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NAMEApache2::Request - Methods for dealing with client request dataSYNOPSISuse Apache2::Request; $req = Apache2::Request->new($r); @foo = $req->param("foo"); $bar = $req->args("bar"); DESCRIPTIONThe Apache2::Request module provides methods for parsing GET and POST parameters encoded with either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. Although Apache2::Request provides a few new APIs for accessing the parsed data, it remains largely backwards-compatible with the original 1.X API. See the "PORTING from 1.X" section below for a list of known issues.This manpage documents the Apache2::Request package. Apache2::RequestThe interface is designed to mimic the CGI.pm routines for parsing query parameters. The main differences are
newApache2::Request->new($r, %args) Creates a new Apache2::Request object. my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r, POST_MAX => "1M"); With mod_perl2, the environment object $r must be an Apache2::RequestRec object. In that case, all methods from Apache2::RequestRec are inherited. In the (default) CGI environment, $r must be an APR::Pool object. The following args are optional:
instanceApache2::Request->instance($r) The default (and only) behavior of Apache2::Request is to intelligently cache POST data for the duration of the request. Thus there is no longer the need for a separate "instance()" method as existed in Apache2::Request for Apache 1.3 - all POST data is always available from each and every Apache2::Request object created during the request's lifetime. However an "instance()" method is aliased to "new()" in this release to ease the pain of porting from 1.X to 2.X. param$req->param() $req->param($name) Get the request parameters (using case-insensitive keys) by mimicing the OO interface of "CGI::param". # similar to CGI.pm my $foo_value = $req->param('foo'); my @foo_values = $req->param('foo'); my @param_names = $req->param; # the following differ slightly from CGI.pm # returns ref to APR::Request::Param::Table object representing # all (args + body) params my $table = $req->param; @table_keys = keys %$table; In list context, or when invoked with no arguments as "$req->param()", "param" induces libapreq2 to read and parse all remaining data in the request body. However, "scalar $req->param("foo")" is lazy: libapreq2 will only read and parse more data if 1) no "foo" param appears in the query string arguments, AND 2) no "foo" param appears in the previously parsed POST data. In this circumstance libapreq2 will read and parse additional blocks of the incoming request body until either 1) it has found the the "foo" param, or 2) parsing is completed. Observe that "scalar $req->param("foo")" will not raise an exception if it can locate "foo" in the existing body or args tables, even if the query-string parser or the body parser has failed. In all other circumstances "param" will throw an Apache2::Request::Error object into $@ should either parser fail. $req->args_status(1); # set error state for query-string parser ok $req->param_status == 1; $foo = $req->param("foo"); ok $foo == 1; eval { @foo = $req->param("foo") }; ok $@->isa("Apache2::Request::Error"); undef $@; eval { my $not_found = $req->param("non-existent-param") }; ok $@->isa("Apache2::Request::Error"); $req->args_status(0); # reset query-string parser state to "success" Note: modifications to the "scalar $req->param()" table only affect the returned table object (the underlying C apr_table_t is generated from the parse data by apreq_params()). Modifications do not affect the actual request data, and will not be seen by other libapreq2 applications. parms, paramsThe functionality of these functions is assumed by "param", so they are no longer necessary. Aliases to "param" are provided in this release for backwards compatibility, however they are deprecated and may be removed from a future release.body$req->body() $req->body($name) Returns an APR::Request::Param::Table object containing the POST data parameters of the Apache2::Request object. my $body = $req->body; An optional name parameter can be passed to return the POST data parameter associated with the given name: my $foo_body = $req->body("foo"); More generally, "body()" follows the same pattern as "param()" with respect to its return values and argument list. The main difference is that modifications to the "scalar $req->body()" table affect the underlying apr_table_t attribute in apreq_request_t, so their impact will be noticed by all libapreq2 applications during this request. upload$req->upload() $req->upload($name) Requires "Apache2::Upload". With no arguments, this method returns an APR::Request::Param::Table object in scalar context, or the names of all Apache2::Upload objects in list context. An optional name parameter can be passed to return the Apache2::Upload object associated with the given name: my $upload = $req->upload($name); More generally, "upload()" follows the same pattern as "param()" with respect to its return values and argument list. The main difference is that its returned values are Apache2::Upload object refs, not simple scalars. Note: modifications to the "scalar $req->upload()" table only affect the returned table object (the underlying C apr_table_t is generated by apreq_uploads()). They do not affect the actual request data, and will not be seen by other libapreq2 applications. args_status$req->args_status() Get the APR status code of the query-string parser. APR_SUCCESS on success, error otherwise. body_status$req->body_status() Get the current APR status code of the parsed POST data. APR_SUCCESS when parser has completed, APR_INCOMPLETE if parser has more data to parse, APR_EINIT if no post data has been parsed, error otherwise. param_status$req->param_status() In scalar context, this returns "args_status" if there was an error during the query-string parse, otherwise this returns "body_status", ie $req->args_status || $req->body_status In list context "param_status" returns the list "(args_status, body_status)". parse$req->parse() Forces the request to be parsed immediately. In void context, this will throw an APR::Request::Error should the either the query-string or body parser fail. In all other contexts it will return the two parsers' combined APR status code $req->body_status || $req->args_status However "parse" should be avoided in most normal situations. For example, in a mod_perl content handler it is more efficient to write sub handler { my $r = shift; my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r); $r->discard_request_body; # efficiently parses the request body my $parser_status = $req->body_status; #... } Calling "$r->discard_request_body" outside the content handler is generally a mistake, so use "$req->parse" there, but only as a last resort. The Apache2::Request API is designed around a lazy-parsing scheme, so calling "parse" should not affect the behavior of any other methods. SUBCLASSING Apache2::RequestIf the instances of your subclass are hash references then you can actually inherit from Apache2::Request as long as the Apache2::Request object is stored in an attribute called "r" or "_r". (The Apache2::Request class effectively does the delegation for you automagically, as long as it knows where to find the Apache2::Request object to delegate to.) For example:package MySubClass; use Apache2::Request; our @ISA = qw(Apache2::Request); sub new { my($class, @args) = @_; return bless { r => Apache2::Request->new(@args) }, $class; } PORTING from 1.XThis is the complete list of changes to existing methods from Apache2::Request 1.X. These issues need to be addressed when porting 1.X apps to the new 2.X API.
SEE ALSOAPR::Request::Param, APR::Request::Error, Apache2::Upload, Apache2::Cookie, APR::Table(3).COPYRIGHTLicensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.