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NAMEApp::Netdisco - An open source web-based network management tool.DESCRIPTIONNetdisco is a web-based network management tool designed for network administrators. Data is collected into a PostgreSQL database using SNMP.Some of the things you can do with Netdisco:
App::Netdisco provides a web frontend with built-in web server, and a backend daemon to gather information from your network, and handle interactive requests such as changing port or device properties.
We have several other pages with tips for installation tips <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Install-Tips>, understanding and troubleshooting Netdisco <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Troubleshooting>, notes for specific device vendors <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Vendor-Tips>, and all the configuration options <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Configuration>. You can also speak to someone in the "#netdisco@freenode" IRC channel, or on the community email list <https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/netdisco-users>. Before installing or upgrading please always review the latest Release Notes <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Release-Notes>. DependenciesNetdisco has several Perl library dependencies which will be automatically installed. However it's required that you first install the following operating system packages, if not the installation will most likely fail further down the road.On Ubuntu/Debian: root:~# apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl libsnmp-perl libssl-dev libio-socket-ssl-perl curl postgresql build-essential On Fedora/Red-Hat: root:~# yum install perl-core perl-DBD-Pg net-snmp-perl net-snmp-devel openssl-devel curl postgresql-server postgresql-contrib make automake gcc root:~# postgresql-setup initdb root:~# systemctl start postgresql root:~# systemctl enable postgresql On openSUSE: root:~# zypper refresh root:~# zypper install curl automake gcc make postgresql postgresql-server openssh openssl net-snmp perl perl-DBD-Pg perl-SNMP On BSD systems please see our BSD tips <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/BSD-Install>. With those installed, please check that your system's clock is correct. Create a user on your system called "netdisco" if one does not already exist. We'll install Netdisco and its dependencies into this user's home area, which will take about 250MB including MIB files. root:~# useradd -m -p x -s /bin/bash netdisco Netdisco uses the PostgreSQL database server. Install PostgreSQL (at least version 9.4) and then change to the PostgreSQL superuser (usually "postgres"). Create a new database and PostgreSQL user for the Netdisco application: root:~# su - postgres postgres:~$ createuser -DRSP netdisco Enter password for new role: Enter it again: postgres:~$ createdb -O netdisco netdisco You may wish to amend the PostgreSQL configuration <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Install-Tips#enable-md5-authentication-to-postgresql> so that local connections are working. The default PostgreSQL configuration can also use tuning for modern server hardware. We recommend that you use one of the following tools to tune your "postgresql.conf" file:
InstallationThe following is a general guide which works well in most circumstances. It assumes you have a user "netdisco" on your system, that you want to perform an on-line installation, and have the application run self-contained from within that user's home. There are alternatives: see the Deployment <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Install-Tips> documentation for further details.To avoid muddying your system, use the following script to download and install Netdisco and its dependencies into the "netdisco" user's home area ("~/perl5"): su - netdisco curl -L https://cpanmin.us/ | perl - --notest --local-lib ~/perl5 App::Netdisco Link some of the newly installed apps into a handy location: mkdir ~/bin ln -s ~/perl5/bin/{localenv,netdisco-*} ~/bin/ Test the installation by running the following command, which should only produce a status message (it's just a test - you'll start the daemons properly, later on): ~/bin/netdisco-backend status ConfigurationMake a directory for your local configuration and copy the configuration template from this distribution:mkdir ~/environments cp ~/perl5/lib/perl5/auto/share/dist/App-Netdisco/environments/deployment.yml ~/environments chmod 600 ~/environments/deployment.yml Edit the file (""~/environments/deployment.yml"") and change the database connection parameters to match those for your local system (that is, the "name", "user" and "pass"). In the same file uncomment and edit the "domain_suffix" setting to be appropriate for your local site. Change the "community" string setting if your site has different values. Have a quick read of the other settings to make sure you're happy, then move on. See Configuration <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Configuration> for further details. InitialisationThe database either needs configuring if new, or updating from the current release of Netdisco (1.x). You also need vendor MAC address prefixes (OUI data) and some MIBs if you want to run the backend daemon. The following script will take care of all this for you:~/bin/netdisco-deploy If this is a new installation of Netdisco 2, answer yes to all questions. If you wish to deploy without Internet access, see the Deployment <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Install-Tips> documentation. StartupRun the following command to start the web-app server as a background process:~/bin/netdisco-web start The web app listens on port 5000 (for example "http://localhost:5000/" or "http://yourhost.example.com:5000/"). Run the following command to start the job control daemon (device polling, port control, etc): ~/bin/netdisco-backend start First RunAfter installing Netdisco for the first time, you must manually discover at least one device on your network. Choose a device which speaks CDP, FDP, or LLDP and knows about its neighbors; Netdisco will then start following this chain of neighbors to discover the rest of your network.Either go to the web interface and enter an IP or fully qualified domain name, OR perform the following step at the command line: ~/bin/netdisco-do discover -d {name or IP address of a switch or router} Further ReadingWe have several pages with tips for alternate deployment scenarios <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Install-Tips>, understanding and troubleshooting Netdisco <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Troubleshooting>, tips and tricks for specific platforms <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Vendor-Tips>, and all the configuration options <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Configuration>.You can also speak to someone in the "#netdisco@freenode" IRC channel, or on the community email list <https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/netdisco-users>. Before installing or upgrading please always review the latest Release Notes <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Release-Notes>. Upgrading from 2.xAlways review the latest Release Notes <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Release-Notes>. Then the process below should be run for each installation:# upgrade Netdisco ~/bin/localenv cpanm --notest App::Netdisco ln -sf ~/perl5/bin/{localenv,netdisco-*} ~/bin/ # apply database schema updates, update MIBs and Vendor MACs ~/bin/netdisco-deploy # restart web service (if you run it) ~/bin/netdisco-web restart # restart the backend workers (wherever you run them) ~/bin/netdisco-backend restart Furthermore, whenever you upgrade your Operating System, you must delete the "~/perl5" directory and re-run the following command, to update Netdisco's C library bindings: curl -L https://cpanmin.us/ | perl - --notest --local-lib ~/perl5 App::Netdisco Tips and TricksSearchingThe main black navigation bar has a search box which is smart enough to work out what you're looking for in most cases. For example device names, node IP or MAC addresses, VLAN numbers, and so on.Command-Line Device and Port ActionsMost significant Device jobs and Port actions, as well as several troubleshooting and housekeeping duties, can be performed at the command-line with the netdisco-do program. For example:~/bin/netdisco-do -D discover -d See the netdisco-do documentation for further details. Import TopologyNetdisco 1.x had support for a topology information file to fill in device port relations which could not be discovered. This is now stored in the database (and edited in the web interface). To import a legacy topology file, run:~/bin/localenv nd-import-topology /path/to/netdisco-topology.txt Database APIBundled with this distribution is a DBIx::Class layer for the Netdisco database. This abstracts away all the SQL into an elegant, re-usable OO interface. See the Developer <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Developing> documentation for further information.PluginsNetdisco includes a Plugin subsystem for customizing the web user interface and backend daemon. See Web Plugins <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Web-Plugins> and Backend Plugins <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Backend-Plugins> for further information.ExtensionsUsing the Plugins mechanism, it's also easy to write new commands (or actions) for Netdisco. For example, an action has been added to generate RANCID configuration.DevelopingLots of information about the architecture of this application is contained within the Developer <https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Developing> documentation.AUTHOROliver Gorwits <oliver@cpan.org>CONTRIBUTORSNetdisco was created at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), Networking and Technology Services (NTS) department. UCSC continues to support the development of Netdisco by providing development servers and beer.Original development by Max Baker, with significant contributions from Mark Boolootian and Jim Warner (through whose ideas Netdisco was born and shaped), Bill Fenner, Jeroen van Ingen, Eric Miller, Carlos Vicente, and Brian de Wolf. Other contributions (large and small) by Mike Hunter (UCB), Brian Wilson (NCSU), Bradley Baetz (bbaetz), David Temkin (sig.com), Edson Manners (FSU), Dmitry Sergienko (Trifle Co, .ua), Remo Rickli (PSI, Switzerland), Jean-Philippe Luiggi (sagem.com), A.L.M Buxey (Loughborough University, UK), Kevin Cheek (UMICH), John Bigrow (bnl.gov), George Pavel (llnl.gov), Charles Goldsmith (wokka.org), Douglas M. McKeown (saintmarys.edu), Revital Shvarzman (York U, Ontario), Walter Gould (Auburn U), Lindsay Druet and Colin Palmer (U of Waikato, Hamilton NZ), Dusty Hall (Auburn U), Jon Monroe (center pointe), Alexander Barthel, Bill Anderson, Alexander Hartmaier (t-systems.at), Justin Hunter (Arizona State U), Jethro Binks (U of Strathclyde, Glasgow), Jordi Guijarro (UAB.es), Sam Stickland (spacething.org), Stefan Radman (CTBTO.org), Clint Wise, Max Kosmach, Bernhard Augenstein and Nick Nauwelaerts (aquafin.be). We probably forgot some names - sorry about that :-(. Deep gratitude also goes to the authors and communities of all the other software that Netdisco is built upon. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2011-2019 by The Netdisco Developer Team.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Netdisco Project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NETDISCO DEVELOPER TEAM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.