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App::PFM::Application(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::Application(3) |
This is the PFM application class that holds the elements together that make up
the application: Screen, Browser, CommandHandler, JobHandler, History, Config,
OS and the State array.
- _init(string $argvzero, arrayref
- Initializes new instances. Called from the constructor. The arguments pass
the argv array, to be used at bootstrap time.
- _usage(bool $extended)
- Prints usage information for the user: commandline options and if extended
information is requested, the location of the .pfmrc file.
- _setlogin()
- Changes this shell into a login shell (starts a new session, and changes
the program name to "-pfm").
- _printversion()
- Prints version information.
- _copyright(float $delay)
- Prints a short copyright message. Called at startup.
- _bootstrap_commandline()
- Phase 1 of the bootstrap process: parse commandline arguments.
- _bootstrap_members( [ bool $silent ] )
- Phase 2 of the bootstrap process: instantiate member objects and parse
config file.
The silent argument suppresses output and may be used
for testing if the application bootstraps correctly.
- _bootstrap_event_hub()
- Phase 3 of the bootstrap process: register event listeners.
- _bootstrap_states()
- Phase 4 of the bootstrap process: initialize the S_* state
- _bootstrap_bookmarks()
- Phase 5 of the bootstrap process: reinitialize the bookmarks from the
bookmarks file.
- browser()
- Getter for the App::PFM::Browser object.
- commandhandler()
- Getter for the App::PFM::CommandHandler object.
- config()
- Getter for the App::PFM::Config object.
- history()
- Getter for the App::PFM::History object.
- jobhandler()
- Getter for the App::PFM::JobHandler object.
- os()
- Getter for the App::PFM::OS object.
- screen()
- Getter for the App::PFM::Screen object.
- state( [ string $statename [, App::PFM::State
$state ] ] )
- Getter/setter for the current App::PFM::State object. If a
statename is provided, it indicates which item from the state stack
is to be returned. statename defaults to S_MAIN (the main
The predefined constants S_MAIN, S_SWAP and
S_PREV can be used to refer to the main, swap and previous
- states()
- Getter for the hash of states.
- latest_version( [ string $version ] )
- Getter/setter for the variable that indicates the latest version on the
pfm website.
- bootstrapped()
- Getter/setter for the flag indicating that the application has been
bootstrapped. If the flag is set this way, the appropriate action
(bootstrap or shutdown) is invoked.
- swap_states(string $statename1, string
$statename2 )
- Swaps two state objects in the hash %_states.
- checkupdates()
- Starts the job for checking if there are new versions of the application
available for download.
- bootstrap( [ bool $silent ] )
- Initializes the application and instantiates the necessary member objects.
The silent argument suppresses output and may be used
for testing if the application bootstraps correctly.
- run(bool $autoshutdown)
- Runs the application. Calls bootstrap() first, if that has not been
done yet.
- shutdown( [ bool $silent ] )
- Called when pfm exits. Prints a goodbye message and restores the screen to
a usable state. Writes bookmarks and history if so configured. Destroys
member objects.
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