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Apache::RPC::Status(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Apache::RPC::Status(3) |
Apache::RPC::Status - A status monitor similar to Apache::Status for RPC
# In httpd.conf:
</Location /rpc-status>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::RPC::Status
# In the start-up Perl file:
use Apache::RPC::Status;
The Apache::RPC::Status package is provided as a simple status monitor
for XML-RPC servers running in a mod_perl environment, using the
Apache::RPC::Server class (or derivative of). Patterned after the
status system provided with mod_perl itself, information is broken down
into a series of screens providing information ranging from the RPC servers
currently configured down to the individual methods provided by the servers.
There are three basic screens provided by the stock Apache::RPC::Status
- Main: Listing of Servers
- This screen is the first screen that comes up when the location for which
this class was assigned as a handler is invoked. It lists the server
objects that this running Apache process knows of. Note that if the
servers are defined in such a way as to mean on-demand creation, then a
given child process may not have all the configured servers in memory.
This is by design, it is not a bug. See "Usage Within <Perl>
Sections" in Apache::RPC::Server for details on configuring the RPC
servers such that they are pre-loaded into all child processes.
- Server: Details of a Server
- Each of the known servers in the main screen links to this screen, which
provides details on the specific server. Information such as when the
server was started (which usually matches the time that Apache was
started), when the specific child was started (which may not be the same),
number of requests servered, and so forth is provided. Additionally, each
of the methods that the server provides is listed in alphanumeric order,
with a link to the next screen.
- Method: Details of a Specific Method
- For each of the known methods published by a server, this screen
summarizes all that is known about the method itself. The signatures, help
text and hidden status (whether the method is visible to the introspection
API that is shipped with RPC::XML::Server) are all shown. Some
optional information is shown if available: if the method has a version
number associated with it, that is displayed. If the method was loaded
from an external XPL file, the file path and modification-time are also
The primary purpose of this status system is to allow for checking
the availability and sanity of the RPC servers themselves. For example, if a
server is configured to auto-load methods, and automatically check for
updates, the status system could confirm that a method is available or is at
the correct version.
(Note that auto-loading and auto-updating are done on demand, when
a call is made to the method in question. Thus, the status might not reflect
changes until at least one call has been made. Further, if there are very
many child processes handling the RPC servers, several calls may be
necessary to ensure that the child process answering the status request also
has the most up-to-date impression of the server.)
This package is implemented as a method handler for Apache/mod_perl. This means
that is should be relatively easy to subclass this package to implement an
extended version of status reporting, or to provide handlers for phases of the
request lifecycle not otherwise addressed.
There are three class methods defined in this package. One is the constructor,
the other two are handlers for specific phases in the Apache request
- new(CLASS, ARGS)
- This creates a new object of this class and returns a reference to it. The
first argument is the class being created into, the remaining arguments
are treated as key/value pairs (note: not a hash reference). At present,
the only additional argument recognized is:
- serverclass
- This is used when the status monitor is being used with a server class
other than Apache::RPC::Server directly. Because several methods
from that class are invoked, it is presumed that the class named here is a
subclass of Apache::RPC::Server. If not, the status monitor may not
work correctly, or at all. In the absence of this value,
"Apache::RPC::Server" is assumed. This
value may also be set with the mod_perl PerlSetVar directive. See
the documentation for "init_handler",
- handler(CLASS, REQUEST)
- This is the primary entry-point for the package. This is the handler
defined for assignment to "PerlHandler"
in a location configuration block. It is invoked by mod_perl as a method
handler, thus the first argument is either the name of the class (in the
case of class-method, or static, invocation) or the object configured as
the handler. The second argument is the Apache request object itself.
This method derives the query parameters for the request from
the Apache object, and treats them according to the type of information
screen requested:
- screen
- This specifies which screen of the status monitor is to be displayed. In
absence, the value defaults to "main", which is the internal
identifier for the primary screen of the status monitor system. If the
value of this parameter does not match a known interface hook, then the
handler will signify to mod_perl that it cannot handler the request, by
replying with the
response code.
- server
- When the screen parameter is set to
"server", the monitor displays the
server detail screen. In that case, this parameter specifies which server
should be displayed. Servers are given unique identifiers when they are
created, usually derived from the URL path that they are attached to. If
the value here does not match any known servers, a warning is sent to the
- method
- When the screen parameter is set to
"method", this calls for the method
detail screen. The provided interface hook to deal with these requests
looks for both the server parameter above and this one, which
specifies by name the method to be laid out in detail. As with the
server parameter, if the value in this parameter does not match any
known data, an error is reported to the browser.
Any additional parameters will be preserved by make_url
call detailed below. These are merely the specific ones recognized by the
status monitor as written.
- init_handler(CLASS, REQUEST)
- This is a very simple handler designed for the PerlChildInitHandler
phase. At present, it only does one simple task (and thus makes no direct
use of either parameter passed to it by mod_perl). However, it is included
mainly as a placeholder for possible future expansion. The current
behavior is to check for the existence of directory-configuration item
called "ServerClass", and record the
value if it is set. This is used to specifiy the class from which the RPC
server objects are created, if something other than
Apache::RPC::Server. If this information is passed via the
"serverclass" parameter to the
new method above, that value overrides any value here. However,
that requires actually creating an object to use as the handler, whereas
this handler may be used directly, as a static handler. It would be
configured outside of any <Location> blocks, a requirement for the
PerlChildInitHandler phase. It is designed to stack cleanly with
any other handlers for that phase, provided your mod_perl installation
supports stacked handlers.
In addition to the class methods above, the following are provided. In most
cases, these do not rely on any data contained within the actual object
itself. Many may also be called as static methods (these are so noted). They
are provided as a utility, implemented as methods so as to avoid namespace
- version
- (May be called as a static method.) Returns the current version of this
- apache_status_attach
- Attach the Apache::RPC::Status module to the main screen of the
Apache::Status display.
- default_object
- (May be called as a static method.) Returns a default
Apache::RPC::Status instance when called as a static method.
Returns the calling reference itself, otherwise.
- header(REQUEST, TITLE)
- Produces the HTML header for a page. Uses the passed-in title parameter to
give the page a title, and extracts any request-specific information from
the Apache request object passed as the first parameter.
- footer(REQUEST)
- Produces the HTML footer.
- (May be called as a static method.) This creates a URL string for use as a
hyperlink. It makes certain to preserve all parameters in a CGI-like
fashion. Additionally, it can make the URL in such a fashion as to allow
better integration with the Apache::Status package. If the
"FLAG" parameter is passed and is any
true value, then the resulting URL will be tailored for use with
Apache::Status. The first argument must be either the original
request object as passed by mod_perl, or a reference to a CGI object
created from the request (see CGI for more on the CGI class).
- Renders the HTML (minus the header and footer) for the main screen. The
arguments are the Apache request object, a CGI query object
created from the request, and a boolean flag indicating whether the call
into this method was made from within this module or made from the
Apache::Status page.
- server_summary(SERVER)
- Creates an HTML snippet to provide a summary for the server passed in as
an argument. The passed-in value should be the server object, not the
- server_detail(REQUEST, QUERY, INTERNAL)
- Renders the HTML (minus header and footer) for a screen describing a
server instance in detail. The server is specified by name in the query
parameters. The arguments are the same as for
- method_summary(SERVER, METHOD, BASEURL)
- Creates and HTML snippet to provide a summary for the specified method of
the specified server. The third argument is a base-URL to use for making
links to the detailed method page.
- method_detail(REQUEST, QUERY, INTERNAL)
- Renders the HTML (minus header and footer) for a screen describing a
method on a specific server instance, in detail. The method and server are
specified by name in the query parameters. The arguments are the same as
for "main_screen".
Some extension may be done without necessarily subclassing this package. The
class object are implemented simply as hash references. When a request is
received, the screen parameter (see above) is extracted, and used to
look up in the hash table. If there is a value for that key, the value is
assumed to be a hash reference with at least two keys (described below). If it
does not exist, the handler routine declines to handle the request. Thus, some
degree of extension may be done without the need for developing a new class,
if the configuration and manipulation are done within <Perl>
configuration blocks.
Adding a new screen means writing a routine to handle the
requests, and then adding a hook into that routine to the object that is the
handler for the Apache location that serves RPC status requests. The
routines that are written to handle a request should expect four arguments
(in order):
- The object reference for the location handler
- The Apache request object reference
- A query object reference (see below)
- A flag that is only passed when called from Apache::Status
The routines are given both the original request object and a
query object reference for sake of ease. The query object is already
available prior to the dispatch, so there is no reason to have each hook
routine write the same few lines to derive a query object from an Apache
request. At the same time, the hooks themselves may need the Apache object
to call methods on. The query object is an instance of CGI. The flag
parameter is passed by the linkage from this status package to
Apache::Status. The primary use for it is to pass to routines such as
make_url that are sensitive to the Apache::Status context.
The return value from these routines must be a reference to a list
of lines of text. It is passed to the print method of the
Apache class. This is necessary for compatibility with the
Apache::Status environment.
To add a new hook, merely assign it to the object directly. The
key is the value of the "screen" parameter
defined above, and the value is a hash reference with two keys:
- title
- A string that is incorporated into the HTML title for the page.
- call
- A reference to a subroutine or closure that implements the hook, and
conforms to the conventions described above.
A sample addition:
$stat_obj->{dbi} = {
title => 'RPC-side DBI Pool',
call => \&show_dbi_pool
This package is designed to integrate with the Apache::Status package
that is a part of mod_perl. However, this is not currently functional. When
this has been debugged, the details will be presented here.
This is the newest part of the RPC-XML package. While the package as a whole is
now considered beta, this piece may yet undergo some alpha-like enhancements
to the interface and such. However, the design and planning of this were
carefully considered, so any such changes should be minimal.
Diagnostics are not handled well in this module.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-rpc-xml
at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=RPC-XML>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as
I make changes.
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This file and the code within are copyright (c) 2011 by Randy J. Ray.
Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the
Artistic License 2.0
(<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php>) or the
GNU LGPL 2.1 (<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php>).
The XML-RPC standard is Copyright (c) 1998-2001, UserLand Software, Inc.
See <http://www.xmlrpc.com> for more information about the
XML-RPC specification.
Apache::Status, Apache::RPC::Server, RPC::XML::Method
Randy J. Ray "<rjray@blackperl.com>"
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