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App::PFM::Screen::Diskinfo(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::Screen::Diskinfo(3) |
PFM class for displaying disk usage information, directory information, a count
of marked files, identity and clock.
- _init(App::PFM::Application $pfm, App::PFM::Screen $screen [,
App::PFM::Config $config ] )
- Initializes new instances. Called from the constructor.
Note that at the time of instantiation, the config file has
normally not yet been read.
- _str_informatted(string $info)
- _data_informatted(int $data, string $info)
- Formats lines for printing in the diskinfo area.
- _initident()
- Figures out the current username, hostname, and ttyname.
- infocol( [ int $column ] )
- Getter/setter for the infocol variable, that controls in which terminal
column the diskinfo area starts.
- infolength( [ int $infolength ] )
- Getter/setter for the infolength variable, that indicates the width of the
diskinfo area, in characters.
- ident_mode( [ int $ident_mode ] )
- Getter/setter for the ident_mode variable, which controls whether to
display just the username, just the hostname or both.
- setident()
- Translates the ident mode to the symbolic ident strings displayed on
- select_next_ident()
- Cycles through showing any two of username, hostname or ttyname.
- line_dateinfo()
- Returns LINE_DATEINFO, incremented by one if the ident field is extended
because the screen has enough rows.
- extended_userinfo()
- Returns if the screen has enough rows to allow for an extended ident
- extended_dateinfo()
- Returns if the screen has enough rows to allow for an extended datetime
- on_after_parse_config(App::PFM::Event $event)
- Applies the config settings when the config file has been read and
- show()
- Displays the entire diskinfo column.
- clearcolumn()
- Clears the entire diskinfo column.
- user_info()
- Displays the hostname, username, ttyname or a combination, as defined by
- disk_info()
- Displays the filesystem usage.
- dir_info()
- Displays the number of directory entries of different types.
- mark_info()
- Displays the number of directory entries that have been marked.
- clock_info()
- Displays the clock in the diskinfo column.
This package provides the several constants defining screen line numbers for
blocks of information. They can be imported with "use
App::PFM::Screen::Frame qw(:constants)".
- The screenline of the start of the disk info block.
- The screenline of the start of the directory info block.
- The screenline of the start of the marked file info block.
- The screenline of the start of the ident information.
- The screenline of the start of the date/time block.
pfm(1), App::PFM::Screen(3pm).
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