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App::PFM::CommandHandler(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation App::PFM::CommandHandler(3)


PFM Class for executing user commands.

_init(App::PFM::Application $pfm, App::PFM::Screen $screen, App::PFM::Config $config, App::PFM::OS $os, App::PFM::History $history)
Initializes new instances. Called from the constructor.
_helppage(int $pageno)
Returns the text for a specific help page.
_markednames(bool $do_quote)
Returns a list of names of marked files, used for expanding the =8 escape.
_expand_environment_vars(stringref $command)
Expands "$"variable by replacing them with the value of the corresponding environment variable. Names are supposed to contain just letters, digits and underscores.
_expand_tildes(stringref $command)
Expands ~ and ~username by replacing them with the user's homedirectory, as per the shell.
_expand_replace(bool $do_quote, char $escapechar [, string $name_no_extension, string $name, string $extension, string $target ] )
Does the actual escape expansion in commands and filenames for one occurrence of an escape sequence.

All escape types =0 .. =9 escapes plus =e, =E, =p and =v are recognized. See pfm(1) for more information about the meaning of these escapes.

_expand_34569_escapes(bool $apply_quoting, stringref $command)
Expands tildes and all occurrences of =3 .. =6, =9, and =e, =E, =p and =v escapes.
_expand_8_escapes(stringref $command)
Expands all occurrences of the =8 escape. This needs to be done separately, before individual files start to get unmarked.
_expand_escapes(bool $apply_quoting, stringref $command, App::PFM::File $file)
Expands tildes and all occurrences of all types of escapes except =8.
_expansion_modifier(string $name, string $mode, string $greedy, string $pattern)
Performs modifications (e.g. ={2#App::}) on an expanded string, like bash(1) does. See "ESCAPE MODIFIERS" in pfm.
Unmarks all the files if an =8 escape has been used.
_multi_to_single(string $filename)
Checks if the destination of a multifile operation is a single file (not allowed).

The destination is considered not to be a single file if it contains a =1 or =2 escape.

_followmode(App::PFM::File $file)
Fetches the mode of the file, or of the target if it is a symlink.
_comparefiles(mixed $file1, mixed $file2)
Shows the most important information for two files. Called just before a Unix command is about to ask "mv: overwrite 'destfile'?"

Either of the file1 and file2 arguments can be: a string containing a path to the file, or an App::PFM::File object.

_chase_processed_file(string $oldfilename, string $newfilename, boolean $to_dir)
Lets the cursor follow around in the current directory. If the file has been copied to the swap directory or to the previous directory, add it there. The flag to_dir indicates whether the newfilename was a directory before the file was processed.
_promptforboundarytime(char $key)
Prompts for entering a time determining which files should be included (marked) or excluded (unmarked).
_promptforboundarysize(char $key)
Prompts for entering a size determining which files should be included (marked) or excluded (unmarked).
_promptforwildfilename(char $key)
Prompts for entering a regular expression determining which files should be included (marked) or excluded (unmarked).
clobber_mode( [ bool $clobber_mode ] )
Getter/setter for the clobber mode, which determines if files will be overwritten without confirmation.
on_after_parse_config(App::PFM::Event $event)
Applies the config settings when the config file has been read and parsed.
Sorting routine: sorts digits < escape character < letters.
Handles unimplemented commands.
handle(App::PFM::Event $event)
Finds out how an event should be handled, and acts on it.
handlepan(App::PFM::Event $event, int $menu_mode)
Handles the pan keys < and >. This uses the MENU_ constants as defined in App::PFM::Screen::Frame.
handleprev(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles the previous command (F2).
handleswap(App::PFM::Event $event)
Swaps to an alternative directory (F7). Note that the change of main state is directly propagated to the browser by App::PFM::Application::swap_states() or App::PFM::Application::state().
handlerefresh(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles the command to refresh the current directory (F5).
handlewhiteout(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles the filtering of whiteout files (key %).
handlemultiple(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles multiple mode (F10).
handledot(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles the filtering of dotfiles (key .).
handlecolor(App::PFM::Event $event, bool $backward)
Cycles through color modes (F4), the flag indicates forward/backward direction.

Backward cycling is also possible by using Shift-F4.

handlemousemode(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles turning mouse mode on or off (F12).
handlelayouts(App::PFM::Event $event, bool $backward)
Cycles through configured layouts (F9), the flag indicates forward/backward direction.

Backward cycling is also possible by using Shift-F9.

handlefit(App::PFM::Event $event)
Recalculates the screen size and adjusts the layouts (F3).
handleident(App::PFM::Event $event)
Calls the diskinfo class to cycle through showing the username, hostname or both (key =).
handleclobber(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles between clobbering files automatically, or prompting before overwrite (key !.
handlepathmode(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles between logical and physical path mode (key ").
handleignoremode(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles between showing and hiding rcs ignored files (key ;). Currently only supported for Subversion.
handleradix(App::PFM::Event $event)
Toggles between octal and hexadecimal radix (key N), which is used for showing nonprintable characters in the Name command.
handlequit(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles the quit and quick Quit commands.
handleperlcommand(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles executing a Perl command (key @).
handlehelp(App::PFM::Event $event)
Shows a help page with an overview of commands (F1).
handleentry(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles entering or leaving a directory (left arrow, right arrow, ESC, BS, h, l (if on a directory), ENTER (if on a directory)).
handlemark(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles marking (including or excluding) a file (key SPACE, F8 or Shift-F8).

Space and F8 will mark the file, unless it was already marked (oldmarks and newmarks will be turned into marks).

Shift-F8 will unmark the file, unless it wasn't marked (oldmarks and newmarks will be removed).

Handles marking (in-/excluding) all files. The entries . and .. are exempt from this action.
Handles inverting all marks (Include - Invert or eXclude - Invert). The entries . and .. are exempt from this action.
handlekeyell(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles the lowercase l key: enter the directory or create a link.
handlerestat(App::PFM::Event $event)
Re-executes a stat() on the current (or marked) files (F11).
handlelink(App::PFM::Event $event)
Creates a hard or symbolic link (Link as uppercase L, or lowercase l if on a non-directory).
handlesinglesort(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles asking for user input and setting single-level sort mode.
handlesort(App::PFM::Event $event [, bool $multilevel ] )
Handles sorting the current directory (F6). The multilevel argument indicates if the user must be offered the possibility of entering a string of characters instead of just a single one.
handlecyclesort(App::PFM::Event $event)
Cycles through sort modes. Initiated by a mouse click on the 'Sort' footer region.
handlename(App::PFM::Event $event)
Shows all chacacters of the filename in a readable manner (Name).
handlefind(App::PFM::Event $event)
Prompts for a filename to find, then positions the cursor at that file. Find or key /.
Prompts for a filename to find, and positions the cursor while the name is typed (incremental find). Only applicable if the current sort_mode is by name (ascending or descending). Find or key /.
handleedit(App::PFM::Event $event)
Starts the editor for editing the current file(s) (Edit command).
handlechown(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles changing the owner of a file (User command).
handlechmod(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles changing the mode (permission bits) of a file (Attribute command).
handletime(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles changing the timestamp of a file (Time command).
handleshow(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles displaying the contents of a file (Show command).
handleunwo(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles removing a whiteout file (unWhiteout command).
handleversion(App::PFM::Event $event)
Checks if the current directory is under version control, and starts a job for the file if so (Version command).
handleinclude(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles including (marking) and excluding (unmarking) files (Include and eXclude commands).
handlesize(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles reporting the size of a file, or of a directory and subdirectories (siZe command).
handletarget(App::PFM::Event $event)
Changes the target of a symbolic link (tarGet command).
handlecommand(App::PFM::Event $event)
Executes a shell command (cOmmand and Your-command).
handleprint(App::PFM::Event $event)
Executes a print command (Pprint).
handledelete(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles deleting files (Delete command).
handlecopyrename(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles copying and renaming files (Copy and Rename).
handlemousedown(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles mouse clicks. Note that the mouse wheel has already been handled by the browser. This handles only the first three mouse buttons.
handlemousepathjump(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles a click in the directory path, and changes to this directory. The parameter event contains information about where the mouse was clicked (See App::PFM::Event).
handlemouseheadingsort(App::PFM::Event $event)
Sorts the directory contents according to the heading clicked.
handlemousemenucommand(App::PFM::Event $event)
Starts the menu command that was clicked on.
handlemousefootercommand(App::PFM::Event $event)
Starts the footer command that was clicked on.
handlemore(App::PFM::Event $event)
Shows the menu of More commands, and handles the user's choice.
handlemoreshow(App::PFM::Event $event)
Does a chdir() to any directory (More - Show).
handlemoremake(App::PFM::Event $event)
Makes a new directory (More - Make).
handlemoreconfig(App::PFM::Event $event)
Opens the current config file (.pfmrc) in the configured editor (More - Config).
handlemoreedit(App::PFM::Event $event, char $key)
Opens any file in the configured editor (More - Edit).
Starts the user's login shell (More - sHell).
handlemoreacl(App::PFM::Event $event)
Allows the user to edit the file's Access Control List (More - Acl).
handlemorebookmark(App::PFM::Event $event)
Creates a bookmark to the current directory (More - Bookmark).
handlemorefollow(App::PFM::Event $event)
Follow the current symlink to its target.
handlemorego(App::PFM::Event $event)
Shows a list of the current bookmarks, then offers the user a choice to jump to one of them (More - Go).
handlemoreredescend(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles returning one directory level downward through the directory tree (More - F2).
handlemorefifo(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles creating a FIFO (named pipe) (More - mkFifo).
Prompts the user to write the histories and the bookmarks to disk (More - Write-history/bookmarks).
Prompts the user to read the histories and the bookmarks from disk (More - Read-history/bookmarks).
Shows the alternate terminal screen (e.g. for viewing the output of a previous command) (More - alTscreen).
Shows the canonical pathname of the current directory (More - Physical).
Checks if the current directory is under version control, and starts a job for the current directory if so (More - Version).
handlemoreopenwindow(App::PFM::Event $event)
Opens a new terminal window running pfm.
handlemoremultisort(App::PFM::Event $event)
Handles asking for user input and setting multilevel sort mode.
handlemoresmartrefresh(App::PFM::Event $event)
Refreshes the current directory but keeps the marks.
handlemoreperlshell(App::PFM::Event $event)
Starts a 'perl shell' for debugging purposes.
handleenter(App::PFM::Event $event)
Enter a directory or launch a file (ENTER).
launchbyname(App::PFM::File $file)
Determines the MIME type of a file, using its magic (see file(1)).
launchbyxbit(App::PFM::File $file)
Returns an anonymous subroutine for executing the file if it is executable; otherwise, returns undef.
launchbymagic(App::PFM::File $file)
Determines the MIME type of a file, using its magic (see file(1)).
launchbyextension(App::PFM::File $file)
Determines the MIME type of a file by looking at its extension.
launchbymime(string $mime_type)
Returns an anonymous subroutine for executing the file according to the definition for its MIME type. If there is no such definition, reports an error and returns undef.

2014-04-09 perl v5.32.1

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