Apache::Singleton - Singleton class for mod_perl
package Printer;
# default:
# Request for mod_perl env
# Process for non-mod_perl env
use base qw(Apache::Singleton);
package Printer::PerRequest;
use base qw(Apache::Singleton::Request);
package Printer::PerProcess;
use base qw(Apache::Singleton::Process);
Apache::Singleton works the same as Class::Singleton, but with various object
lifetime (scope). See Class::Singleton first.
By inheriting one of the following sublasses of Apache::Singleton, you can
change the scope of your object.
- Request
use base qw(Apache::Singleton::Request);
One instance for one request. Apache::Singleton will remove
instance on each request. Implemented using mod_perl
"pnotes" API. In mod_perl environment
(where $ENV{MOD_PERL} is defined), this is the
default scope, so inheriting from Apache::Singleton would do the same
NOTE: You need "PerlOptions
+GlobalRequest" in your apache configuration in order to use
the Request lifetime method.
- Process
use base qw(Apache::Singleton::Process);
One instance for one httpd process. Implemented using package
global. In non-mod_perl environment, this is the default scope, and you
may notice this is the same beaviour with Class::Singleton ;)
So you can use this module safely under non-mod_perl
Original idea by Matt Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org> and Perrin Harkins
Initial implementation and versions 0.01 to 0.07 by Tatsuhiko
Miyagawa <miyagawa@bulknews.net>.
Apache::Singleton::Request, Apache::Singleton::Process, Class::Singleton
The development version is on github at
<https://github.com/mschout/apache-singleton> and may be cloned from
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-apache-singleton@rt.cpan.org
or through the web interface at:
Michael Schout <mschout@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Michael Schout.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.