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App::PFM::OS::Abstract(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::OS::Abstract(3) |
Abstract PFM OS class for defining a common interface to platform-independent
access to OS commands.
- _init(App::PFM::Config $config)
- Initializes new instances by storing the config object and initializing
some member variables. Called from the constructor.
- _init_tool_commands()
- Finds out which commands should be used for listing and deleting
whiteouts, and for testing the presence of an ACL. Called from
- _df_unwrap(array @lines)
- Filesystem info as output by df(1) may wrap onto a second line.
Concatenate those lines.
- AUTOLOAD( [ args... ] )
- Starts the corresponding OS command.
- rdev_to_major_minor(int $rdev)
- Splits the st_rdev field of a stat structure (see
stat(2)). Returns an array of two values: the major and minor
- ifmt2str(int $mode)
- Translates the S_IFMT bits of the mode field of a stat(2) structure
to a character indicating the inode type.
Possible inode types are:
0000 000000 unused inode
1000 S_IFIFO p| 010000 fifo (named pipe)
2000 S_IFCHR c 020000 character special
3000 S_IFMPC 030000 multiplexed character special (V7)
4000 S_IFDIR d/ 040000 directory
5000 S_IFNAM 050000 named special file (XENIX) with two sub-
types, distinguished by st_rdev values 1,2:
0001 S_INSEM s 000001 semaphore
0002 S_INSHD m 000002 shared data
6000 S_IFBLK b 060000 block special
7000 S_IFMPB 070000 multiplexed block special (V7)
8000 S_IFREG - 100000 regular file
9000 S_IFCNT C 110000 contiguous file
9000 S_IFNWK n 110000 network special (HP-UX)
a000 S_IFLNK l@ 120000 symbolic link
b000 S_IFSHAD 130000 Solaris ACL shadow inode,
not seen by userspace
c000 S_IFSOCK s= 140000 socket AF_UNIX
d000 S_IFDOOR D> 150000 door (Solaris)
e000 S_IFWHT w% 160000 whiteout (BSD)
e000 S_IFPORT P 160000 event port (Solaris)
f000 S_IFEVC 170000 UNOS event count
- mode2str(char $sugid, char $user, char $group, char $others)
- Determines the symbolic representation of permission digits.
- aclget_to_file(string $path)
- Gets a file's Access Control List into a temporary file and returns its
- aclput_from_file(string $path, string $aclfilename)
- Sets a file's Access Control List from the data in a temporary file.
Removes the temporary file afterwards.
- acledit_via_file(string $aclfilename)
- Allows the user to edit a temporary file containing an Access Control List
- system( [ args... ] )
- Starts the OS command provided. Output goes to the terminal.
- backtick( [ args... ] )
- Starts the OS command provided. Output is returned as an array.
- unwo(string $file)
- Platform-independent method for removing the whiteout file with the
provided name.
- listwhite(string $path)
- Platform-independent method for listing whiteout files.
- df(string $path)
- Platform-independent method for requesting filesystem info using
- du(string $path)
- Platform-independent method for requesting file space usage info using
- hasacl(string $path)
- Returns a boolean value indicating if the current file has an acl.
- aclget(string $path)
- Stub method for getting a file's Access Control List.
- aclput(string $path, string $aclfilename)
- Stub method for setting a file's Access Control List.
- acledit(string $path)
- Platform-independent method for editing Access Control Lists.
pfm(1), App::PFM::OS(3pm).
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.