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App::PFM::Screen::Listing(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
App::PFM::Screen::Listing(3) |
PFM class for displaying an App::PFM::Directory object on the screen.
- _init(App::PFM::Application $pfm, App::PFM::Screen $screen [,
App::PFM::Config $config ] )
- Initializes new instances. Called from the constructor.
Note that at the time of instantiation, the config file has
normally not yet been read.
- _validate_layoutnum(int $layoutnr)
- Checks if the layout number does not exceed the total number of
- _highlightline(bool $onoff [, int $currentline, App::PFM::File
$currentfile ] )
- Turns highlight on/off on the line with the cursor.
- layout( [ int $layoutnr ] )
- Getter/setter for the current layout number. If this is called to set the
current layout, it will do all the necessary changes.
- bookmarkpathcol( [ int $column ] )
- Getter for the column of the bookmark path in the current layout. This is
normally the same as the filerecordcol, except when the diskinfo is
on the left side of the screen, in which case filerecordcol
includes the gap, and bookmarkpathcol does not.
- cursorcol( [ int $column ] )
- Getter/setter for the column of the cursor in the current layout.
- filerecordcol( [ int $column ] )
- Getter/setter for the column where the file record starts in the current
layout. This is normally the same as the bookmarkpathcol, except
when the diskinfo is on the left side of the screen, in which case
filerecordcol includes the gap, and bookmarkpathcol does
- filenamecol( [ int $column ] )
- Getter/setter for the column where the filename starts in the current
- layoutfields( [ string $layoutfield1, ... ] )
- Getter/setter for the array with layout fields.
- layoutfieldswithinfo( [ string $layoutfield1, ... ] )
- Getter/setter for the array with layout fields, with the diskinfo field
- currentlayoutline()
- Getter for the string defining the layout of a file record.
- currentformatline( [ string $formatline ] )
- Getter/setter for the string defining the format of a file record.
- currentformatlinewithinfo( [ string $formatline ] )
- Getter/setter for the string defining the format of a file record, with
the diskinfo field included.
- maxfilenamelength( [ int $fieldlength ] )
- Getter/setter for the length of the filename field in the current
- maxfilesizelength( [ int $fieldlength ] )
- Getter/setter for the length of the filesize field in the current
- maxgrandtotallength( [ int $fieldlength ] )
- Getter/setter for the length of the 'siZe' (grand total) field in the
current layout.
- on_after_parse_config(App::PFM::Event $event)
- Applies the config settings when the config file has been read and
- highlight_off( [ int $currentline, App::PFM::File $currentfile ] )
- highlight_on( [ int $currentline, App::PFM::File $currentfile ] )
- Turns highlight on/off on the line with the cursor.
- select_next_layout(bool $direction)
- Switch the directory listing to the next configured layout. If
direction is true, cycle forward; else backward.
- show()
- Displays the directory listing.
- applycolor(int $line, bool $usemax, App::PFM::File $file [, bool
$highlight ] )
- Applies color to the provided file at the provided screenline. The
usemax parameter indicates if the name should be shown entirely
(true) or just the width of the filename field (false). The
highlight parameter indicates if the line is currently highlighted.
For the filename to become highlighted, the config option 'highlightname'
must be 'yes' as well.
- fileline(App::PFM::File $file)
- Formats the current file data according to the current layoutfields.
- get_first_valid_layout()
- Gets the first layout (counting starts at the current one) that meets all
the requirements, which are:
- The fields n (filename), f (diskinfo) and *
(cursor/mark) are mandatory.
- The f field (diskinfo) must be the first or the last field on the
- makeformatlines()
- Parses the current layout line and transforms it to a perl-style
formatline which can be used with the formline() function.
- markcurrentline(string $letter)
- Shows the current command letter on the current file in the cursor
pfm(1), App::PFM::Screen(3pm).
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