, the application and configuration of the server should be done
within Perl-configuration blocks on the Apache server itself.
In doing this, two immediate benefits are gained:
- (1)
- The rpc-server object gets created in the master Apache process, rather
than within each child as a side-effect of the first request. Especially
in cases where there are going to be more than one server in use within
the Apache environment, this boosts performance by allowing newly-created
children to already have the server object and method table readily
- (2)
- It becomes possible to exert more detailed control over the creation and
configuration of each server object. Combining the get_method and
add_method operations permits "sharing" (of a sort) of
methods between server objects. Recall from the RPC::XML::Server
documentation that, when a method is invoked, the first argument is the
server object that is marshalling it.
The following example illustrates these concepts in a fairly
simple environment:
# In httpd.conf:
# First, create and configure some Apache::RPC::Server objects
# One regular one, with the standard settings:
$main::defobj = Apache::RPC::Server->new(path => '/RPC',
auto_methods => 1,
auto_updates => 1);
# One version without the default methods, and no auto-actions
$main::secobj = Apache::RPC::Server->new(no_default => 1,
path => '/rpc-secured');
# Imagine that add_method and/or add_methods_in_dir has been used to
# add to the methods tables for those objects. Now assign them to
# locations managed by Apache:
$Location{'/RPC'} =
SetHandler => 'perl-script',
PerlHandler => '$main::defobj'
$Location{'/rpc-secure'} =
SetHandler => 'perl-script',
PerlHandler => '$main::secobj',
AuthUserFile => '/etc/some_file',
AuthType => 'Basic',
AuthName => 'SecuredRPC',
'require' => 'valid-user'
Note that the assignment of the
"PerlHandler" value was a string
representation of the object reference itself. mod_perl performs a
sort of "thaw" of this string when the location is accessed. Since
this class implements itself as a method handler, this causes the
"handler()" method for each of the
locations to be handed the Apache::RPC::Server object directly. Note
also that the value assigned to
"PerlHandler" cannot be a lexical
variable, or it will be out of scope when the handler is called.
All methods return some type of reference on success, or an error string on
failure. Non-reference return values should always be interpreted as errors
unless otherwise noted.
Where appropriate, the
"log_error" method from the Apache
package is called to note internal errors.
This began as a reference implementation in which clarity of process and
readability of the code took precedence over general efficiency. It is now
being maintained as production code, but may still have parts that could be
written more efficiently.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-rpc-xml
at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=RPC-XML>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as
I make changes.
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This file and the code within are copyright (c) 2011 by Randy J. Ray.
Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the
Artistic License 2.0
(<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php>) or the
GNU LGPL 2.1 (<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php>).
The XML-RPC standard is Copyright (c) 1998-2001, UserLand Software, Inc.
See <http://www.xmlrpc.com> for more information about the
XML-RPC specification.
RPC::XML::Server, RPC::XML
Randy J. Ray "<rjray@blackperl.com>"
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