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App::PFM::OS::Abstract(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation App::PFM::OS::Abstract(3)


Abstract PFM OS class for defining a common interface to platform-independent access to OS commands.

_init(App::PFM::Config $config)
Initializes new instances by storing the config object and initializing some member variables. Called from the constructor.
Finds out which commands should be used for listing and deleting whiteouts, and for testing the presence of an ACL. Called from _init().
_df_unwrap(array @lines)
Filesystem info as output by df(1) may wrap onto a second line. Concatenate those lines.
AUTOLOAD( [ args... ] )
Starts the corresponding OS command.
rdev_to_major_minor(int $rdev)
Splits the st_rdev field of a stat structure (see stat(2)). Returns an array of two values: the major and minor number.
ifmt2str(int $mode)
Translates the S_IFMT bits of the mode field of a stat(2) structure to a character indicating the inode type.

Possible inode types are:

 0000                000000  unused inode
 1000  S_IFIFO   p|  010000  fifo (named pipe)
 2000  S_IFCHR   c   020000  character special
 3000  S_IFMPC       030000  multiplexed character special (V7)
 4000  S_IFDIR   d/  040000  directory
 5000  S_IFNAM       050000  named special file (XENIX) with two sub-
                             types, distinguished by st_rdev values 1,2:
 0001  S_INSEM   s   000001    semaphore
 0002  S_INSHD   m   000002    shared data
 6000  S_IFBLK   b   060000  block special
 7000  S_IFMPB       070000  multiplexed block special (V7)
 8000  S_IFREG   -   100000  regular file
 9000  S_IFCNT   C   110000  contiguous file
 9000  S_IFNWK   n   110000  network special (HP-UX)
 a000  S_IFLNK   l@  120000  symbolic link
 b000  S_IFSHAD      130000  Solaris ACL shadow inode,
                             not seen by userspace
 c000  S_IFSOCK  s=  140000  socket AF_UNIX
 d000  S_IFDOOR  D>  150000  door (Solaris)
 e000  S_IFWHT   w%  160000  whiteout (BSD)
 e000  S_IFPORT  P   160000  event port (Solaris)
 f000  S_IFEVC       170000  UNOS event count
mode2str(char $sugid, char $user, char $group, char $others)
Determines the symbolic representation of permission digits.
aclget_to_file(string $path)
Gets a file's Access Control List into a temporary file and returns its filename.
aclput_from_file(string $path, string $aclfilename)
Sets a file's Access Control List from the data in a temporary file. Removes the temporary file afterwards.
acledit_via_file(string $aclfilename)
Allows the user to edit a temporary file containing an Access Control List description.
system( [ args... ] )
Starts the OS command provided. Output goes to the terminal.
backtick( [ args... ] )
Starts the OS command provided. Output is returned as an array.
unwo(string $file)
Platform-independent method for removing the whiteout file with the provided name.
listwhite(string $path)
Platform-independent method for listing whiteout files.
df(string $path)
Platform-independent method for requesting filesystem info using df(1).
du(string $path)
Platform-independent method for requesting file space usage info using du(1).
hasacl(string $path)
Returns a boolean value indicating if the current file has an acl.
aclget(string $path)
Stub method for getting a file's Access Control List.
aclput(string $path, string $aclfilename)
Stub method for setting a file's Access Control List.
acledit(string $path)
Platform-independent method for editing Access Control Lists.

pfm(1), App::PFM::OS(3pm).
2014-04-09 perl v5.32.1

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