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App::PFM::History(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::History(3) |
PFM History class. Reads and writes history files, holds the histories in
memory, and coordinates how Term::ReadLine handles them.
- _init(App::PFM::Application $pfm, App::PFM::Screen
$screen, App::PFM::Config
- Initializes this instance by instantiating a Term::ReadLine object. Called
from the constructor.
- _set_term_history(array @histlines)
- Uses the history list to initialize the input history in Term::ReadLine.
This fails silently if our current variant of Term::ReadLine doesn't
support the setHistory() method.
- _set_input_mode(string $history)
- Applies specific ReadLine library settings, based on the selection of
history, which is one of the H_* constants as defined by
- _h_path_completion(string $text, string
$line, int $start, int
- Attempts to complete the path that the user is entering. Any ~
character at the beginning is a candidate for username completion.
- _h_command_completion(string $text, string
$line , int $start, int
- Attempts to complete the command that the user is entering.
- _h_usergroup_completion(string $text, string
$line , int $start, int
- Attempts to complete the command that the user is entering.
- _user_completion(string $text, int
$rlstate, bool $tilde)
- Returns one entry of the list of usernames that match the given partial
username. The flag tilde indicates if we are doing path expansion
(which requires tildes) or bare username expansion.
- _get_user_possibilities(string $partial_user, int
- Finds the list of usernames that match the given partial username.
- _group_completion(string $text, int
- Returns one entry of the list of groupnames that match the given partial
- _get_group_possibilities(string $partial_group, int
- Finds the list of groupnames that match the given partial groupname.
- _command_completion(string $partial_command, int
- Returns one entry of the list of commands that match the given partial
- _get_command_possibilities(string $text, int
- Finds the list of commands that match the given partial command.
- _directory_expander(string $path)
- Replaces =5/ and =9/ at the beginning of a path string with
the actual swap path or previous path.
- terminal()
- Getter for the Term::ReadLine object.
- features()
- Getter for the ReadLine list of features.
- read()
- Reads the histories from the files in the config directory.
- write( [ bool $finishing ] )
- Writes the histories to files in the config directory. The argument
finishing is used when shutting down pfm and indicates that the
final message should be shown without delay.
- write_dirs()
- Writes the current directory and swap directory to files in the config
- input(hashref { history => string $history [, prompt
=> string $prompt ] [, default_input => string
$default_input ] [, history_input => string
$history_input ] [, pushfilter => string
$pushfilter ] } )
- Displays prompt and prompts for input from the keyboard. The
parameter history selects the history list to use and may use the
H_* constants as defined by App::PFM::History. The string
default_input is offered, while the string history_input is
offered as the most-recent history item. If the user's input is not equal
to pushfilter, the input is pushed onto the appropriate history
- setornaments(string $colorstring)
- Determines from the config file settings which ornaments (bold, italic,
underline) should be used for the command prompt, then instructs
Term::ReadLine to use these.
- handleresize()
- Tells the readline library that the screen size has changed.
- on_after_parse_config(App::PFM::Event $event)
- Applies the config settings when the config file has been read and
- on_shutdown()
- Called when the application is shutting down. Writes history and
directories to files under ~/.pfm.
This package provides the H_* constants which indicate the different
types of input histories. They can be imported with "use
App::PFM::History qw(:constants)".
- The history of shell commands entered, e.g. for
- The history of file modes (permission bits).
- The history of file- and directory paths entered, e.g. entered for
the More - Show command.
- The history of regular expressions entered.
- The history of times entered, e.g. for the Time
- The history of user/group names entered for the User command.
- The history of Perl commands entered for the @ command.
An input line may be stored in one of the histories by providing
one of these constants to input() e.g.
$self->input({ history => H_PATH });
pfm(1), Term::ReadLine(3pm).
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