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App::PFM::Directory(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::Directory(3) |
PFM Directory class, containing the directory contents and the actions that can
be performed on them.
- _init(App::PFM::Application $pfm, App::PFM::Screen $screen,
App::PFM::Config $config, App::PFM::OS $os, App::PFM::JobHandler
$jobhandler, string $path)
- Initializes new instances. Called from the constructor.
- _clone(App::PFM::Directory $original [ , array @args ] )
- Performs one phase of the cloning process by cloning an existing
App::PFM::Directory instance.
- _install_event_handlers()
- Installs listeners for the events 'after_set_color_mode' (fired by
App::PFM::Screen) and 'after_change_formatlines' (fired by
App::PFM::Screen::Listing), that require reformatting of the File
- _by_sort_mode()
- Sorts two directory entries according to the selected sort mode. Dotdot
mode is taken into account.
- _sort_multilevel(string $sort_mode)
- Recursively sorts two directory entries according to the selected sort
mode string (multilevel).
- _sort_singlelevel(char $sort_mode)
- Sorts two directory entries according to the selected sort mode character
(one level).
- _init_filesystem_info()
- Determines the current filesystem usage and stores it in an internal
- _init_dircount()
- Initializes the total number of entries of each type in the current
directory by zeroing them out.
- _countcontents(array @entries)
- Counts the total number of entries of each type in the current
- _readcontents(bool $smart)
- Reads the entries in the current directory and performs a stat() on
If smart is false, the directory is read fresh. If
true, the directory is refreshed but the marks are retained.
- _sortcontents()
- Sorts the directory's contents according to the selected sort mode.
- _filtercontents()
- Filters the directory contents according to the filter modes (displays or
hides dotfiles and whiteouts).
- _catch_quit()
- Catches terminal quit signals (SIGQUIT).
- destroy()
- Unregisters our 'after_change_formatlines' and 'after_set_color_mode'
event listeners with the App::PFM::Screen and App::PFM::Screen::Listing
objects. This removes the references that they have to us, readying the
Directory object for garbage collection.
- path()
- Getter for the current directory path. Setting the current directory
should be done through App::PFM::Directory::chdir() or
- dircontents( [ arrayref $dircontents ] )
- Getter/setter for the $_dircontents member
variable, which points to the complete array of files in the
- showncontents( [ arrayref $showncontents ] )
- Getter/setter for the $_showncontents member
variable, which points to the array of the files shown on-screen.
- total_nr_of()
- Getter for the hash which keeps track of how many directory entities of
each type there are.
- marked_nr_of()
- Getter for the hash which keeps track of how many directory entities of
each type have been marked.
- disk()
- Getter for the hash which keeps track of filesystem information: usage,
mountpoint and device.
- mountpoint( [ string $mountpoint ] )
- Getter/setter for the mountpoint on which the current directory is
- device( [ string $device ] )
- Getter/setter for the device on which the current directory is
- path_mode( [ string $path_mode ] )
- Getter/setter for the path mode setting ('phys' or 'log')
- ignore_mode( [ bool $ignore_mode ] )
- Getter/setter for the ignore mode setting.
- prepare( [ string $path ] )
- Prepares the contents of this directory object. Can be used if this state
should not be displayed on-screen right away.
- chdir(string $nextdir [, string $direction [, bool $no_save_prev ] ]
- Tries to change the current working directory, if necessary using
CDPATH. If successful, it stores the previous state in
App::PFM::Application->_states and executes the 'chdirautocmd' from the
.pfmrc file.
The direction argument can be 'up' (when changing to a
parent directory), 'down' (when descending into a directory) or empty
(when making a jump) and will determine where the cursor will be
positioned in the new directory (at the previous directory when moving
up, at '..' when descending, and at '.' when making a jump).
The no_save_prev argument can be used to indicate that
the current state should not be saved to the "previous" state
(F2 command).
- addifabsent(hashref { entry => string $filename, white => char
$iswhite, mark => char $mark, refresh => bool $refresh } )
- Checks if the file is not yet in the directory. If not, add()s
- add(hashref { entry => string $filename, white => char $iswhite,
mark => char $mark, refresh => bool $refresh } )
- Adds the entry as file to the directory. Also calls
- register(App::PFM::File $file)
- Adds the file to the internal (total and marked) counters.
- unregister(App::PFM::File $file)
- Removes the file from the internal (total and marked) counters.
- include(App::PFM::File $file)
- Marks a file. Updates the internal (marked) counters.
- exclude(App::PFM::File $file [, char $to_mark ] )
- Removes a file's mark, or replaces it with to_mark. Updates the
internal (marked) counters.
- register_include(App::PFM::File $file)
- Adds a file to the counters of marked files.
- register_exclude(App::PFM::File $file)
- Removes a file from the counters of marked files.
- ls()
- Used for debugging.
- set_dirty(int $flag_bits)
- Flags that this directory needs to be updated. The D_* constants
(see below) may be used to specify which aspect.
- unset_dirty(int $flag_bits)
- Removes the flag that this directory needs to be updated. The D_*
constants (see below) may be used to specify which aspect.
- refresh()
- Refreshes the aspects of the directory that have been flagged as
- checkrcsapplicable( [ string $path ] )
- Checks if any rcs jobs are applicable for this directory, and starts
- stop_any_rcsjob()
- Stop an rcsjob, if it is running. Returns a boolean indicating if one was
- preparercscol( [ App::PFM::File $file ] )
- Prepares the 'Version' field in the directory contents by clearing it. If
a file argument is provided, then only process this file;
otherwise, process this entire directory.
- reformat()
- Adjusts the visual representation of the directory contents according to
the new layout.
- dirlookup(string $filename, array @dircontents)
- Finds a directory entry by name and returns its index. Used by
- apply(coderef $do_this, App::PFM::Event $event, array @args)
- In single file mode: applies the supplied function to the current file, as
passed in $event->{currentfile}. In multiple file
mode: applies the supplied function to all marked files in the current
Special flags can be passed in
If the apply flags contain 'delete', the directory is
processed in reverse order. This is important when deleting files.
If the apply flags do not contain 'nofeedback', the filename
of the file being processed will be displayed on the second line of the
This package provides the D_* constants which indicate which aspects of
the directory object need to be refreshed. They can be imported with
"use App::PFM::Directory qw(:constants)".
- The directory contents should be filtered again.
- The directory contents should be sorted again.
- The directory contents should be updated from disk.
- Convenience alias for a combination of all of the above.
- The current directory was changed, therefore, filesystem usage information
should be updated from disk.
- Convenience alias for a combination of all of the above.
A refresh need for an aspect of the directory may be flagged by
providing one or more of these constants to set_dirty(),
The actual refresh will be performed on calling:
This will also reset the flags.
In addition, this package provides the M_* constants which
indicate which characters are to be used for mark, oldmark and newmark. They
can be imported with "use App::PFM::Directory
- The character used for marked files.
- The character used for an oldmark (when a file has been operated on in
multiple mode).
- The character used for a newmark (when a file has newly been created in
multiple mode).
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